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I may have found the cure to my bad breath

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I may have found the cure to my bad breath

Post by corrin »

Hi everyone. I just wanted to tell you that last week i bought 100% tea tree oil by "Desert Essence" because i read that it's a strong anitbacterial and anitfungal essential oil. I thought maybe it wold help with my extremely bad breath, but to be honest I was in a little doubt because tea tree oil in particular has a very strong odor that one could notice instantly. What I did was put about 3 drops of the oil on top of my toothpaste and brushed my teeth with it. The smell was so strong that I almost gagged (it doesn't taste too good, either). So after that I rinsed my mouth with Crest Mouthwash for about 20-30 seconds. The tea tree oil odor still lingers on my breath after I do this, but it is definetely not as strong. After that I may eat a snack to clear the rest of the odor.

I was doing this up until this past Saturday every morning and then started doing it at night. I figured this would be beter so that when I go to class and have to talk my breath wont smell like the oil. When I started doing this at night, and it has been my three days since doing this, I notice when I wake up in the morning my breath does not smell nearly as bad as it did before. I barely have morning breath to be honest, but we'll see how long it lasts. The thing about tea tree oil is that it may burn your tongue a little, as it did to mine. But it actually leaves you with a good, clean feeling in your mouth, like after you have chewed cinammon gum or eaten something really spicy. I also have notced that I do not have a white film over my tongue like I did before. Even after I eat, my tongue is just as pink as anyone else's, so I would say that's a good sign that it is doing something. I still havn't found anything for my scalp or body odors, but tonight i may try leaving the tee tree under my armpits in the shower for as long as I can (or until it statrs buring) to see if that helps with the armpit odor. I really think bb sufferers should try it. My tea tree oil only cost me 11 dollars for a little glass jar-thingy (sorry, dont know what they are called) so it really won't hurt to try it. Also, I recommend brushing your teeth FIRST and then putting a few drops of the oil in your mouth, then brush your teeth again with the oil, focusing everywhere, like your tongue. And also, if you live with others, be considerate and spray something pleasant like febreeze right after you use it because the smell is really, REALLY strong. You can asks me any questions, i visit this site almost everyday.

Best of Luck


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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Hey, thanks for the info Corrin.

About your scalp or body odors, did you try rubbing apple cider vinegar under your armpits before you took a shower? I've heard that is supposed to reduce body odor that is coming from the arm pit area.

Also about your scalp, maybe trying virgin coconut oil would help in that regard. Or if you wanted to try Nizoral shampoo that might help too.

Good luck!
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Post by corrin »

Actually i have tried all of the things you have recommended. Apple cider vinegar only made my armpits and scalp smell worse, and even if it did help, my body odor comes from most of my skin in general. I also tried coconut oil an nizoral shampoo towards the end of last year;unfortunately these didn't work either. However, tonight I will be trying the tea tree oil on my scalp again to see if it helps.

As for my breath, the tea tree oil definetely works for me. However, it is not a magic bullet. I have come to realize that I will most likely have to use it every night because today i got a fecal-like smell to my breath towards the end of the day since last night i fell asleep before i got a chance to brush my teeth and use the oil. When i got back from most of my classes, at around 5 o'clock, i brushed my teeth with the tea tree oil BEFORE i ate a meal so that the smell would not linger in my mouth. About 20 minutes later after eating my breath honestly smelled good and fresh; i could barely smell a wiff of anything. After that i took an hour nap before my next class, and when i woke i noticed a slight odor (almost like after eating tart candy) and also the sour taste in mouth that i have been plagued with for years. So i think the tea tree oil is doing something, but it is not the miracle I'm looking for. However, it has made a significant difference. I think what I will have to do is brush my teeth after every meal so that my breath stays fresh throughout the day because i notice that after i eat something, i get that sour taste and i faint smell in my mouth which is most likely bacteria feeding off of what i just ate
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Post by terranpatriot »

Please be careful when using Tea Tree oil. I've heard that it can be toxic if swallowed. I'd do some research on this.
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Hi Corrin,

I was on the yahoo TMAU forum and found something interesting on external odours. It's from a hunting website. I don't condone hunting or anything but it may be of some help to you. I'm not sure why hunters need to cover up their scent (?) but there are several simple recipes involving baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, distilled water and unscented shampoo/laundry detergent that are supposed to be effective. Hope this helps. ... ecipe.html

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Post by badtimes »

3 drops is a bit drop is fine enough...its powerful stuff
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Post by HaveFaith »

I recommend grapefruit seed extract
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Tea tree oil left brown stains on my teeth. Fortunately the stains went away when I got my teeth cleaned at the dentist. I did like using it but didn't like the way it made my teeth look.
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