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Wisdom teeth and tonsil stones

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Wisdom teeth and tonsil stones

Post by TeamZissou »

I was wondering if anyone has any insight into how the wisdom teeth relate to tonsil stones. Is it possible the tonsil stones are the result of the tonsils fighting off an infection around the wisdom teeth? Has anyone had their tonsil stones go away (if they had them) after having their wisdom teeth removed?

The reason I ask is because I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth approximately 75% erupted. My dentist says they are healthy and don't need to be removed (I had 4 teeth pulled when I was younger to make room). However after hearing about success others have had, it seems like removing them is worth a shot. But it seems like kind of a waste if you still have your tonsils causing a problem as well.

I know a lot of people are in the same boat, with seemingly healthy wisdom teeth, but the desire to get them removed in the hope it might do something. Do any of you have tonsils problems as well? Has anyone gotten relief from these problems after having their wisdom teeth removed?

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Post by halitosisux »

Hi TeamZissou,
While i still had my tonsils the odour coming from them was very similar to the odour coming from the gum around my wisdom tooth. I often wonder if i still had my tonsils in whether they would still smell having now had the offending tooth extracted and no longer having the BB and the odours associated with it. But i doubt it because what my experience showed me was that where there is a source of odour (in my case a foul discharge from my gum) and this odour is allowed to build up on the tongue, then that's why tonsils also smell and build up with tonsil stones and are associated with BB, and are a symptom but not necessarily a cause of BB.

Of course, not every odour orginates from the gums, but what i feel truly convinced about is that the tongue itself is only responsible for its odours when bacterial factors such as mouth dryness or oral pH allow the bacteria on its surface to do so.

What builds up inside the tonsils and forms stones is essentially the same gunk which builds up between the teeth which we remove when flossing - its a very similar odour too. And in the same way a person with BB will produce more of this, and is probably the same thing with tonsils stones too.

Incidentally, my tongue no longer smells as it did, and as a consequence my flossing rarely ever smells, even after a few days of not flossing.

Having had my tonsils removed and finding that they didnt even help my breath situation, i'd never advise anyone to do the same unless their tonsils are clearly infected. I'd also hate to advise anyone to remove any teeth unnecessarily, but if they are only 75% erupted or impacted then there will always be a doubt in your mind, no matter what your dentist tells you. And generally if the wisdom teeth will not be missed then its worthwhile ruling them out by removal, as well as eliminating any future problems that impacted wisdom teeth often may bring.
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Post by Cured »

Hey TeamZissou,

In general, if someone is pondering getting something removed to cure their bad breath and they hae both their wisdom teeth and tonsils in, I'd always advise trying the tonsils first because they are more commonly the cause I believe. But extracting wisdom teeth is quick and virtually painless compared with tonsillectomy, and so it sounds like that's where halitosisux is coming from I believe.

I guess the question comes down to: do you want to try the easier cure or the more common one? That's up to you...

Good luck
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I must admit that after my gum was lasered I rarely detect and odour if I out my finger in my throat, it used to smell like shit, not it is not.

If I get cured I will get back to the pigs that treated me like animal. I promise that, I would probably spit my mother in the face every time I see her. That is how I am dissapointed by her horrible horrible torturing. She is such a pig. I hope I was misplaced when I was born in hospital, that pig never deserved to have me. The shit I had to go through because of bb is super bad, and most of the pain came from her, ****ing pig.

When you have bb even if somebody poisons you the people will not care, they would be relieved.

OMG what pigs ma parents are. I remember she was looking me through the window when I was talking to my "friend" and if I stepped away from him to be more apart because I was ashamed of bb she became manic.
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Post by Archimonde »

my god, what did your parents do to you Jimi?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Basically they treated me like shit, my mother always became manic when I would even hint or when she would see I am concerned about bad breath, they ****ing tortured me, screamed, you know when you feel the hatred from your parents, that real hatred, that you would not experience if you would not have bb.

It hurts because I know they would not treat me like an animal if I would not have bb. But they did and that hurts like hell. Like it was my fault that I have bb.

THat pig of a mother still claims how I TORTURED THEM AND RUINED THEIR LIFE because I was obsesseing because of bb.

I bitch like that is menthally sick, she just wanted to erase all the pain, and not show emotions. ****ing pig of a human.

She tortured me like every weekend or so. Also my father acted like I am not worth living.
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Post by Brian »

I doubt there is a link between wisdom teeth and tonsil stones, but I think the smell may be very similar. Both smell like rotting sewers. I had my wisdom teeth removed a year ago, because one was smelling terrible. Removing it didn't get rid of my bad breath though-even though my gum no longer smelled. Tonight I found tonsil stones in a hidden crypt for the first time. They smelled very similar to my wisdom tooth-just terrible. Anyway, I removed the stones a few hours ago and it seemed to help my breath (I have the mixed blessing of being able to detect my own bad breath). I still can smell a slightly stale cheesy smell, but it is nothing compared to the strong sewer smell I was noticing earlier. I obviously have no idea how strong the smell is to others around me. Anyway, removing the stones probably wasn't a cure, but it felt good to at least have a lead on where the smell might be coming from.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi Brian, you are probably right about there being no link to tonsil stones and wisdom teeth. But i'd like to make a couple of points on this..

Firstly, you have probably answered my question.. that i would probably still have BB if my crypted and very smelly tonsils were still in place. So i feel glad i had them out when i did even though they made no difference whatsoever at the time.

I think what this means is that wherever there is an anaerobic space large enough (ie crypted tonsils or gum pockets) then bacteria will produce large enough amounts of VSC's to infest the whole mouth and throat and cause BB. And as long as any such area exists then BB will continue, no matter what dental issues are corrected or any other surgery performed - so obviously, EVERY cause has to be dealt with. The fact that they smell so similar is what confirms this theory to me.

This is what threw me. The disappointment of having gone through all the pain and risk of tonsillectomy, so unnecessarily and to have made no difference AT ALL, made me feel my situation was utterly hopeless - we can only take so much until our spirit is broken by what we have to go through.

One other quick point i forgot to mention in my previous post, and its likely to be nothing more than a coincidence, but i didnt realise until recently during a discussion, is that while i still had my tonsils it was always my right tonsil that smelled worse and had more stones.. it was also on the right that my smelly wisdom tooth was.

Brian, if you dont have nasal odours, you dont suspect anything nasal or you've had nasal issues ruled out, and you dont feel that you have any esophegal/stomach problems, i strongly suggest a tonsillectomy!
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