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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by paul »

Here is a link to a product I bought, after needing a voltage regulator and shipping to Australia this cost me near $200usd. but I use it daily. It seems to help, it does what it says it will.

Do you guys use a water pik? is it worth me buying?

cmon FIIIRE UP! lets get some fresh ideas up here! no more stale suicidal thoughts! ;)

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Post by plumbum »

I have one. I don't think it helps much, but I can say this, it helped me diagnose where the problem is. I have chronic sinusitis. When i irrigate small amounts of grainy yellow stuff comes from my nose which leads me to believe I have tonsil stone material in my sinuses. My sense of smell is basically gone so i can't tell what it smells like but I know yellow isn't a healthy color. I just changed ENT doctors because the first one kept telling me he didn't smell anything. My new doctor is more apt to listen and help. I had sinus surgery earlier this year and the that ruined my sense of smell. I'm taking my CT scans to my new doctor along with the pathology report which he asked for. If I have to have another surgery to clean out my sinuses I will definitely do it. my CT scan shows that my maxillary sinus have thick mucosa and antibiotics don't work. For some people the irrigation may work, depending on where the blockage is in your nose. I truly believe that many of us have stuff stuck to the bottom of our sinuses that doesn't show up on the CT scan.
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Post by potty_mouth »

that really sounds like my situation. I have had two CT scans (about a year apart) that both showed the same amount of thickening. My ENT says that 50% of normal people off the street would show the same. Maybe that's true, but in some cases I think the mucous is trapped and so stagnates in the sinus... and stinks.
Can I ask, do you get worse reactions during and after exercise? I know I do, and I'm thinking it may be because my head is moving around a lot and I have dislodged some of the trapped mucous, or the extra blood flow in my head has opened the sinus somehow, leaking the smell out.
Also, does anyone get a bad smell from the skin around the nose and on the chin when you rub it? : take a clean cloth (or your sleeve) and rub the outside of your nostril quite hard so it leaves a mark. Then sniff the cloth. I often get a smell like barf and it gets worse after exercise (even after washing)... weird.
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Post by plumbum »

I haven't been to the gym for fear of someone smelling my breath. Since I can't smell my own, I couldn't tell you. I know i have a constant stench with no relief from anything I do. I ride the subways and in the morning my breath still smells after a rigorous hygiene routine. I get the looks like is that her breath? I'm going to ask for a culture to see what's in my nose. I also have a cyst in the back of my nose according to the CT scan. i will get that checked out also. Right now I'm taking Nasonex to shrink my turbinates to see if that helps. I have irregular tan/ pink tissue in my nose also. That was on my pathology report from my surgery whatever that means. I'm all discombobulated.
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Post by cope »

Last edited by cope on Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Susie »

potty_mouth wrote:Plumbum,
that really sounds like my situation. I have had two CT scans (about a year apart) that both showed the same amount of thickening. My ENT says that 50% of normal people off the street would show the same. Maybe that's true, but in some cases I think the mucous is trapped and so stagnates in the sinus... and stinks.
Can I ask, do you get worse reactions during and after exercise? I know I do, and I'm thinking it may be because my head is moving around a lot and I have dislodged some of the trapped mucous, or the extra blood flow in my head has opened the sinus somehow, leaking the smell out.
Also, does anyone get a bad smell from the skin around the nose and on the chin when you rub it? : take a clean cloth (or your sleeve) and rub the outside of your nostril quite hard so it leaves a mark. Then sniff the cloth. I often get a smell like barf and it gets worse after exercise (even after washing)... weird.
I smell like vomit alot. I got reflux and have chronic sinus infection. Also one other strange thing that has been going on for several years is when I run the vacuum it smells like vomit! GROSS!!
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