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guide for asking a person for checking your breath

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guide for asking a person for checking your breath

Post by cool »

first of, i wrote this in intention to get it sticked because i think a guide like this might be of use for everybody who wants to get usefull information from a tester and might be of use for everyone who will read their stories on this board and tries to help or make reasonable conclusions.

i recommend every single one of you to ask other persons to classify your breath, the more people you ask the better. i know it takes much to ask somebody about it, but youll definatly gain worthy information and i can say i never regretted it and always felt mich better after. you can figure its very important that the testing person is completely honest to you and wont make things look better then they are.

to increase the chance of receiving honest feedback, keep the following things in mind:

1. dont show that your in panic mode about your breath, because its easier for the asked person to answer honestly when he/she thinks you can handle the thruth.

2. ask at different times during the day, because your bb might be intermittend.

3. dont ask: do i smell! better use an question technique which isnt answered in just yes or no and doesnt make it too easy for the answerer to comfortably just lie with a no! ask, what do i smell like?

4. let them test nose odor too.

5. make them aware of that only an honest answer will help you and you wont be mad at them for this. perhaps tell them that a honest answer is important for your health condition etc.

6. in some cases its not enough to just breath at your testing person, some bad breath just seems to occur while talking.

7. when you ask somebody for them to test your breath you might create an uncomfortable situation for him/her. he/she might start thinking about their own breath, about being honest or not...
try to make the situation as comfortable as possible for you and your tester. i would recommend to just meet without having timepressure or something else on the agenda.

8. dont let this topic extend on the whole meetup as it might let your tester think a lie would save him from having an endless broing conversation next time.

feel welcome to discuss about this.

feel also free to to correct my english to make sure everybody gets the point.

Posts: 120
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:08 pm


Post by exume »

tried this already they all say they didnt smell anuthing but i went to talk to a girl and other people they couldnt even look at me directly in the face when i talked this is pointless
Posts: 84
Joined: Mon May 31, 2010 8:20 pm

Post by cool »

i can really feel your frustration about this, but probably its best not to resign but to go on asking others. these words might sound cheap but its true.
applied to this guide its not an guarantee for honesty but it might change the odds towards getting an honest usefull answer.

perhaps we can improve this guide to make him more efficient, because im sure most will agree that letting others check your breath in general is definatly something to consider while searching for the cure.
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