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Jimi's Basic Daily Routine - Just ****ing sucks

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Jimi Stein
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Jimi's Basic Daily Routine - Just ****ing sucks

Post by Jimi Stein »

After speaking to Speiser clinic, I am doing nasal flushes with warm salt water 3 times per day, I am eating oral probiotics, i let them melt in my mouth, some kind of Italian brand, I use gum irrigator to clean between gums and tongue scraper of course.

And I feel the breath is even worse because of probiotics.

WTF is my body trying to tell me, it must be a joke I guess.
Probiotics just aint my thing I guess.

ANd I know the bb is comig from throat most likely. It can't be TMAU, the mouthwashes in fact work and I have clean feeling in my mouth after using them. Clean feeling in my throat.

It is extremely difficult to get rid of bb. I also use enemas, to clean old stuff and introduce new bacterias later.

O:) 8-[

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Post by compor »

Can they tell you which type of halitosis you got? Dr. Aydinmur is doing extensive tests to find out the type first. Normal doctors just examine and say that we're okay, there is nothing wrong that would cause bb blah blah blah. So we move to the next step (dentist > ent > gastro etc.). Not even doctors can say that we have bb.

Never in my life, not a single person (no parents, no relatives, no friends, no doctors) has ever told or implied that I have bb. Only after about 5 years of struggle I told my sister that I'm trying to find a cure for bb, and now she and I can talk about it. When we're alone, she asks me if there are any improvements and checks my breath.

Once I deliberately ate meat and dairy before my doctor's appointment. My breath was so bad that I was able to smell it when I opened my mouth. I spoke directly to the doctor, told him about my problems. He said that it was probably psychological, and that he couldn't smell my breath. But he couldn't help covering his nose whenever I spoke to him. It's easier to say a "white" lie if you know no cures about a condition which is not even considered to be a disease.

Here is my plan: I'll try flucanazole, metrodizanole first. Then bentonite clay together with:
Garden of Life Fungal Defense ... 103&sr=8-1
Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra ... 062&sr=8-1

What do I have to lose? Nothing I guess.
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Post by stressedout »

Jimi and all,

Pay attention, this might be the end of your sufferings. PARASITES. And yes, they are VERY common.

You are never cured if your life revolves around mouth washes, constant sinus flushes, anemas, food restrictions and on. Do not waste your money covering the symptoms of a bigger cause. Do NOT believe regular stool tests that often will not show you have a parasite. Do NOT try to cleanse on your own as most likely you will not succeed. Find and invest in a good naturopath (might be tricky) who knows how to test you and what to do to kill it and heal the gut.

This can be the cause for many of you that developed bb mysteriously, and now cannot get rid of it for years no matter what you do.

Depending on severity of your case, it might take months to fully cleanse and reset your gut.

And when you're done, you will not need any sinus washes, mouth rinses (except for plain water), and more importantly all those food intolerances that you have developed over time, will go away!

I am not going to be getting into lengthy discussions, or defending all this, I just hope this reaches those who needed their answer.

Best of luck.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

so you are cured?
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Post by vinnie »

Jimi & all,

if your body is full of something like candida or something that can cause an issue (which could also be a tongue coating) then its possible that it may get worse before it gets better, its possible you could be experiencing a die off reaction maybe? you have nothing to lose staying with the probiotics for a few months (i am doing the same)

if mouthwashes work and you gain a fresh feeling in the mouth then it would seem a good idea to get a serious super bright light an dentist mirror and check your mouth (or someone to assist) hidden tonsil stones?

post nasel drip onto tongue - mouthwash eliminates until next time? if you have a tongue coating does it smell? (tongue scraper smell test)

have been wondering if an issue comes from the stomach or intestines could it work its way back up thru the digestive tract or lining it completely, so the only "tip of the iceberg" that you can see is the tongue?

i 2 am trying the probiotics (biokult) i am taking quite a few.

had a food intolerance test (worth a shot) apparently i have issues with quite a few things, including garlic,onions,black pepper,coffee,strawberrys blackcurrants....cows milk,sheeps milk, goats milk...oh that will be all dairy then!!! so no dairy at all, if your body is unable to process certain things then its possible that it may stagnate or cause an unpleasant smell, dam my daily coffee with milk is so missed, have you looked at food intolerance?

i have started to take digestive enzymes,

i also use one of those panasonic oral irrigators (i also rinse my mouth with water after eating anything) now i only need to floss once every 1 or 2 weeks

am taking 2 lots of candida clear tablets ... 768&sr=8-4 ... pd_sim_d_7

taking grapefruit seed extract citricidal every few days.

introduced a lot of spices to my diet in case parasites have moved in, lots of hot birds eye chilli, scotch bonnet, chilli powder, white pepper, turmeric,cumin,

also taking activated charcoal every few days (which changes feces from brown to proper black sorry to be gross) this is ment to remove toxins (i smoked for 20 years)

thank you for the great site an helping people.

Regards Vince
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Post by clara0 »

@Jimi: notice that when you are on probiotics you may get worse before getting better, esp if you take higher dosage.
I also agree with stressedout, I know a girl she cured her bb after removing the parasites with the help of the naturopath....and now she eats everything and has a normal life. I also took a course of antiparasite tablets on my own , the first 3 days I had die off reactions then my bb reduced and both my weakness and bb went away , But it was written on the box that you should continiue the process for at least 3 times to remove the eggs from your body but I did not and after like one week my bb came back.
I am going to take antiparasite stuff again until I get cured. But my friend told me that it can be quite difficult since some worms are very difficult to remove. .
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Post by nicc »

for how long have you been taking the clear canida products?
do you feel an improvement?
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Post by dick.karma »

i'd like to repeat Jimi's question, are you cured?
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Post by ruch »

have tried 2 courses of probiotics (K12) in the past few months. i feel that my breath was worse after sucking on those.
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Post by vinnie »


i think its been about 2 - 3 weeks i got 2 lots of tablets, 90 and 60 by the end of the fourth week they will be all gone as i am taking silly amounts.

i think there is a difference i felt things like a few headaches, clarity mindwise, eyes seemed better and not so strained
my tongue coating seems easier to remove and "sometimes" seems a little less thicker towards the front of the tongue but not all the time,

i am taking cod liver oil tablets and silly amounts of activated charcoal and capsule probiotics and my stomach is now not so bloated.

next on the list is consuming silly amounts of bentonite clay + going to see a naturopath for testing for parasites and worms etc

i have also been toying with the idea of getting a microscope, white coat and investigating the tongue coating culture at a kind of scientific level.

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