I always wonder why for me and for what I read most people too, this problem came so suddenly and in the teenage years. It seemed that one day I was smelling normal and the next day people was opening windows around me.
I mean this is something most people here has in common and something we should always take in consideration.
why for most people is so sudden
yeah its interesting because the problem didn't happen overnight although it does seem to appear that way
Its weird because I cant remember this problem happening gradually over time - as if it was a gradual thing I would have obviously got help there and then and not let the whole thing escalate. The thing is I seem to have a black and white memory where one day I was a normal kid with normal breath then the next I was a sh** breath monster
Its weird because I cant remember this problem happening gradually over time - as if it was a gradual thing I would have obviously got help there and then and not let the whole thing escalate. The thing is I seem to have a black and white memory where one day I was a normal kid with normal breath then the next I was a sh** breath monster
LiFeS a BiTcH...sHiT hApPeNs!
Re: why for most people is so sudden
Mine began when I hit puberty, Maybe its hormones. I wish someone would help us find a cure for this.me wrote:I always wonder why for me and for what I read most people too, this problem came so suddenly and in the teenage years. It seemed that one day I was smelling normal and the next day people was opening windows around me.
I mean this is something most people here has in common and something we should always take in consideration.
Last edited by findacure on Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: why for most people is so sudden
Last edited by findacure on Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.