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Post by khadija »

Hi all again

As i promised to do i am just going to do it right now. I had my first colon hydroptherapy yesterday and would like to give my reviews of it. I have somehow read all the posts here and i think we all got wrong ideas of bad breath. First of all - i am same like you - some people couldnt smell my breath but some people touch their noses most of the time at work or sometimes. It is obvious guys!! We dont have bad breath all the time!!!!! Maybe there are days we do have it all the time but sometimes it can be mild. We all say we have chronic H but there is times at days were we are milder or nobody can sense us.

Why I am saying all this? No i am not professional at all. I just happened to take the risk yesterday and been to my first treatment of colon hydrotherapy and with a smile on my face i say it is the beginning of my problem. Same like you guys - i was having the shit smell these last days and i was getting crazy about it. Since the hydrotherapy of yesterday i even woke up tasting my own saliva finally not that poo smell anymore!! Still i do not believe i am fully treated. I think it is the base of all our problems and for all of you out there who are like me - STOP USING MOUTHWASHES, SPRAYS AND ALL THE OTHER SHIT STUFF. they are all cover ups. Instead of spending our money in these things lets try to find the root of the problem. i have learned a lot yesterday as the therapist really happened to be very knowledgeable. I came out from there skeptical. If someone came to rob me that time i wouldnt have noticed because it really makes sense of what she said and i believe i found the root of my bb solution. This is all what we should do. First of all do try it out guys. Find the best clinic you can find and go ahead with it. I didnt feel any pain at all. It was quite relaxing i can assure you and when you see all the shit, things and bit and pieces in the pipe coming out from your body you just feel like keep doing till midnight!!! i seen bits and pieces of everything although not too much poo. I told straight to the therapist that my problem is bb. First she gave me something on my hand to lick and asked me how it taste to me. I couldnt even say as my shit smell didnt make me taste anything apart from strong chemical that time. From my questionnaire i gave her she immediately realised i am dehaydrated. I thought me deydrated? I drink 5 LITRES OF WATER EVERYDAYS GUYS!!! but yes i am and the water i am drinking is not helping my bb or anything. Not even cleaning me inside because my cells are so hutched up that the water is not going in them!! NO WONDER I KEEP CRAVING FOR WATER AND GOT DRY MOUTH DAY AND NIGHT. i believed her but she said she will make sure during the treatment. So i started and started seeing the things coming out. The more i was seeing the more i wanted it to last longer!! Its amazing stuff. She was so angry that i did the salt water cleanse. She told me is too dangerous for the health and this is the reason why babies dies because parents give them salt in water!! which is true as i heard stories like this. And trust me guys salt water cleanse is sooooooooooo much more painful than colon cleansing. I helped my bb for about 50% i say and this is not the end. She also gave me drops and probiotics which costed my £50 together with the £60 treatment. The drops you mix in water and it helps the cell to get back to normal and probiiotics are for putting the good bacteria in. SHe also mentioned that activia and all the yougurts doesnt help at all as they only arrive till the stomach into the intestines (not sure how she explained it but i do believe her as it didnt work for me). certainly we all need this clean up and hopefully your therapist will tell you what you need. Depends from the poo shape as well which it tells a lot if you are dehydrated or not. I believe i will be much better than today in 2/3 months time once i am dehydrated anymore. Also as i thought i do have candida albicans which makes the tongue white so all of you please dont scrap it but find why you got white tongue. Since yesterday i havent smelled any shit poo from my nose of from my mouth. I am less mouth dry and my bb is hardly noticeable and i was chronic like you all guys. PLEASE TACKLE THE PROBLEM FROM THE ROOT - TELL SERIOUSLY YOUR THERAPIST OF THE PAST ANY THING YOU HAD. What she said about me it is true. Before she started - i mean after she read the questionnaire she told me that i might be dehydrated due to not drinking enough water in the past as i used to exercise myself a lot. GOD HOW DID SHE KNOW THAT!!! But i suspected many times that my dry mouth is because i did lot of exercise and not drinking enough. SO ALL OF YOU WHO IS GOING TO DRINK WATER NOW IS NOT GOING TO HELP. Go and all do the hydrotherapy - if any of you got candida - yeast infection it will come out. She confirmed from the colour that was coming out that i got the yeast infection and i suspect that the poo smell comes from it as it is fungus.

So anyway that is about it. I AM HAPPY TO ANSWER ALL THE ENQUIRIES YOU MAY HAVE. i could finally talk and taste real water today. Regarding the probiotics supplements and the drops she gave me she clearly stated that i can never find them anywhere - not sure if is true but i am taking them daily and see if they help. Surely my inside is going to be helped a lot which the problem is inside of all our bb. I got another appointment in 2 weeks time for this time 20 gallons of water. Strange enough not even my nose is smelling anymore!!!! I couldnt believe it yesterday as it is only a clean - but good GOD what a difference!!! I still belive though that my tonsils needs to come out and check my health inside out as i dont know abou this and probably this will solve the rest of 50% of my bb. I hope so anyway. I hope i helped you in some way. Thanks to Leena who first suggested this. I know it is too early to say i am healed but i can honestly say that i have learned a lot regarding our body inside and unless we tackle the problem from the inside we can never be healed. Hope you guys try it out. It might be expensive but it is the most safest and best thing to do for the health and it clears.


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Post by Jimi Stein »

Good post, I will go to find a colon therapist

We all smel like shit, so it must be coming from shit compacted in colon, that is the reason, it might go into bloodstream and into salica and stuff, thatis why we have shit smell

Or it might look for another places to expel toxins like sinuses
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Post by maclean »

hi there,i see that your from the uk,please can you tell me where you went and how much this cost you.

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Post by khadija »

maclean wrote:hi there,i see that your from the uk,please can you tell me where you went and how much this cost you.


Maclean i went to northampton clinic - check the website Her name is Tracey Dell. Her clinic is small but her knowledge seems to be very good. I found her through the website. If you are too far dont worry - i am sure you can still find another good clinic in your local area.
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Post by mike987 »


it sounded too good to be true.. i don't know, i've had days where i've woken up without a shit smell after trying something new and thought "i'm cure i'm cured" ..
It's funny because last night I was reading an article about the placebo affect and how it actually works initially.. I think the placebo has a big place in many of the products we use.. probably why many of us are cured for a few days or a week when trying something new..

I admit, I'd wouldn't mind having this done myself, but I think you are waaay too optimistic for having this done just yesterday.

Tell me how your breath is next month and then we'll talk.. I'm skeptical of colon cleansing, just because we all know the shit will find it's place right back into where it was before.. how long does it take before the BB will return??

I do love the idea of having my ass washed out.. I mean it must really be a mess in there.. I still consider the idea that I might have parasites and would love to see the littler fellows shot out of my ass at full speed. .. I can also see how this could fix the shit smell in your nsoe and mouth too.. I noticed that the smell coming from my nose is directly related to the smell coming out of my butt :-& .. This could be the connection and a cure.. but for how long?

Overall I'm optimistic for this treatment, but still skeptical.
Do you have health insurance covering most of the cost? Or is the cost really that affordable? Has anyone in the US tried this, if so, where are these clinics and how many fortunes would I have to hand over to have this done in the states?
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Post by khadija »

Jimi wrote:Good post, I will go to find a colon therapist

We all smel like shit, so it must be coming from shit compacted in colon, that is the reason, it might go into bloodstream and into salica and stuff, thatis why we have shit smell

Or it might look for another places to expel toxins like sinuses

Jimi i cannot confirm where our smell is coming from - i wish i know exactly but now i got an idea of how our body is. We might think we are having the best diet and all sorts of things but it might not do anything to help our bb. The only reason i tried this is because it is very safe and even the healthy people could do one - let alone us. Yeah i have to say i cant taste shit or smell shit. Some good it did. I could only say before that either i stay same or either i be better but this thing can never make you worse. I still believe that some of us may have digestion problems or other things like tonsils but even so - i can only say that this is has helped me and i believe i would be better in few months time. i really do feel i am 50% better and hopefully checking the rest of my body including my tonsils will make me better. Now all i am trying to do is taking healthy things inside me and chew food more properly as i could see pieces of food going out. Yeah if a bin can smell after few days what about our colon which is holding all these pieces of food for years!! It is so logic!
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Even if it erquires 4 times per moth we would still find money for it somehow, but we are again in front of an option that is not yet proven effective, it is possible your bb will come back in few days so please keep us updated. ALso ask therapist if the bb is any better. Ask her if she coud be the judge.

But the best way to se is from reaction of people I think
or from the reactions fom the people you deal with on daily basis.

are they more friendly or not

and why the hell is nobod ydoing liver flush?????

I have started it again, that was the only thing that helped me in the past beside diet. Remember one guy was cured with liver flush that i know, but you have to do several liver flushes till you get rid of bb. It costs nothing, you can do it at home.

Please everybody start doing liver flushes on daily basis
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

why did he put a finger in your ass if he was operating on appendix :evil:
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Post by khadija »

I admit, I'd wouldn't mind having this done myself, but I think you are waaay too optimistic for having this done just yesterday.

Well first of all Mike i didnt say i am cured and i dont really think i am very optimistic. I just gave my views about what i did so to try to help everyone and you have taken it completely wrong. If you want to try it it is up to you. I dont really think it is worth it after all to post my views here. I am starting to think it is good waste of time. How i wish i am cured! The only think i wanted to emphasize to all of you that we all seem spend money on stupid products and it add up much more than the £60 i spend yesterday which definately it should be much more lasting effect. I dont mind if i am not cured. I am not really expecting to be cured as it was only a colon wash. But this is not a product. This is a therapy stupid. Maybe the products do make a good effect at the beginning but they turn out to be not good. Because it is like chewing a piece a gum for years without brushing your teeth!!! I simply said it is the base of a problem. Eliminating lot of toxins which help our breath to get fresher. And i am amazed how my breath is just with a simple clean which at least for now is 50% better. I will give my view again in few months time as hopefully i get my other things done as well.
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Post by hopeful »

I've been thinking about doing a liver flush for awhile actually. Maybe it's time to do it.
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Post by thanatos »

He had to check for rectal bleeding just in case the appendix had ruptured.

Or so he said :shock:
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Post by Leena »

Hey Khadija,

I am really happy for you!!!
I think you`ll even feel better after some more procedures.

I`ve felt like 30-40% improvement of the breath after the first procedure, then about 60-70% after the second and then almost 90-100% after the third. It`s been more than a month since the last one and the effect is still here, or maybe some 90% of it. :D

I am going for another therapy tomorrow morning (my therapist said it should be done once a month). Honestly when I first did it, I didn`t do it to cure BB. I had heard it helps but I was too tired of "cures" so I did it mostly for my overall health and i didn`t put many hopes on that. So it was a great surprise it worked!

Anyways I hope it helps many others!
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Post by sean »

I am happy for you Khadija and I will also have the procedure done for health purposes. Unfortunately for me however, I have no smell coming from nose and my bb does not smell like poo so the procedure may not be helpful to me. My problem seems to be the tonsils (I'll see when I visit an ENT). Still I am fascinated by the idea of having my colon start "afresh" in a manner of speaking. Good luck.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I definately seee less reactions when doing liver flush I mean after a few days, like after each flush it gets better and less bb

you have to try it and do it for 1 year to get rid of bb or even 2 years. I believe this will save me.

It has no sideefffects like halitomafia crap, it makes you feel better, less depressed and scared try it.

Liver is the cause. Liver should clean our mouth and throat but it does not because it is sick.

Also I will do some parasite cleaning.
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