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Triple Therapy Treatment...

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Triple Therapy Treatment...

Post by fighter »

Hello everyone, completely new to this site but excited to learn everyones experience it feels good to know you are not alone in the world. Anyways I've decided I will not let this bb control my life any longer I'm not going to roll over and die but roll up my sleeves and fight these damn anaerobic bacterias. After researching the internet, medical journals, and taking pointers frm this site on what works for some and not others I've come up with a combative action plan to wipe out these little suckers. Its best to look at the anaerobic bac, fungus, parasites, etc as the bad guys that you want to completely annialate because they have overpowered the good guys or good bac. Now once I wipe out the bad guys (and the weakend good guys) I want to introduce billions of stronger more effective good guys. I've been thinking of a sound battle plan for months now and after researching online I think I've come across something that just might work. A treatment known as Triple Therapy which consist of addressing bacteria, fungus, parasites, toxins, and microbials.

1.) Bacteria-I plan on using a tetracycline antibiotic (Sumycin or etc) ,which according to wikipedia, is a protein inhibitor blocking the anaerobes from producing amino acid and by preventing introduction of new amino acids to the nascent peptide chain they prohibit growth. Anyone who has researched halitosis knows that its caused by the bad guys "breaking down proteins into individual amino acids, followed by the further breakdown of certain amino acids to produce detectable foul gases or bad breath." So logically one would think tetracyclines are the antibiotics for bb rather than metronidazole or others that don't kill bacteria this particular way (each class of antibiotics kill the bad guys in a different way.) Once I complete only 7 days of tetra I'm going to do another 7 days on a fluoroquinolone (Cipro, Levaquin, or etc.) antibiotic which are new generation super antibiotics that are only for people who developed resistance to other antibiotic treatments.

2.)Fungus-Now as you can imagine that would create the perfect breeding ground for fungus by wiping out all the good guys so of course I'm then going to complete a 7 day treatment on an antifungal (ketoconazole, fluconazol, or whatever).

3.)Antimicrobial/Antiparasitic/Toxin remover-When finished I'm taking Dr. Christopher's Herbal Parasite Syrup or you can buy tonics from local health store but Dr. Christopher's syrup is super cheap around $8. Even though it only advertises parasite when I took just one bottle before my eyes brightened, skin softened, and hair became shiny so I looked up each ingredient and some of them have these properties as well. I'm taking this to completely knockoff every kind of bad guy in my body, for a week or so.

4.)Reintroducing-Because we wiped out the bad guys and the good we want to send billions of troops back in battle several times daily so they can overpopulate and thrive in this new healthy environment, so along with the syrup I'm taking a course of super strength probiotics with 2 billion cultures 3xs daily for 6 mos. Then switch back to regular strength probiotics 1-2xs daily along with vitamin b12 sublinguals and a multivitamin so my body can be a complete homeostatis for good bacteria and health.

Just to mention I'm going to try my best to lower my dairy and carb intake but I don't think it necessary. Also, some maybe wondering why not do everything all at once which you probably could but I want to prolong the death of these creatures so they can stay away for good! FYI- I plan on chewing, gargling, and swallowing all the meds. I'm not a doctor, med student, or college graduate for that matter but this action plan I've created just seems so obvious when you know the facts about halitosis. However, its all about the mean green no one wants to cure but to control. If this sounds like too much then by all means research and come up with your own action plan that address everything and not just one bad guy. Make a complete sound action plan, but whatever you do please please please take super strength probiotics 3xs daily for 3-6 mos. I think that maybe the problem with antibiotics not working for bb with some is because our body isnt getting enough good bacteria so the bad is able to completely overpower, that and not taking the right antibiotic, not taking it long enough, and not addressing every bad guy. I definitely believe this will work I ordered my meds online w/o a prescription farely cheap it should take 10 business days to get here. I will keep everyone posted because I want us all to be free from this burden.

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Post by Phantasist »


I admire your determination and reasoning, but you have to be very careful with antibiotics. There is a reason why they can only be gotten with a prescription. Antibiotics can wipe out a lot of bacteria which might be difficult to replace. Forum members have mentioned that their bad breath started after a course of antibiotics taken for something unrelated. Probiotics are beneficial in your digestive tract, but I don't know if they can replace all the good bacteria. I think there is a danger that you could wind up worse than before. Also, you did not mention what the underlying cause of the anaerobic bacterial overgrowth in your mouth is. Chances are if the cause is not eliminated, you will not be able to establish a beneficial microfloral ecology in your mouth.
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Post by fighter »

My underlying issue is due to chronic sinustitis which the antibiotics and fungals should help. I've done so much research so based on wht I've learned when taking antibiotics you are creating the perfect environment for fungus/candida because the good bac is also destroyed, which is why I'm following with a antifungal. Also I'm going to take super strength probiotics morning, noon, and night for 6 mos because they are way more potent than regular probiotics. Like I stated above people bb gets worse because the antibio's wipe out the good bac as well, which in turn allows the bad bac to re- and overpopulate. Which is why SUPER strength probiotics should be chewed and swallowed, if encapusled remove and pour powder on tongue and do same. Also, the kind of antibiotic is real important as well. Some may have developed resistance which is why I'm choosing 2 completely different antibio's targeted at different anaerobic species. I really believe this is it and I'm just staying postive because I'll be 25 yrs old the 20th and refuse to live another like this. I will be cured! [-(
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Post by fighter »

If anyone is interested I got my meds from really cheap (all of them about $70 bucks). This was the cheapest I found w/o a prescription or membership fee. I used this coupon code for 20% off: 4rx20. So anxious can't wait to start I pray this be a victory for all of us! [-o<
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Post by sdobrev »

Hey fighter,
it sounds like a good plan. I want to note that I highly doubt one may have a parasite if youre not experiencing any symptoms such as diarrhea, bloody, watery, weird stools.
I wish you the best of luck and hope it all goes well and report back on your progress!
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Post by halitosisux »

Good luck fighter. All the evidence is against you, but you may be lucky and wipe out some chronic infection or manifestation somewhere in your body. And I think the best hope for any probiotics approach is that you discover a balance that works, even if you only derive any benefits by having to take them indefinitely.

BTW parasites can sometimes produce no symptoms at all, or you can go for years until symptoms start appearing. So if you have any digestive issues at all, then suspect parasites above everything else. There are simple tests to determine whether you have parasites, you dont have to spend a fortune on self-medications to rule this out. 85% of americans have parasites apparently. Parasites most definitely can cause BB, and even affect the sinuses and produce odours from the nose.
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Post by Phantasist »

I have never heard that 85% of Americans have parasites, or that intestinal parasites can produce odor from the nose.
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Post by halitosisux »

wikipedia wrote:However, it is estimated that 40 million Americans are infected with the most common roundworm in the United States, the pinworm.
That's just one type of parasite in the most medically advanced country with the highest health standards in the world of a population of approx 300 million, so that's roughly 1 in 7 of the population who have this type of parasite at any given time.

Parasites can live anywhere in the body and they produce high levels of toxins which have a huge effect on the body and the immune system. Unless you've properly ruled out parasites through testing, you can never assume you dont have them. Unless you have a very heavy infestation, parasites can be completely asymptomatic.
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Post by fighter »

Yeah, almost everyone has parasites w/o knowing. I've read you can get them from undercooked/rare meat, unfiltered/fountain water, walking bare feet outside, pets, etc. I'm using the syrup not just because of this but because its a great internal cleanser. It also removes toxins which is important after antibio use bc ph balance can be thrown off which creates the perfect enviroment for reinfection. This is totally optional but I'm also doing a liver cleanse recipe I've found.

I have not read one thread where consective triple treatment with these particular antibios and products were combined. So contrary, I don't think the evidence is against me. Ask any doctor or medical expert why a person may get recurring infections after antibio use almost all will say because they kill all life (antibio=no life). The bad bac may have formed resistance or that particular antibio doesn't affect that particular bac species so they can thrive b/c there's no good bac to fight the bad guys.

Here's the important steps in my action plan 1) take 2 different antibio's from different classes- this allows dual action against the bad guys killing more off. 2)kill every bad guy you may have(anaerobes, fungus, parasites, toxins, etc)- so they don't thrive off each by creating the perfect environment for one another. 3)I can't stress how important SUPER strength probiotics are after antibio's they should be taken at least 3-6 mos after to fight off bad guys that may try to creep back in. Then switch to regular probiotics daily after that which is no big deal just take them with vitamins everyday.
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Post by fighter »

My meds just got here, Yay!!! \:D/ I started with the tetracycline mixed it with o.j. swished and swallowed, disgusting yuck! I'm taking nizoral (antifungal) after my two weeks with tetra. But I am going to do coconut oil and probiotics along with the tetra to prohibit extra fungal growth (being that I already have a fungal problem). Once I finish my entire treatment I'll post back in increments my results. Stay tuned... :P
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Post by nicc »

thank you fighter, good luck!!
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Post by fighter »

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Post by fighter »

I'm not done with my treatment (ofcourse) but I had to post this. It's been 24 hrs and my bb is completely gone I'd noticed its effect almost immediately yesterday. With metronidazol it usually takes 3-4 days for my bb to disappear. Still not complete I will check back when completely finished with treatments. Stay tuned...
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Post by nicc »

well that's normal :D the challenge will be in 3-4 weeks when you are not on anything.
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Post by fighter »

Right but after my 2 week treatment of tetra I'm doing another treatment with a superior antifungal for oral candida called ketoconazole it's more superior than diflucan for mouth/throat candida and it also efficiently kills systematic candida (as this is the reason for my bb).
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