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Post by ihatethebus »

Sometimes i wonder, am i the only one who had smackdown bb. nasal=rotten, fecal, mothball cheesy, fishy=oral=fresh beans, poop, dung, stooey grif inn. raw sewer. i could be smelled over 50metres(pliz dont ask me to convert 2 yards, ion know).

the neighbours dogs barked viciously when i yawned i could smell it everywhere i went. rooms with tiles smelled like rotten eggs to me(stopped after quiting milk n cheese). rooms with grey carpets(beats me) smelled like socks (quiting gum chewing fixed that). nasal fart left when i stopped eating cheese (slices wateva). terrible poop exhalation left with neem and baking soda flip-turns.

taste (left after wisdom ext and dry scket thst followed healed. antibiotics gave me a tasteable heightened poop breath jus after swallowing a pill wherever it touched the back of my throat.

nothing, NOTHing , had ever reduced my bb for even 1 sec (tsp of honey breath-mask worked for 5mins with repurcussions). antibiotics made it worse, tea tree oil (dont even go their. GSE (hmm.hmm), garglic (gargles, nasal rinses, cloves) candida my ***.HCL(helped for protein indigestion + didnt help for h. plyori-like symptoms(hydrogen sulfide).

my conclusion is my poop smell came from the upper region of my esophagus (tried to swallow cotton ball attached to string and exact breath odor surfaced). neem seemed to be the only thing washing it down or fighting it (wateva it was) with th aid of baking soda (1 tsp twice a day drank wi h20). still taking the bicarb today and usin it for everythin from brushin to garglin to flip-turns.

my tonsils are still pitted and left one has pus in it . spray them wit shower head once a wik. my tongue is still white ( scrapin cleans the surface perfectly but i can still see white for a few seconds if i roll and unroll it fast. officially quiting the scraping today (seems to be interfering with my oral flora). farrrrr back of tongue looks veeery pink to me and the tb i use to scrape has neva reached that far.

was my bb so bad it left a white tongue as a dent/reminder. i jus posted this for those who kip gettin their hearts sunk when they dont c any change in their tongue color after tryin somethin new out.
love you all..transperth :twisted:

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Post by Susie »

the neighbor's dog barking? You are sooooo observant! Most people would think that is crazy, but if you have bb dogs react different to you. I have 3 dogs so they are used to it, but if I come in contact with a different dog they act strange like they can smell something not normal.

About H. Pylori and hydrogen sulfide...........are they tied together? In the past I have tested positive and been treated with antibiotics(years ago), but I can still smell an intermittent rotten egg smell. Do you think I still have it?

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Post by terranpatriot »

where did you get the neem and how do you use it?
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

ihatethebus wrote:the neighbours dogs barked viciously when i yawned
Susie wrote:Ihatethebus,
the neighbor's dog barking? You are sooooo observant! Most people would think that is crazy, but if you have bb dogs react different to you. I have 3 dogs so they are used to it, but if I come in contact with a different dog they act strange like they can smell something not normal.
My dog used to eat poop and sniff other dog's butts for extended lengths of time. Why exactly do people think that dogs react negatively to bad breath?

Susie, the fact that your dogs don't react to you whereas other dogs do, that's just normal. I highly doubt it has anything to do with bad breath. The fact that other dogs react to you as they smell something strangely, well, that would be because they are not familiar with you. Whose to say that it's not just your scent in general that they are not used to? Animals rely a lot more on the scent of other animals or people. It's how they become accustomed to things. If they don't smell you on a daily basis, then of course they are gonna react as if they smell something strange.

Think of it like this, a baby touches things to learn about it whereas an animal uses it's sense of smell.
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Post by ihatethebus »

@ susie. if you only did a single round of meds on your h plyori treatent regimen then it didnt go. Have you ever tried a normal diet jus without chicken for a couple o weeks. some h ply sulfurers seem to get relief from the rotten odor totally when they drop the wingz :-k

@ terranpilot, i plucked the leaves from the tree..

! !
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