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Academic research project - bringing BB into my day-job!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Joined: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:02 pm

Post by malory »

Hi Brightonguy
Maybe I do have mental issues but, continuing to go off topic, I had significantly less gut dysbiosis at the time of the test at FBC and maybe this was a factor. It was in early 2008 and I had seen and been treated by a microbiologist at the Hale Clinic for a hydrogen breath test to measure lactose malabsorption and glucose bacterial overgowth. My original readings (Nov 2007) for malabsoprtion were very high (182ppm) indicating lots of bad bacteria in the gut, but after 6 weeks raw diet, probiotics and herbal medication the readings fell to 4ppm indicating that dysbiosis had improved. It was at this same time that I went to the FBC, accompanied by my partner who said he never smelt anything. I remember Philip Stemmer was disappointed in my halimeter reading but I can't recall what it was. The improvement in gut flora was only temporary and dysbiosis already showed up again one year later. Throughout all this period I never had any sign that the halitosis had improved.

In October 2008 I went to Amsterdam. I went to Kliniek Voor Parodontologie ( tel. 0206460727). I had an oralchroma test which showed methylmercaptan to be just above the cognitive threshold, while hydrogen sulfide was within the cognitive threshold. The dentist said there was no nasal odour but recoiled when she inhaled the air from my mouth and said "Yes you do have halitosis, it is a rotten egg smell, but you would not smell it from a distance of 3 metres or more." She gave me the usual tongue scraper and an alcohol-free mouthwash with zinc.

I don't know if I would strongly recommend KVPA to others as I was expecting more for the money. They claimed to be able to pinpoint WHERE the odour was coming from and I didn't get that question answered specifically. Still, it is a much more specific test than the halimeter and the presence of methylmercaptan did explain to me why kids would say it smelt like someone had farted when I spoke. I knew that I smelt but I never knew it was fecal.

Hope this info is useful to someone. Brightonguy, give me a call if you want to know more.

Posts: 95
Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:43 pm

Post by thomasthomas »

Hello Brightonguy,
How is going your project?
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Post by brightonguy »

This is going to take some time guys. As I mentioned, first of all I need to have a talk with my boss and those opportunities don't come very often just lately as neither of use seem to be at our desks at the same time just lately.
Posts: 54
Joined: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:16 am

Post by wenjie »

i may know a way to let researchers interested in bb.
i think researchers are not interested in bb field because they maybe never met people with really powerful bb like me or JIMI.they think bb is something easy to deal just need to brush your mouth then the bb is gone or even with bb it is a very common thing people should not take it too seriously.
but the fact is that the really powerful bb is something like gas brust which can travel a very distance.
if they know the fact and meet such a guy,they would absolutely be interested in bb research.
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Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:51 pm

Post by elliott »

Great thread, keep it up. Awareness is key!

edit: btw at work I just tell people about my food intolerances and let them connect the dots. If you try to act like a normal person ie: not a depressed and reclusive introvert, people won't treat you like one. That is... people that work with you closely every day.

Being friendly really helps, and obviously, remind people that you are sticking to a diet, staying healthy. When they want to go out for drinks, react strongly by notifying then that you cannot drink, it upsets your system. Reject offers for sweets and other junk food. Try to be aware when your breathing into someone's face... take a step back so they know that YOU know. Do all this with a smile :)

Over time, coworkers start to deal with it. Of course, some don't, but those kind of people would find a problem with you if you didn't have BB.
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