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Post by mike987 »

My BB is like a crap-fart these days... But I know that smell of an infected gum around a tooth... Every once in a while, I'll experience a sore spot on my gum near a tooth.. and pushing on it with my finger yields that 'sore gum' smell that you guys are talking about.

If it's not sore around your teeth, you don't need your wisdom teeth removed.

Mine have been out for nearly 10 years I think, and it seems unrelated to my BB entirely.

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Post by halitosisux »

bbsmells wrote:
Vivian wrote:Hi Halitosisux:

So removing your remaining bottom wisdom tooth has completely cured you of BB??

That's interesting. When I last went to my dentist, he said that that my righ wisdom bottom tooth - i has the left one removed years ago - might be my problem since their is a flap around my remaining bottom tooth.

I never thought it was a problem b/c I've had BB since my teens and my wisdom tooth came in my late teens / early twenties.
i removed my lower two wisdom teeth but not the upper two and my bb is still there
Vivian was eventually cured from a wisdom tooth extraction.
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Post by halitosisux »

mike987 wrote:If it's not sore around your teeth, you don't need your wisdom teeth removed.
I agree with you there, unless there's an indirect cause, such as an upper wisdom tooth possibly invading a sinus.
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Post by osis78 »

Is it possible that wisdom teeth are the real culprit if they ARE NOT impacted? Mine are sore, bleed but not always like right now there's no sign of gum inflammation yet I still have the BB.
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Post by halitosisux »

Yes. If the roots of any of the upper molars invade the sinuses.
Also, if any of your teeth are creating anaerobic gum pockets, whether from disease, lack of care, or for abnormal structural reasons, then this can lead to a constant stream of foul discharge which you may not even realise.
Even a small amount of discharge from such a situation will turn a clean healthy mouth into sewage. I tell you this from experience.
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Post by shmooze »

Don't remove wisdom teeth if you are not sure it's the real culprit. You can chech easly by putting a finger on it, if you don't have any nasty odor most probably there is another culprit.

I think people with wisdom teeth bb have candida too. The cause of candida is generally heavy metals poison, in particular mercury in dental amalgams, but also vaccines and sea foods (candida is a natural body reply to the poison "eating" those heavy metals).

Candida has a lot to do with BB, pnd, withe coated tongue, tonsilstones are all relate with candida. People with BB should check for candida first of all: THIS IS THE CAUSE, or better, the cause is the poison which candida try to fight, the others are effects.
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Post by halitosisux »

Agree with you about not removing wisdom teeth unless there's a very obvious reason to do so, such as foul discharge or an xray showing clear problems such as decay, impaction damage or sinus invasion etc

Dont agree about candida. If you think you might have candidiasis somewhere that's causing your BB then rule it out with a course of antifungal medication. Most of what you read about candida on the internet is pure nonsense. If mercury or dental amalgam causes candida and bad breath then most people in the world would have these problems - and they simply do not.
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Post by shmooze »

halitosisux wrote:
Dont agree about candida. If you think you might have candidiasis somewhere that's causing your BB then rule it out with a course of antifungal medication. Most of what you read about candida on the internet is pure nonsense. If mercury or dental amalgam causes candida and bad breath then most people in the world would have these problems - and they simply do not.

This is the reason why a lot of people stop their bb for a week, or two, taking antibiotics or anti fungals and then it come back. That prove their bacteriological source of BB. Candida could have different origins, but the exposure to heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum or nickel is the one of the most common.

I post an interesting article on antifungal and candida: ... etals.html
Candida and Heavy Metals
November 16th, 2010 | Author: pib
If antibiotic therapy can be excluded as a cause of Candida, should – before Candida is cut down from behind – to be checked whether any one heavy metal poisoning (such as over amalgam dental fillings containing or their improper removal) is present.
Candida can ensure that the effects are a heavy metal poisoning in the frame, so even here have a positive function. If one were to eliminate the fungus, the mercury could cause serious damage, at least in the opinion of Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, psychological kinesiologist, a specialist in tooth restoration and expert in pain treatment. So must take place in this case only a mercury detoxification before they could venture on the removal of the fungi.
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Post by halitosisux »

What was interesting in that article?

It sounds like the same pseudo-science we see time and time again about candida.

Most people have tried grapefruit seed extract. Maybe this helps reduce the amount of fungus that is naturally present inside the mouth which is a natural constituent of tongue coating. That's probably also the only reason why a few people on here noticed any improvement to their breath when they tried fluconazole because it reduced their tongue coating, which helps reduce the layer that absorbs odours and makes the tongue surface less anaerobic and more favourable to having less BB.

And yes, of course this proves that the BB has a bacteriological source, which is why antibiotics targeted against anaerobic bacteria usually reduce BB levels. Whether this is because it acts on the oral bacteria, the the gut bacteria, or chronic infection somewhere such as the sinuses.

Most of the claims made on candida is based on effect outside the body. These claims are then manipulated into this pseudo-science for inside the body.
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Post by shmooze »

halitosisux wrote:
Most of the claims made on candida is based on effect outside the body. These claims are then manipulated into this pseudo-science for inside the body.

we are lost if we are waiting an official science replay to mercury and candida interaction, maybe in the next reincarnation. "Official science" has permitted one of most catastrofic event allowing a toxic component like mercury for more than 150 years and they knew mercury was a highly toxic, but allowed such a disgrace. Are you more assured if official science tell you something about mercury and candida correlation after they have allowed people to be ruined with mercury for 150 years???
There are several study that have showed high level of mercury in of people with chronich candida (was something more than 90%). Is it pseudo science?! To me seems a clear correlation and I don't need any "official science" reply after the carnage they have allowed for so long.
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Post by halitosisux »

I dont know what chronic candida is. Do you mean repeated opportunistic candidiasis?

Please paste some links to this research you mentioned.

Repeated candidiasis is often due to partners reinfecting each other during sex, antibiotic use, those on certain medications such as steroids and immunosuppressive medications.
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Post by marc »


I may be in a similar position to you. I have 4 wisdom teeth, and I believe the top left one hasn't erupted, because it feels significantly shorter than the other three and has a larger gum flap on it. Also, after brushing my teeth and waiting an hour I checked with a cotton bud (ear cleaner) the gums all over my mouth and I could tell that the gum around my top let wisdom tooth smelled bad. I want to be sure though before I get this tooth removed. I always have a white coating all over my tongue and when I scrape it off it comes back within about 5 hours depending on what I eat. Also, I wake up with a lot of mukus in my nose and throat. My sinuses don't feel completely clear, although breathing is not a problem. I am not sure if I have PND or if the sinuses are contributing to the problem. I am 24 now and have had bb for about 12 years. It may have started before my wisdom teeth grew but I can't remember.

Any information you could give me would be much appreciated.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi, the only way to find out for sure is to have the tooth removed. This may be the underlying cause for you or you may have other underlying causes such as parasites, problems in your nose/sinuses/adenoids, acid reflux (make sure you do not have helicobacter pylori). Also do not needlessly remove your tonsils unless they are clearly infected because if they smell its probably a result of having BB caused elsewhere in your body which causes them to smell. If you still have BB after you've ruled out all these possibilities then you may have a type of TMAU or an as yet unknown cause that is very similar to TMAU involving the production of certain foul chemicals by the bacteria in the bowel and/or the body's inability to deal with these chemicals.
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Post by marc »

I don't think there is any problem with my tonsils. Also, like you, I noticed that when I floss between the second and third last teeth there will be an odir on the floss. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I actually have six wisdom teeth because I have ten molar teeth in my top row and eight in the bottom row. I'm not sure if this is significant though. I checked again this morning right after waking up and there was no odur from any part of my gums except from the rearmost wisdom teeth at the top row.
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Post by halitosisux »

Just to be clear, flossing odours dont really signify anything is wrong. But when you can detect odour on your finger when you rub any part of your gum, that's very significant because that's never meant to happen normally, and a sign that something isnt right.
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