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A basic question

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A basic question

Post by Halitopen »

Dear Prof.Finkelstein
According to your theory, Tonsils are places for anaerobic bacteria to breed and become over populate in the mouth environment. Why all bad breath sufferers don’t have same anaerobic bacteria while there are same source in almost all halitosis sufferers?
I mean why there is a difference in the kind of anearobic bacteria in halitosis sufferers? All bad breath sufferers don’t have same VSC causing bacteria!

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Breeding bactera and tonsils

Post by Finkels »

Daer Halitopen,
Only part of the subjects having their tonsils are suffering from chronic fetid tonsillitis, while others do not suffer from any kind of tonsillitis at all. It means that there are probably differences regarding the Ph and other components such as various proteins and antibodies that make the difference. Therefore it is logic that in different conditions different bacteria are breeding.
Professor Yehuda Finkelstein, MD, MA.
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