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Jimi Stein
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Your suggestion about the site

Post by Jimi Stein »

Please write under thsese topics your complaints about the site, your suggestions what should we do in the future, your praises, everythign goes here in this topic.

You can write like you feel, do not hold back, I need to know what you think we should do

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Post by jc »

This is undoubtedly a great site. I really want to suggest a long time ago about having a list of the cured members. I`ve read in some past posts that there`s one or two people here cured by chlorella. I don`t know if there were others who were cured using other methods but it would really be inspiring if we could see some good results from time to time. They don`t have to write their real names, just the name they used here & the country they live in plus of course the treatments that cured them.
Jimi Stein
Site Admin
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United States of America

Post by Jimi Stein »

Thanks JC

That is a good idea.

Well one is a lawyer from NY who i made an interview with and was cured with laser and sinus operation by Dr. Krespi. He sounded really really real, and he must have bad breath for real.

And there are peopel apparently having success with triple antibiotic treatment.

I am so against medicines and using them but for once I would gave it a shot.

Probably I would create a new topic in the forum called cured where all the testimonies would go.
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Post by CyberchndriacNot »

Need to support you on this one Jimi. Ideally, we need a database where we can record data relating to the case studies we have. Validating the data and /or moderating the contributors is going to be tricky. But I suppose we're not conducting a scientific experiment here and just trying to collate and report people's experiences. It would provide starting material for further investigation so I think well worth it. Should we make a list of data we need to have reported?

Here's a start
1) Gender
2) Age
3) Known medical conditions
4) age when you first became aware of halitosis
5) major event in your life which triggered halitosis
6) symptoms
7) remedies tried
8) medical help sought
9) medical intervention received
10) date of cure
11) treatment contributing to cure
12) side effects of cure
13) diet before cure
14) diet after cure
Posts: 40
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:47 am

Post by carlos_bigsby »

I think compiling a database is a great idea cyber. I was also thinking that if the member could compile a list of TREATMENTS that they have tried and RATE their EFFICACY on a scale of 1 thru 10. If we could a place where the average scores of treatments are listed it would be easier to know whats working for the most people.

Thanks for all your work jimi
Posts: 445
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:23 am

Post by jc »

If you don`t mind, I`d also like to suggest that we make an organized list of the e-mail addresses of doctors, medical institutions & pharmaceutical companies that could help us.This way the members would know who to send their letters to. We can bombard them e-mails demanding for better research & probably our numbers & persistence would convince them to take our condition more seriously.Thanks again.
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Post by Larc400 »

I think it's time to "un-sticky" all those stickies on the main forum (Vitamin C, Halitophobia, Richter, Lavoris etc etc) as it's all a bit old hat going nowhere... what dya think, boss? 8)
Posts: 198
Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:39 am

Post by Eric »

I think there should be more banners advertising chat on the main page. I really want to be able to get on and talk with people a few times a week.
Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:04 pm

Post by tocute4this »

CyberchndriacNot wrote:Need to support you on this one Jimi. Ideally, we need a database where we can record data relating to the case studies we have. Validating the data and /or moderating the contributors is going to be tricky. But I suppose we're not conducting a scientific experiment here and just trying to collate and report people's experiences. It would provide starting material for further investigation so I think well worth it. Should we make a list of data we need to have reported?

Here's a start
1) Gender
2) Age
3) Known medical conditions
4) age when you first became aware of halitosis
5) major event in your life which triggered halitosis
6) symptoms
7) remedies tried
8) medical help sought
9) medical intervention received
10) date of cure
11) treatment contributing to cure
12) side effects of cure
13) diet before cure
14) diet after cure

Hi Jimi, thanks again for this site. I think you guys are on to something.
If we record personal data about ourselves maybe we can figure out why we suffer from bb and others don't? Or why some of us have chronic bb and others have occasional bb?

I belive if we can figure out what we have in common; we can possible find the cure.

Possible questions?

-when and why do you think you developed bb?
-chronic bb? Occasional bb?
-blood type
-current/previous medical and or dental conditions
-Medications taken
-sinus conditions
-diets, when, how long, what types,
-diet supplements

Sorry CyberchndriacNot, some questions may be simular to yours. I'm too tired to revise my posting. However, thats all I can come up with for now.
Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:04 pm

Post by tocute4this »

I'm sure most people on here have this info however, I though this might assist us with collecting data from our members.

About Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Some disorders will produce specific, characteristic odors to the breath.

A fruity odor to the breath occurs as the body attempts to get rid of excess acetone through the breathing. This is a characteristic sign of ketoacidosis , which may occur in diabetes, and is a potentially life-threatening condition.

A fecal odor to the breath (the breath smells like feces) can occur with prolonged vomiting , especially when there is a bowel obstruction . It may also occur temporarily if a person has a nasogastric tube (a tube placed through the nose or mouth to the stomach to drain the stomach contents) in place.

The breath may have an ammonia-like odor (also described as urine-like or "fishy") in people with chronic kidney failure .

Common Causes:
If previously normal breath turns into halitosis, causes could include:

Food or beverages consumed (such as cabbage, garlic, raw onions, or coffee)
Vitamin supplements (especially in large doses)
Poor dental hygiene
Tobacco smoking
Throat infection
Lung infection
Gum disease ( gingivitis , gingivostomatitis )
Abscessed tooth
Impacted tooth
Foreign body in the nose (usually in children)
Often (but not always) there is a white, yellowish, or bloody discharge from one nostril
Triamterene and inhaled anesthetics
Insulin - injection
Diseases that may be associated with breath odor (not presented in order of likelihood -- some are extremely unlikely):
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Acute necrotizing ulcerative mucositis
Acute renal failure
Bowel obstruction (can cause breath to smell like feces)
Chronic renal failure (can cause breath to smell like ammonia )
Diabetes (fruity or sweet chemical smell with ketoacidosis)
Esophageal cancer
Gastric carcinoma
Gastrojejunocolic fistula (fruity-smelling breath)
Hepatic encephalopathy
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Lung abscess
Ozena , or atrophic rhinitis
Periodontal disease
Zenker's diverticulum
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Post by alexanderluther »

50th place on google.
Last edited by alexanderluther on Tue May 19, 2015 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 24
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Post by smileyXDD »

could you possibly change the chatbox theme?
I don't really like the purple space type of thing :?
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