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Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

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Jimi Stein
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Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Jimi Stein »

I have experimented with some stuff for past few months and what I have to say is diet is the best reducer of bad breath.
From my experience our liver is not detoxing our bodies sufficiently....That is why the stuff gets to our throat etc....
If the liver is capable to detox....we would not have bad breath.

My main suspect is liver.....
So the best sustainable diet from my opinion is NO FAT VEGAN DIET.
Read about Mcdougall diet.

You get similar effect than with RAW FOOD but it is easier to thrive on it.
RAW FOOD diet is not achievable. It is too hard. Every raw foodist turned to vegan few years later....

THe clue is to eat have to cook stuff yourself, and eat predominately starches....veggies and much as you want to.....
BUT NO OIL....that is the key....this will detox your liver....for some reason our bodies cant detox oil....and that is making out liver not efficient enough. So no frying in oil, no salad dressing with olive oil coconut oil etc....NONE!!!

You should try it....You will feel your liver detox like the small stones moving inside...or liver ducts opening up...dunno what is happening...but your body will manage better to reduce bad breath.

Try it and lets test works really is proven method that is easy to live on....
It is possible your bad breath will disappear....on raw diet it almost did, but I could not stay on was too hard.....

So this is the second best choice....People try this it will work. This might be our best bet to get rid of bad breath....

But you should stick on it for few months....maybe this is the total cure....
I am pretty sure this will reduce bad breath to 80 % so you can have better life and people will be more comfortable around you....

This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by StillHoping »

thanks for the update Jimi! how do you maintain energy/ stay satiated on this diet? I tried alkaline diet once and I don't think I was even able to last up to 3 days lol.

But I definitely agree with you that its all about diet. My theory is that something in us was wiped out - maybe through antibiotics or something- and now our body isn't able to process food normally like normal people. Even low fodmap gave me improvements for sure. I saw another post on here about "hypermethioninemia", which apparently is related to liver disease and also causes bad breath. I wonder if this is what we all have. Supposedly the way to manage it is to cut out protein and take Vit B6.

I want to experiment with your diet tips but the problem for me is being consistent and sticking to it. Can you provide some examples of what your diet looks like right now? What do you typically eat in a day? And how quick did you notice improvements after starting the Mcdougall diet? thank you
2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
Jimi Stein
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Jimi Stein »

get an instant pot and start can cook there without oil...
so you eat rice, pasta, potatoes, lentils, much as you want plus add can cook soups in the instant tastes good
get Mcdougall's book or check youtube for will also lose weight if you are fat....
it is so much easier than a raw diet....
I see with myself...when I stop eating any fat, like oils etc...even chocolate....your liver starts working the stones are being dislodged or something.....and then you can feel the bad taste in your mouth disappearing....
the BAD BREATH CULPRIT is FAT for some reason.....if you are on clean vegan diet....of no animal products...
many people here tried the RAW diet, this is piece of cake compared to that one
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by StillHoping »

Jimi Stein wrote: Sat Aug 28, 2021 8:37 pm get an instant pot and start can cook there without oil...
so you eat rice, pasta, potatoes, lentils, much as you want plus add can cook soups in the instant tastes good
get Mcdougall's book or check youtube for will also lose weight if you are fat....
it is so much easier than a raw diet....
I see with myself...when I stop eating any fat, like oils etc...even chocolate....your liver starts working the stones are being dislodged or something.....and then you can feel the bad taste in your mouth disappearing....
the BAD BREATH CULPRIT is FAT for some reason.....
many people here tried the RAW diet, this is piece of cake compared to that one
ok, i'm definitely going to try this out. Thanks Jimi!
2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
Worst breath
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Worst breath »

Hey Jimi did u hv nasal fecal breath nd if u did,did it dissapear after doing this method?
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by KL123 »

fcuk it, if we have enough money, why not go to Turkey, South Africa or anywhere reasonable place outside the U.S., and have a liver transplant done? Put in a healthy liver and be done with it. No?

I am all up for it if there is scientific research and evidence behind it?
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Beenhereforeva »

It’s definitely about diet. Im sure by now you all read about the gene mutation SELENDP1 that was found in bad breath patients. Although it says there is no cure, EVERY ARTICLE says patients can reduce their malodor through dietary measure. WHAT DIETARY MEASURES? Since it says our bodies cannot break down a certain enzyme during food digestion, we now KNOW we have an MTO deficiency. So, do we try digestive enzymes? I tried that before and it temporarily worked but if we keep infecting ourselves every time we eat , it will come back. I am emailing the researchers who discovered this in NATURAL GENETICS to see what foods we are supposed to avoid. I went low carb and that seemed to help for a while too. Since that gene we all have keeps mutating, eventually it comes back. I will rwport back once the researchers reply. Hopefully they do! WE ARE ONTO SOMETHING HERE! 🙌🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Beenhereforeva »

Here is one of the many articles with our answers! But look at the last paragraph- again it says no curr but we can resuce the bad breath with dietary measures. What measures is the question. 😩😩 ... bad-breath
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Ghana3 »

Beenhereforeva wrote: Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:39 pm Here is one of the many articles with our answers! But look at the last paragraph- again it says no curr but we can resuce the bad breath with dietary measures. What measures is the question. 😩😩 ... bad-breath
That studies mention those who suffer from SELENBP1, have you been tested for it?
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Beenhereforeva »

No. There isn’t a test available I believe, only for research and studies that will hopefully lead to a cure in the future.
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Beenhereforeva »

I have reached out to the scientist who discovered this genetic halitosis. It might help if you do too. He said he started this research in the first plce because many families contacted him for help. He may be able to tell us the foods we need to avoid in order not to activate this gene mutation or develop an enzyme that breaks down the malodor compounds.
[email protected]
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by KL123 »

Beenhereforeva wrote: Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:09 pm I have reached out to the scientist who discovered this genetic halitosis. It might help if you do too. He said he started this research in the first plce because many families contacted him for help. He may be able to tell us the foods we need to avoid in order not to activate this gene mutation or develop an enzyme that breaks down the malodor compounds.
[email protected]

That sumbitch has already retired. His fellow is still working but does not care to reply anymore as I am sure he is sick n tired of getting the same kinda email 20 million times a day.

He; however, did reply to one of the users here.

The way it works is, you will check in with one of the designated dentists in Holland. They will first perform their sh!t on you to see if they can fix it (which they obviously won't but happily take your money)? If not, they will then refer you to this research study at Radboud University where you will be tested for SelenBP1, that test costs around £700.00
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Beenhereforeva »

Wow! But what are the dietary measures they mention in the study that can help reduce the smell??
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by KL123 »

Beenhereforeva wrote: Fri Sep 03, 2021 6:30 pm Wow! But what are the dietary measures they mention in the study that can help reduce the smell??
It may help at a very minute level that may be negligible, but I guess the only good thing about having this test done is, if it comes back positive, you will know for sure what lane are you travelling into. You will know your direction, and perhaps you won't open your wallet to any and every new scam that hits the market with a promise to cure chronic halitosis. Because we all know, if the problem is genetic, then it means, EVERY SINGLE CELL in your body has the issue deeply rooted into it, and these herbals sh!ts and supplements and mouth washes and pills don't do sh!t to cure the root cause of the problem.

Everything know remedy for this sh!t is just a cover up. All what matters is, which product gives you the longest cover up? And in my opinion, there isn't one that's any better than the other.

We are in for a long haul.

May be our future generations could see a cure or healing process when more exploration is done in the medical field of gene therapy.
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Re: Best way to reduce bad breath naturally

Post by Beenhereforeva »

This is so frustrating…. In the meantime, StillHoping me tioned the digestive enzymes. I’ll try that after a round of antibiotics and see what happens. I’ll add betaine to the mix .. it’s working for her once she got all the other areas taken care of. Beat of luck to all
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