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Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:24 am

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Post by 2ndbanana »

i had my tonsils removed like 8 years ago and i just recently found out they only removed one on my right throat and now i feel & taste something like there's tonsil stone somewhere in my ear but somehow i don't feel it in my tonsil (left throat) but i flush my tonsil with the oral irrigator and i don't feel any stones coming out could it be possible i have tonsil stones in my tonsil that i can't get rid off because i taste the bitterness of it all over my mouth just last week it's not this bad or maybe i have something like tonsil stone that i feel on my left ear coz i remember an ent told me that the eardrum on my left ear is broken which i can hear very well but on my right ear i can't hear very well, strange . i don't know if i should see an ent specialist coz i don't have any med insurance it will cost me $200 or more just to see an ent doctor and i'm not sure if it's worth spending that money just so they can tell you that there's nothings wrong with your tonsil or whatever it is you think is wrong with you.