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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by trouble »

what do you guys think of a treatment with brewing-yeast?
i found that yaegaki made an experiment in 1999, which showed very good outcomes (reduction of 80 % vsc after one week covering the tongue with yeast befor going to bed). he patented his "invention" but i couldnt find more recent studies to this topic...

tried it by myself, but it brought no permanent relief. just enhanced my tonsil stones.

i wonder if somebody tried it, because the result of this very study sound amazing! :D

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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Just as there is good and bad bacteria, researchers say that there is also both good and bad yeast which is found in the digestive systems of healthy individuals.

With that being said, after what I went through with yeast, I don't care who tells me this or that yeast is good, i'm not gonna purposely start supplementing my diet with it....

Also, if you could post a link to the research you were talking about, it would be really good.
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Post by trouble »

so, after all i found the link: ... &q&f=false

the presented result seems really stunning. O:)

edit: as mentioned above it brought no release to me, tongue turned out smelling less. but i think my bb is also oropharynx (maybe tonsil) related, because it is still here.
Last edited by trouble on Sun May 23, 2010 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

wow, great find, try it please

Post by mitc »

Remerber killing off yest can result in bad breath, so if you've already

Bad Breath The destroyer Of Life
Every one of us at one occasion or another has had dreadful breath or halitosis. This is an embarrassing circumstance that we would all like to get free of. There are various causes of Bad Breath. Oral microorganisms are the most widespread cause of halitosis. We have more than six hundred billion germs in our mouths at any given occasion. The best technique to remedy halitosis from this source is to brush two times each day for two minutes every occasion, and scrape your tongue. This information is for occasional bad breath only.
Some people unfortunately suffer from chronic or persistent Bad Breath or Halitosis this is a very serious affliction as if you leave it unchecked it can all but ruin your life. The big problem with chronic bad breath is you can’t smell it yourself and it’s a taboo that people only talk about behind your back. It will ruin your job, your social life, your home life and sadly your own life.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

mitc wrote:for advice on chronic bad breath go to the site Oraltech Labs as they specialise in home treatment of serious bad breath or halitosis.

I just want to understand why you are here. You are referencing a website in which a person has to pay for information. The creator of the website you are referencing, are they selling any actual product or service, or are they just selling information? If they are just selling information, I think this forum is more than sufficient and it's free. Also, people can search google for more than enough free information.

Additionally, why is it that Jimi has not said anything about the marketing link that is located in your signature. Clearly it is a link to a website that offers an e-book which people have to pay for.

I was told by Jimi to delete my supposed "marketing links" from my signature, however the links in my signature were nothing more than my Instant Messaging Screen Names, so that if anyone wanted to chat with me live they could just add me to their Instant Messaging Service.

Seems there is a double standard here, or just ulterior motives.
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Post by Harry_2K »


I agree with Keep Trying here. I also find KT to be a genuine member here in this site.

Back to the topic, why are so many idiotic nonsenses being allowed to post links that direct us to a webpage with links to purchase something. I really can't understand this.

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Post by halitosisux »

Funny, but I was thinking just a few days ago that its bacteria that produce the potent foul odours, not yeast. And if yeast and bacteria are constantly fighting it out then how come certain harmless yeasts cant be used as some kind of weapon against BB bacteria. And here we have it.

Also, I was wondering, has anyone ever had food poisoning before? I'm still thinking I might be hypochlorhydric and I'm wondering if food poisoning might be a tell-tale sign of hypo/achlorhydria. How can any germs get past the stomach if there is enough acid? I've had food poisoning several times, eating the same food that others have who didnt get ill. I've had ulcer symptoms and endoscopy at the time showed no sign of ulceration. If anyone feels their BB is systemic, I think hypochlorhydria is potentially the most likely reason that could exist.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

halitosisux wrote:Funny, but I was thinking just a few days ago that its bacteria that produce the potent foul odours, not yeast. And if yeast and bacteria are constantly fighting it out then how come certain harmless yeasts cant be used as some kind of weapon against BB bacteria. And here we have it.
I've thought about this now that you've mentioned it again Hal. You say that you believe only bacteria is responsible for the foul odors, whereas yeast is not supposed to produce such odors. Although I have linked a couple sources on another thread which discuss how yeast does in fact have a distinct unpleasant odor that is associated with it, I wanted to go the extra mile here and say that everyone has Candida yeast in their bodies to some extent, but it is usually keep in check by both the beneficial bacteria located in our bodies as well as the immune system. However, in certain circumstances when Candida is able to grow and proliferate in the body, it morphs from it's yeast form to it's fungal form.

The Candida infection that was in my esophagus was the latter, so we are talking about fungus and not yeast anymore. I guess this is why they call the medications anti fungals and not anti yeasts. Anyway, perhaps that would explain why there was such an odor coming from my esophagus, because at that point we were not dealing with Candida in it's yeast form, but we were dealing with it in it's fungal form.

But I still want to point out that I do believe an imbalance of yeast can be responsible for bad breath. If people are looking for lab research to back this up, then visit the MeBO thread (viewtopic.php?t=2546&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30?) in which baguio posted the research that Maria has done, which as of now has shown that 5 out of 7 people complaining of bad breath/body odor have had raised ethanol levels, which is a sign of yeast fermentation in the small intestines.
trouble wrote:what do you guys think of a treatment with brewing-yeast?
i found that yaegaki made an experiment in 1999, which showed very good outcomes (reduction of 80 % vsc after one week covering the tongue with yeast befor going to bed). he patented his "invention" but i couldnt find more recent studies to this topic...

tried it by myself, but it brought no permanent relief. just enhanced my tonsil stones.

i wonder if somebody tried it, because the result of this very study sound amazing! :D
The research does look interesting, but remember, just as there are both good and bad bacteria, such is true for yeast. The yeast that they were using in this research was a specific stain that they use when brewing wine. It's not the same as Candida yeast. I also believe they make kefir with certain beneficial strains of yeast (perhaps it's the same strain). Of course if people want to try this possible remedy, I would say go for it. Perhaps if I were still suffering from bad breath I might try this as well, but as i'm not, and as I know that I clearly have a susceptibility to Candida, I would prefer not to supplement with any yeast containing product. That's just me though.
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Post by halitosisux »

This is very interesting. Great effort made in your reply once again KT. I wonder if these people who suspect yeast fermentation have ever tried antifungal medication. Would that not confirm things? Even if the improvement is only temporary while on the meds, at least it would be a way of confirming.
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Post by elliott »

Interesting thread. Whether yeast can be beneficial or detrimental is up for grabs, but I'd say that yeast containing foods are the one constant strain that I find I've needed to stay away from over the years. Drink a few beers and see how many weeks it takes to recover and you'll see. It leaves a deep residue that you can't do anything about.

Great phrase "The Candida infection that was in my esophagus was the latter"

'Infection in the esophagus' ... while I'm always thinking intestines/stomach. hmm

Never had food poisoning myself though. Pretty strong stomach, considering.
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Post by halitosisux »

Elliott, have you ever tried antifungal meds to see what effect it has? Some people on here have said fluconazole has had a significant effect on their BB, which does indicate for those people a possible connection with candida or whatever type of yeast or fungus.
Lets not forget also, that just because candida is well known about because of its contagious nature, that doesnt mean to say that its the only type of yeast/fungus that might be causing BB for some. KT clearly has a susceptibility to have developed candida in his esophagus, and luckily for him it was spotted, but who's to know for certain whether it wasnt the eradication of yeast, perhaps of a different kind, elsewhere in his body that actually cured his BB, and not the eradication of the candida inside his esophagus. And that taking the measures that he did, and continues to do against candida, have been the key to controlling this situation for him.

Also, elliott, is it only beer which affects you or is it any alcoholic drinks? I used to know someone who generally didnt have BB (all humans are close to the borderline of having BB, doesnt take much to swing the balance) but if he used to drink a lot of beer and crash out over night his room would smell almost like he'd died in his sleep. It was a thick lingering smell. Could be due to dehydration. Could be due to the toxicity on his liver (he was frequently drinking too much) Could it be relating to gut fermentation?
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