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At what Distance can other people smell the BB?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by elliott »

I think our breath is more like a concentrated gas that comes out in vicious bursts, and has the effect of the odor of death. Probably a natural defense mechanism to detect this type of odor even in subconscious. Smoke stinks, but it isn't the type of natural disgusting odor that people fear, it's a scent that one learns to hate and perhaps deal with. Shit smell is unacceptable under any circumstances.

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Post by ithurts »

Jimi wrote:
Archimonde wrote:
wnaysha wrote:
omg, I cant stop laughing about that changing lanes joke, lol, my stomach is hurrrrrtttttinggggggg.
i always wondered if i was the only one here who gets tons of laughs from reading this forum. I gotta admit, some of Jimi's posts which are totally serious make me laugh out loud, Thanatos' too. Those 2 are really good at describing tragic situations which i find, for some reason, hillarious. Sorry guys!
Yes I think very similar about post, but they are not funny, they are disgusting you douchecock. But I am laughing imagining you running naked like a ****ing stray dog in the forest every full moon catching deer and eating it raw. I am disgusting by you eating raw beef. Are you a caveman? At least have some class, you must be so infested with worms and parasites that fishermans are using you instead of bait.

Ha ha ha I am laughing so hard right now, one more thing, when you are eating a raw pig, do you leave out his ass? Or is that the most tasteful part of the body, desert maybe?
Jimi, reading wnaysha's response, she came off as someone who's making fun of us but I don't think that's her intentions.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

i wasnt pissed at waynasha but because of Archie, I mean how can he laugh and my pain, I outed my whole ****ing life here on this board, did everything and he laughs at my pain.

I dont think that is ok and thanatos, he is suffering too, he was brave enough to put his life out here on this site and that ***k laughs at him, there is nothing funny in thanatos posts, it is sad life story that most of use experience.

I think Archimonde might not be a real sufferer, I think I chatted with him and he said he was cured and he wanted to plug some raw food items, maybe that was another person, but a man with sad life because of bb would defintely not laugh at someones story. I sure did not laugh at Thanatos story, I was really sad and felt sorry for him.
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Post by NYConfused »

to Jimi and Trenski... that doesnt sound like normal bb. do you guys do anything for the BB? if you havent already, i would drop everything and just floss and brush for a little while and see if the stuff you were using was causing this. after all, it couldnt get any worse could it?

i was doing something for a while i thought was helping and people were reacting to my odor like never before. after i stopped doing it i realized it wasnt helping at all and was making the situation much worse
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Post by wnaysha »


nyconfused is right, although my bb is totally abnormal, I think urs is probably a little worse if it really goes that far, you should try different things to finally find something that decreases it a little. whatever decreases it a lil might cure it if done regularly.

yesterday I almost had no reactions. I could see that confusion on everone's face, but in my chemistry lab, because we are not allowed to sit I had to bend down to write my results, right then I felt the food coming up in my esophagus and intestines, and in less than 1 min my partners started rubbing their noses. I was shocked at how the reflux and my bb was related.
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Post by halitosisux »

sounds like a fart to me 8-[
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Post by wnaysha »

LOL, me or jimi? I wish it was a fart, but unfortunately it wasn't, lol


My GERD ph results were negative, which means that I have silent reflux, (reflux without acid), and my doctor said my symptoms were more like irritable bowel syndrome, and he prescribed two medications: librax, and amitiza
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Post by halitosisux »

lol wnaysha, it was the bending down part i couldnt resist it cos it happens to me all the time :-$
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Post by bb_girl »

Yeah, unfortunately BB can travel pretty far. I talk to my friends from far away and instantly they cough. I quit my last job because my BB was stinking up the small office with no windows. So sad...
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to jimi

Post by wenjie »

i believe you.
my situation is maybe worse then you.
i have this bb for almost 10 years or longer.
my bb can travel almost 150 feet.people who smell it reation very strongly.i tried almost every way that i can think or hear of but none of them worked.
by zhang wenjie.
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Post by dark »

Several years ago, my BB can be smelled 2 meters (7 feet) and only when I open my mouth. Now my BB can be smelled like 10 meters (33 feet) in open places, even with my mouth closed.

When I drive, I spray the BB and I can see in the wing mirror people holding and rubbing their nose, also some people turn around to look at my car.

About laughing at some comments, I also laugh, specially with Jimmi posts, because he expresses the cruel reality (that I know) as it is.
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Post by tearjerker »

The farthest my BB can be smelt is like 7 meters away (~23ft).
Interesting that most of us have similar symptoms.

I'd like to hear some theories about this.

I think the fact the BB can travel that far is the most disturbing part of this disease. Some time I have to give presentation to people (clients or partners) and that really sucks................

The other disturbing part is when you travel for hours and we dont have opportunity to brush our teeth and scrap our tongue, even when we close our mouth and breathe slowly, the person sittting next to you on the plane can smell our BB...........that also really sucks....

This is so unfair to us all. We are deprived of our social skill and chances in life.
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Post by angst-ridden »

Im bad at calculating distances, but from my experience, i was shouting to a friend of mine while i was walking away from their house. I shouted coz i was like, 15 steps away from her and the engine noise of the passing cars were quite noisy, and what do you know? While talking to her, she suddenly rubbed her nose back and forth. Plus when i was eating chocolate, of course that stuff makes my mouth dry and uncomfortable as ever, and then the person who was talking to our neighbor outside the gate of our next door neighbor commented that he smelled my breath, it was around midnight, it was quiet and his voice was really loud so i heard it. Take note, i was inside our house, windows were open, but if there were no divisions like wall, fences, etc, it was like 7 to 8 steps away. It can also be smelled outside the house early in the morning when i havent eaten anything, my mouth is at its worst smell and feel. Why did God even allow such a smell to reach that far.. Fart, body odor and normal BB are no match for us chronic halitosis sufferers.
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Post by angst-ridden »

Im bad at calculating distances, but from my experience, i was shouting to a friend of mine while i was walking away from their house. I shouted coz i was like, 15 steps away from her and the engine noise of the passing cars were quite noisy, and what do you know? While talking to her, she suddenly rubbed her nose back and forth. Plus when i was eating chocolate, of course that stuff makes my mouth dry and uncomfortable as ever, and then the person who was talking to our neighbor outside the gate of our next door neighbor commented that he smelled my breath, it was around midnight, it was quiet and his voice was really loud so i heard it. Take note, i was inside our house, windows were open, but if there were no divisions like wall, fences, etc, it was like 7 to 8 steps away. It can also be smelled outside the house early in the morning when i havent eaten anything, my mouth is at its worst smell and feel. Why did God even allow such a smell to reach that far.. Fart, body odor and normal BB are no match for us chronic halitosis sufferers.
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Post by badtimes »

look please dont take me the wrong way think that people are smelling u from 20ft away when u speak is ridiculous

and would they even associate it being you by giving u dirty looks ???

or be behind u in the car and pull away knowing its u

i think our minds play greatly into this whether we have bb or halitophobia

have u ever smelt anyones BB from 10ft away?

or no your just the one in a million that does have the kinda bb that can be smelt

we all need mental help
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