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Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

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Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by gojiberry »

24, female - I'm mainly here for consolation and to talk to other people with similar experiences. I've had bad breath from GERD since high school or earlier, and it's gotten worse in the past few years. I feel like I've tried everything -- PPIs, famotidine, Gaviscon, Gaviscon Advance, D-Limonene, probiotics, random GERD relief drink I saw advertised online, changed my whole diet, aloe vera juice, oatmeal every morning, lots of fiber etc -- and nothing will help longterm. My GERD isn't even that severe -- I hear about people having intense pain and issues with breathing, vomiting, and I don't have anything that approaches that. I don't even care about the unpleasant sensation in my throat: I just want the bad breath to go away. I should be out socializing and talking to people face to face, but I'm constantly scared of facing people and I can barely go to class without being paranoid.

I feel like there's not one second of my life when I'm not thinking about if my breath smells –– and I'm sure that anxiety makes it worse. Whenever it goes away for a little while after I've eaten or right after chewing on some Gaviscon, I immediately feel so much happier, but it never lasts.
I just want to hear how people deal with this mentally. I feel okay about the other aspects of my life, but it feels like my breath is just holding me back from living a normal life or being happy. I already have really bad social anxiety, and this just makes it so much worse. I also don't know when I'm just being paranoid and when my breath really smells –– I can tell when it's worse than usual, but I can't tell if it's ever okay. The only person I feel comfortable asking is my mom, who says she doesn't smell anything. But I know from other people's reactions that sometimes it's really bad - and I can always taste an icky taste in the back of my throat, that ranges from tasting like stomach acid to weed to a fecal taste plus the last thing I ate.

I am desperate for a solution but also happy to just commiserate with people. I don't know what to do. If there's any quick solution, I am willing to try anything but surgery.

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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by dave »

No solution here...all I can say is your not alone. I don't know if that helps though...
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by FitPigOfficer »

Hey Gojiberry,
I'm sorry. All of us are trying to get rid of that. I see no one cure it completely but some people alleviate it by 80 to 90 percent. So, if you try and increase your knowledge, you can change your situation.
So, If you are certain about GERD, you must cure it first. Possible reasons for GERD are low stomach acid and hiatus hernia. For the first reason, you want to increase the acid so you should take ACV and Betaine HCL pills besides decreasing or deleting carbohydrates (including all grains like oats) and increasing the portion of animal protein (meat) in your diet. For the second reason, you should consult with your MD.
If you cure GERD you can survive.
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by KL123 »

gojiberry wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:16 am 24, female - I'm mainly here for consolation and to talk to other people with similar experiences. I've had bad breath from GERD since high school or earlier, and it's gotten worse in the past few years. I feel like I've tried everything -- PPIs, famotidine, Gaviscon, Gaviscon Advance, D-Limonene, probiotics, random GERD relief drink I saw advertised online, changed my whole diet, aloe vera juice, oatmeal every morning, lots of fiber etc -- and nothing will help longterm. My GERD isn't even that severe -- I hear about people having intense pain and issues with breathing, vomiting, and I don't have anything that approaches that. I don't even care about the unpleasant sensation in my throat: I just want the bad breath to go away. I should be out socializing and talking to people face to face, but I'm constantly scared of facing people and I can barely go to class without being paranoid.

I feel like there's not one second of my life when I'm not thinking about if my breath smells –– and I'm sure that anxiety makes it worse. Whenever it goes away for a little while after I've eaten or right after chewing on some Gaviscon, I immediately feel so much happier, but it never lasts.
I just want to hear how people deal with this mentally. I feel okay about the other aspects of my life, but it feels like my breath is just holding me back from living a normal life or being happy. I already have really bad social anxiety, and this just makes it so much worse. I also don't know when I'm just being paranoid and when my breath really smells –– I can tell when it's worse than usual, but I can't tell if it's ever okay. The only person I feel comfortable asking is my mom, who says she doesn't smell anything. But I know from other people's reactions that sometimes it's really bad - and I can always taste an icky taste in the back of my throat, that ranges from tasting like stomach acid to weed to a fecal taste plus the last thing I ate.

I am desperate for a solution but also happy to just commiserate with people. I don't know what to do. If there's any quick solution, I am willing to try anything but surgery.

yeah, not a whole lot surprising about what you wrote.
The stress episodes go into waves - just like everything else in the universe.

Sometimes, it's low and you feel like trying to encourage and support others but other days when the stress level is high, you feel like you are ready to trade everything in your life to get rid of this.

Something that I noted in my case and perhaps you are the first person who has reported the same symptoms.
With other known and unknown factors, the intensity of BB increases when you are fasting or at empty stomach. And soon as you eat food, the BB goes away for an hour or so.

Once the food starts digesting as it get's hit with stomach acids - the BB starts creeping in.

It does kind of indicate that the BB is perhaps coming from the stomach - and it has nothing to do with dental hygiene, in our cases.

The BB in our case seems to have nothing to do with GERD as I know a few folks who have severe GERD but they don't have any BB.

My BB and bad taste in the mouth also severely increases with workout, running, exercise etc. This indicates it's perhaps blood borne too.
Blood picks up sh!tty gasses from the stomach and off loads 'em into the lungs - and the breath stinks like dead animal or rotten bone when blood circulates faster and dumps more sh!t into the lungs ..... read up on SELENBP1 if you haven't already.

If our case of chronic halitosis is indeed a genetic disorder then perhaps CRISPR/Cas9 is our best hope.
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by minimalist »

I'm in your same exact situation, and when I say in the same situation I mean this post could have been written by me, without changing a single word. Even the age is the same.

Same symptoms with the same intensity.
Also most of your thoughts and general mental state reflects mines.
gojiberry wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:16 am "I don't even care about the unpleasant sensation in my throat. I just want the bad breath to go away"
Ahahah maybe... I thought this 100s of times.

gojiberry wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:16 am "I feel like there's not one second of my life when I'm not thinking about if my breath smells –– and I'm sure that anxiety makes it worse."
Yeah I know the feeling too well, constantly thinking about bb is f ucking exhausting.
Anxiety definitely make it worse, mainly because Anxiety create acid in the gut I guess.

gojiberry wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:16 am "I just want to hear how people deal with this mentally"
That's the million dollar question, the short answer we don't.
I'm not doing good at all.
I'm exhausted, I can't mentally function like before.
Basically I feel hopeless.

I found some mental relief by doing sports but I'm not gonna lie, It doesn't work in the long run. And I'm limited to individual sports.
gojiberry wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:16 am I am desperate for a solution but also happy to just commiserate with people. I don't know what to do. If there's any quick solution, I am willing to try anything but surgery.
I can't help you but If sometimes you want to talk, I'll give you my telegram.
Would be interesting to talk with someone that fully understand my situation.
I feel like I don't even know how to talk with people anymore.
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by AfricanWorstBBEver »

Will you marry me gojiberry?
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by Thea »

Hi I have the answer for your problem please click here
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by hopelovefaith »

“ For the first time, researchers have uncovered that bad breath can be caused by a genetic defect. A mutation in the gene SELENBP1 leads to the absence of the protein that converts the sulphur compound methanethiol. Researchers from Radboud University and Radboud university medical center have published these findings in Nature Genetics.

Bad breath (halitosis) is usually caused by bacteria in the oral cavity that produce sulphur compounds. Little is known about other causes of bad breath, but it has long been thought that it might also have a genetic cause. In the nineties, Dr. Albert Tangerman (Radboud university medical center, Dept. of Internal medicine) discovered a Dutch family with several members having bad breath. Together with Professor of Inborn errors of Metabolism Ron Wevers, he looked for a cause. They came across sulphur compounds, including the foul-smelling methanethiol. This compound gives rise to a strong cabbage-like odour. “Methanethiol is produced in large amounts in the intestines, and can originate from food. We believed that the protein responsible for getting rid of methanethiol was defective in these patients”, says Wevers, “however, we could not find a lead for this in their metabolism. The process by which the body counteracts this compound was unknown. So at that point we were stuck.”
From bacterium to human

Wevers presented this problem at several conventions and as a result was contacted by families from Germany and Portugal with the same problem. In addition, a collaboration with Microbiology Professor Huub Op den Camp, a specialist in sulphur conversion in bacteria, was established. Together with researchers from University of Warwick, they recently discovered a protein in the bacterium Hyphomicrobium that converts methanethiol: methanethiol oxidase.
The bacterium feeds on contamination in sewage, including sulphur compounds like methanethiol, removing them from the water. The researchers then looked to see whether the gene encoding the methanethiol oxidase protein in the bacteria was also present in humans. The human gene that corresponded most closely was SELENBP1. Huub Op den Camp: But the function of the corresponding human protein SELENBP1 was unknown. This also meant we did not know which compounds our body converts methanethiol into. The gene SELENBP1 is reported in the literature to be involved in tumour suppression. However, we immediately hypothesized that the absence of this protein could be the cause of bad breath in these patients.”
Widely distributed defect in metabolism

Wevers and Op den Camp investigated the breath, blood and urine of these patients, and found an increased amount of methanethiol and dimethyl sulphide. Wevers: “That was a direct clue that in these patients’ metabolism an error occurs, leading to the accumulation of four sulphur compounds, including methanethiol, in their blood. Methanethiol and dimethyl sulphide are extremely volatile and are thus easily exhaled via the lungs. Because we had now identified the human protein converting methanethiol, SELENBP1, we looked at these patients’ DNA. We found they all had mutations in the gene SELENBP1.”

Further research produced more evidence for this new discovery. For example, these patients’ skin cells had significantly lower levels of the protein and showed little or no enzyme activity. This same pattern was found in knock-out mice. This led to the conclusion that SELENBP1 is indeed a methanethiol oxidase and that mutations in this gene cause chronic bad breath. This mutation might be more common than we think: the researchers calculated that about 1 in 90,000 people carry the mutation. No cure is available for these patients. For the present, they can reduce bad breath only by dietary measures. Further research will focus on the development of a possible therapy, and on the role of compounds deriving from methanethiol in a healthy metabolism.

Mutations in SELENBP1, encoding a novel human methanethiol oxidase, cause extra-oral halitosis, Nature Genetics. ”
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by the_winter_soldier »

KL123 wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:56 pm
gojiberry wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:16 am 24, female - I'm mainly here for consolation and to talk to other people with similar experiences. I've had bad breath from GERD since high school or earlier, and it's gotten worse in the past few years. I feel like I've tried everything -- PPIs, famotidine, Gaviscon, Gaviscon Advance, D-Limonene, probiotics, random GERD relief drink I saw advertised online, changed my whole diet, aloe vera juice, oatmeal every morning, lots of fiber etc -- and nothing will help longterm. My GERD isn't even that severe -- I hear about people having intense pain and issues with breathing, vomiting, and I don't have anything that approaches that. I don't even care about the unpleasant sensation in my throat: I just want the bad breath to go away. I should be out socializing and talking to people face to face, but I'm constantly scared of facing people and I can barely go to class without being paranoid.

I feel like there's not one second of my life when I'm not thinking about if my breath smells –– and I'm sure that anxiety makes it worse. Whenever it goes away for a little while after I've eaten or right after chewing on some Gaviscon, I immediately feel so much happier, but it never lasts.
I just want to hear how people deal with this mentally. I feel okay about the other aspects of my life, but it feels like my breath is just holding me back from living a normal life or being happy. I already have really bad social anxiety, and this just makes it so much worse. I also don't know when I'm just being paranoid and when my breath really smells –– I can tell when it's worse than usual, but I can't tell if it's ever okay. The only person I feel comfortable asking is my mom, who says she doesn't smell anything. But I know from other people's reactions that sometimes it's really bad - and I can always taste an icky taste in the back of my throat, that ranges from tasting like stomach acid to weed to a fecal taste plus the last thing I ate.

I am desperate for a solution but also happy to just commiserate with people. I don't know what to do. If there's any quick solution, I am willing to try anything but surgery.

yeah, not a whole lot surprising about what you wrote.
The stress episodes go into waves - just like everything else in the universe.

Sometimes, it's low and you feel like trying to encourage and support others but other days when the stress level is high, you feel like you are ready to trade everything in your life to get rid of this.

Something that I noted in my case and perhaps you are the first person who has reported the same symptoms.
With other known and unknown factors, the intensity of BB increases when you are fasting or at empty stomach. And soon as you eat food, the BB goes away for an hour or so.

Once the food starts digesting as it get's hit with stomach acids - the BB starts creeping in.

It does kind of indicate that the BB is perhaps coming from the stomach - and it has nothing to do with dental hygiene, in our cases.

The BB in our case seems to have nothing to do with GERD as I know a few folks who have severe GERD but they don't have any BB.

My BB and bad taste in the mouth also severely increases with workout, running, exercise etc. This indicates it's perhaps blood borne too.
Blood picks up sh!tty gasses from the stomach and off loads 'em into the lungs - and the breath stinks like dead animal or rotten bone when blood circulates faster and dumps more sh!t into the lungs ..... read up on SELENBP1 if you haven't already.

If our case of chronic halitosis is indeed a genetic disorder then perhaps CRISPR/Cas9 is our best hope.
crazy, what you wrote here literally matches with mine, cardio or any intensive exercise makes it worse, empty stomach is also my enemy.

It was Klebsiella spp., Citrobacter freundii, C diff. infections with no symptoms.
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by hopelovefaith »

Rotten gastric juice from gerd is the ultimate root cause of chronic bb and nasal bb . There's a thing called silent gerd
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by hopelovefaith »

Rotten gastric juice from gerd is the ultimate root cause of chronic bb and nasal bb . There's a thing called silent gerd
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by KL123 »

hopelovefaith wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:26 pm Rotten gastric juice from gerd is the ultimate root cause of chronic bb and nasal bb . There's a thing called silent gerd

yeah but, why does it happen in some and doesn't in many others? And what's the remedy?
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by hopelovefaith »

Try endoscopy and gerd surgery. Stop focusing on palliative solutions. Google gerd white coating, gerd cavity, gerd causes sinusitis, gerd gums, gerd nails, gerd mucus, and gerd lungs. Gerd affects the whole body. Some people with gerd don’t have chronic BB, but their condition is a lot worse. People should stop fretting about sibo because it’s a rare condition. Bad diet + too much pharma meds + stress + resentments + alcohol + sodas + bad karmas prior to your reincarnation = gerd and chronic bb. Youtube search past life hypnosis
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by hopelovefaith »

“ Transoral incisionless fundoplication is a minimally invasive procedure for GERD. Unlike the laparoscopic fundoplication that requires incisions in the abdomen, transoral incisionless fundoplication is performed through the mouth, without incisions. This type of surgery generally has a very good rate of long-term success. According to a 2017 study on laparoscopic surgery, success rates may reach as high as 90% in the 5 years postsurgery. › health
Treating GERD: Surgery Options and Recovery - Healthline “
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Re: Feeling hopeless, socially anxious, etc etc

Post by Lisa123 »

Hi guys. Plz look on ig dr Gerry Curatola he created Rivitin and it’s a prebiotic toothpaste that has changed the whole taste in my mouth. I don’t know how to post this but buy it it’s on Amazon I’m a suffer that had been on a lookout and I been using for 3 days and I have not bad taste anymore. It’s like 20 bucks. Look at his ig. He explains everything
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