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All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:37 pm
by HopefulOne
Well guys I can FINALLY say after over 40 years....I am all day fresh!! I knew that my smell was due to an overrun of bad bacteria in my mouth, so I knew I had to clear it, disinfect, and make my mouth uninhabitable for repopulation.

To clear it, I floss my teeth three times per day with dental tape (not floss which is thinner) and the turning point for me was flossing between my last back teeth and the gum. It was tight and I had to force the floss in the space. It was painful and my teeth bled but there was a lot of smelly bacteria. After a week the pain went away. Floss between EVERY tooth and smell the floss...if it stinks, keep flossing the same area until there is no smell. Use a clean piece of floss for every space!!!

To disinfect I brush my teeth with Colgate Total. After experimenting with bleach, chlorhexedrine, cetylperidine, I've found the triclosan in Colgate total works best for me.

After brushing, I make a paste of baking soda, two drops oregano oil and two drops of thyme oil (you may not need oil experiment what works best for you) and a little water. I smear the mixture all over my tongue and let it sit while I wash my face. At night, I add sea salt to the mixture. After washing my face, I take my ora brush and brush my tongue reaching all the way to the back. I keep brushing until my tongue is pink. (I have very little to brush off now) I then add water to the remaining mixture, stir and gargle until all gone. The baking soda keeps your mouth alkaline an environment the bad bacteria cant survive in. It also neutralizes the acids produced by the bacteria (this is what gives our mouth the sour vinegary smell) Baking soda may make your mouth taste fishy at first but don't stop...the fishy taste will go away. This comes from the baking soda interacting with a lot of bacteria.

Do the above three times per day if you can. If you can't in the middle of the day, at least try to swish with baking soda water after eating.

To stop the bacteria from repopulating, STOP all sugar dairy and carbs at least until you get back to normal. The bad bacteria feeds off of this and will grow back. It's like adding gasoline to the fire. You have to starve the bacteria. This is why many of us brush and have a tongue coat within 30mins to an hour. Don't feed the bacteria!!!

I have been doing the above for the past six weeks and I have no tongue coat, fresh breath all day ( unless I'm very hungry) and very little morning breath. My tongue is pink even in the morning. I have had a tongue coating all my life!!! Again my turning point was flossing the very back teeth. Even my dental hygienist missed those spaces.

Be persistent, it may take a week or two before you see results and please no carbs and sugar. Snack on nuts. I eat meat, nuts, green veggies and oranges. My breath is neutral after eating for the first time in my life!!!

Good luck to all!!

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:45 pm
by HopefulOne
And please. NO gum and/or mints!!!! They feed the bacteria

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:34 pm
by fog
Nice and thanks for sharing your results.

About how much baking soda do you use?
And how do you test your breath?

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:56 pm
by Dizzy Mack
Isn't baking soda very abrasive and may cause a rougher or hairy tongue?

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:35 pm
by HopefulOne
I use about a tablespoon of baking soda and a half teaspoon of salt. Contrary to popular belief, I can smell my own breath plus my mouth has a bad taste when my breath is funky. My tongue has a white coat and when I lick my wrist it smells like vinegar and feces. I also use the spoon test. I work with children and I've been talking directly in their little faces with NO comments and/or scrunch noses. My dental floss use to stink and now it doesn't plus no bleeding.

Now I have no tongue coat and the lick test comes up neutral. Normally when I eat, my mouth will smell and taste like food until I brush. Now it goes back to neutral because I'm not feeding the bacteria.

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:38 pm
by HopefulOne
Baking soda has not harmed my mouth at all. I'm not brushing my teeth with it (although I use to) My teeth look better than they ever have and they feel like that dentist clean smooth everyday. I have NO plaque.

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 5:08 pm
by Ana

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:44 am
by WhiteCat
I am so happy for you :)

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:27 am
by angst-ridden
I can't stand the taste of baking soda.It tastes bitter to me. How long do you let it sit on your tongue?

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:05 pm
by HopefulOne
I let the baking soda sit for about 30 - 45 seconds. It doesn't taste the greatest but it definitely freshens the breath. Last weekend I decided to cook chili and cornbread (carbs). I ate it for two days. I noticed my breath was not as fresh and when I flossed one of my teeth I smelled a small odor. So I learned my lessons, no more carbs for me until the bad bacteria is ALL gone!!

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:10 pm
by HopefulOne
Thanks guys!!! Finally after 40 years of stench, I can live. I've had bad breath since the age of 12 and I'm now in my 50's. You guys please dump the carbs and sugar. Keep your mouth alkaline and you won't stink. Our saliva contains bicarbonate just like baking soda to neutralize the acids in our mouths. What if our saliva (for some) is missing this key ingredient. Read up on oral bacteria and alkalinity. Acid gives your mouth the stinky sour vinegar smell. Dump the chips and sodas!! Stop feeding the bacteria. This is why the metro and other antibiotics only work for a little while because we keep feeding the bacteria.

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:48 am
by Ricky
Hello hopefulone

How are you?

So you no longer get any reactions from people?

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:00 pm
by HopefulOne

No reactions, no sour taste, no tongue coating, no smell on the lick test, no rude comments....I'm clear :D

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:05 pm
by Summerside
HopefulOne wrote:Hello,

No reactions, no sour taste, no tongue coating, no smell on the lick test, no rude comments....I'm clear :D
Wow, great post, you must be so happy.
I too try to stick to the diet. Its hard and I am already so skinny
Bleech and diet seem to be working for me

Re: All Day Fresh!!! Finally!!

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:38 pm
by Ricky
Hello fhopefulone

In your method, you wont be able to avoid swallowing some of the baking soda and salt right? Wouldn't that be bad if we consume to much salt?