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On the right path!

All the good days that you have, something good happened instead of depressed days with bad breath
emotional rescue
Posts: 453
Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:34 am

On the right path!

Post by emotional rescue »

Hi guys!

It´s good when you can bring good news to the site, and i´m glad that i can do it today....

The thing breath is improving! is improving very much i think!

As some of you may remember, i get my tonsils lasered about three or four months ago, cause my dentist found me tonsil stones chequing at them (till then i don´t even knew that such thing exist...) and her recomend me an Ent that could do the laser proceedment to me. I don´t think i had to much tonsil stones like other members had posted here, but the thing is....after i lasered, i felt an improvement.
Still i had bb, but i had this feeling like if i get a mouthwash or something that help me to reduce the excess of bacteria on the back of the tongue, i could be quite good...

I´m from south america, so here don´t sell all these products that are available on the states or some countries, but i talk to my mother cause i need it an international credit card, and found the way to order some things....

And here I am now! i ordered Smartmouth and i´m using it since last two weeks and my breath is soooooo much better!

I also want to give thanks to xoxo, who send me gnc vit c and the toothpaste called ¨dentyste¨ wich i feel that helps too.

I can´t say that i´m bb free yet, but i still don´t do ¨the two swish of smartmouth a day¨ method religiusly cause somethimes i just forgot, and i think that the fact that i somethimes forget it is a good sign too.....

Another thing very positive is the fact that, even when i forgot to use the mouthwash, my breath is sooo much better than before, even sometimes when i wake up and don´t brekfast for one or three hours my breath is still quite fine i think....

So, what i´m doing for now is: Smarthmouth one or twice a day, Dentiste thootpaste one or twice a day (in the evening always) and my idea is to take one chewable vitc 500mg a day to see if it helps with pnd, but sometimes i also forgot it. I also get 500mg extra vitc from a multivitamin that i take. And very important too: floos one time a day, and again before an important event or something. I got a tongue scrapar too, but i don´t use it too much now cause i fell like it don´t clean to much. I need to get a tung brush.

So, i will try this week to be more strict with my regimen and see if my situation gets even better....

I have more things to tell to you guys, but got to go now....

I will try to write another post tomorrow and give more details and tell you all my simptons and bb characteristics so you can cheq if you can feel related to my case.....

good luck to all

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:39 am

Post by Leena »

That`s amazing! I am very happy for you!!!
Posts: 562
Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:53 pm

Post by Busted »

This is awesome, emotional resque. In a few days you night be completely bb free.

Ya know now that I finally heard my classmates talkin about my bb, I feel somewhat relieved. I'm pretty sure the next time I hear someone talkin about it, which is goin to be very soon I think, It'll be like "Yeah whatever".

I was really mad about it yesterday, but now that I think of it, life is more than what some stupid people think of you.
Posts: 100
Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:48 am

Re: On the right path!

Post by xoxo »

emotional rescue wrote: I also want to give thanks to xoxo, who send me gnc vit c and the toothpaste called ¨dentyste¨ wich i feel that helps too.
Hey i'm only happy to help. PM me if u need more toothpaste ;)
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