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Success: my BB problem solved discovered root cause

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Posts: 258
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:48 pm

Re: Success: my BB problem solved discovered root cause

Post by searching »

Everyone, do yourself a favor and try this method, especially the hydro brushing step of your entire mouth surfaces.

It succeeded for me; however, I too, initially doubted this would work. My 40 year search is over. This has been my fix for eliminating BB for more than 2.5 years now.

The hydro brushing with plain water for 2 minutes, will remove 100,000,000,000 BB producing bacteria from your mouth each morning. You'll have neutral, i.e. good breath all day. WITHOUT this step, each morning, me and my 100,000,000,000 BB clinging, sticky, oral bacteria would travel together as public offenders. Instead, I remove these 100,000,000,000 BB bacteria from my mouth and send them down my bathroom sink drain. I can see the initially slightly cloudy water, i.e. the exiting water stream combined with dislodged BB bacteria and their sticky, adhesive biofilm, slowly turn clear in 1 or 2 minutes. Then, I exit the house confident that I will offend no one.

Posts: 258
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:48 pm

Re: Success: my BB problem solved discovered root cause

Post by searching »

My self-confidence is restored each morning after using this plain-water, hydro-brushing step, described in the original post of this thread.

I’ve been using this method about 3 years. I'm no longer searching for other alternatives to eliminate BB.

It is without question, the most effective method of minimizing the population of oral BB microorganisms, that accumulate overnight, as it dislodges and flushes them from my mouth during this once-daily, safe, inexpensive, effective, pleasant 2 minute step.

The beneficial effect lasts all day.
Posts: 258
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:48 pm

Re: Success: my BB problem solved discovered root cause

Post by searching »


Once in the morning, every day, for the past 3 years, I use this Hydro Brushing device and eliminate my BB for the entire day.

I follow the technique listed in the initial post of this thread.

It produces excellent results. It is safe, fast, reliably-effective, uses plain tap water, is chemical free, easy to use, and inexpensive. I eat all types of food. I use no medications. I use no other special methods other than Hydro Brushing with this device after I first use an ordinary toothbrush with ordinary toothpaste followed by dental flossing.

The teaming, sticky, i.e., highly adhesive, rapidly-multiplying microorganisms that establish themselves overnight in the anaerobic pockets of my mouth, are dislodged and flushed out during the 2 minutes of Hydro-Brushing all my oral surfaces.

The key is the large quantity of flowing tap water with simultaneous brushing which loosens all sticky bacteria and flushes them out of my mouth, especially the tongue top surface, with no opportunity for them to reattached elsewhere in my mouth.

My BB could rival many on this site. Now, my search for managing my BB is over. I’ve found the solution for my former problem.
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