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Finally Cured After 38 Years of Hell? LADIES PLEASE READ

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by mindyb »

@Hopestill, what is your history with bb? I would imagine there would be a way to conteract hormone issue without having a hysterectomy.
That is why my first step would be an Endocronolgist before a OBGYN.

@Hopefulone, do you still produce any amount of estrogen and/or progesterone after hystorectomy?

I am due to see my Endrocronolgist soon to maintain my thyroid tests. However I have not idea what to say I want tested in relation to my bb. I'm still trying to educate myself.

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Post by HopefulOne »


My Ob/Gyn told me I would no longer produce progesterone because my ovaries were also removed. She said I would still produce a small amount of estrogen from other areas of my body such as fat cells. She wants to put me on Hormone replacement therapy but now I am too afraid my bad breath will return. I am considering increasing my testosterone level because my libido has been low for a couple of years.
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Post by terranpatriot »

To those considering self-medicating themselves through the manipulation of testosterone/estrogen/progesterone levels, I would advise against it. You can really throw your body out of whack. A doctor/endocrinologist would be a necessity on this one.
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Post by mindyb »

agreed Terran.
A lot of Research before I go to my Endo... I want her to at least take me seriously. She is very thorough and kind, so hoping she may help.
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Post by Music Lady »

I spent some time today reading this entire post. Its really wonderful to read that somebody has conquered this awful deamon that's robbed us all of having a life.

HopefulOne I have a question for you. Do you have bad breath all the time or only when you menstruate?

Also you describe the smell as mousy? Is that like a light fecal smell???

My breath goes up a 1000% during menstruation, but it is waaay stronger then what I imagine a mousy smell would be. When menstruating is over it reduces but the smell is still strong enough to fill up an office or small theatre.

My smell is more like a mothball/dirty sock/fecal breath. But is really strong, and extends really far from my nose and mouth. I don't even have to talk.

I also bleed A LOT during menstruation (where I go through a pad an hour - sorry guys). I was rushed to the hospital one night with extreme pain in my side -- the doctors thought it was my ovaries but found nothing. A lot of my symptoms are EXACTLY the same as yours except for the smell you described.
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Post by wenjie »

i do believe the bb has something to do with masturbation started in middle school when i was about 15 or 16.tho i lose my belief sometimes becoz so many people were cured with a method has nothing to do with masturbation.
but still i believe that masturbation does hurt my body.i know its not sientific at least as those teaching book say.but i felt alot tired and show black eye after masturbation.and my memory i think,became worse then before.
and i am a little starting to lose my hair too becoz of masturbation i think.
i dont know.maybe it really has something to do with the hormone!
but the direct reason i believe is the sinus infection.becoz the PND is the most abvious thing that i can find from my whole body.other things,like GERD,i dont think it has much to do with the bad breath.becoz i can see soo many people have GERD,but none of them have this horrible badbreath.
but such strong i can see,i found no body else around me or i've even see have it.
i have to spit all day long.feeling really alot of nasal drips coming down from the nose into my throat.especially after meal or sports,my mouth became sticky becoz alot of mucus and those mucus became dry.
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Post by Virtuous Viking »

I know I certainly had bad breath before I first jerked off (I still remember the day, about 15). Yes, masturbation can ruin the body if done excessively (as little as once a week can be excessive). The body seems to hate the act and shows certain outward signs against it, like you mentioned the dark rings around the eye, incessant twitching of the eyes, weakened memory, fatigue, hair loss, neurasthenia, etc. But I'm not sure I'll go as far as saying that masturbation can cause bb or bo because in my case, it doesn't matter if I have sex or rub one out, the bb and bo would come back in full force.

I think it will be better labeled as the depletion of testosterone as a cause of bb/bo (for men) rather than masturbation (which is of course in of itself a contributing factor)

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Post by mike987 »

But we all know most boys masturbate their guts out as soon as they discover the joy of it.

Why would masturbating cause health issues where sex, or ejaculation during the night would not? I do often think that sex or masturbation does exhaust the body permanently. There are so many animals that die immediately after mating that I wonder if we share a little bit of that ancestry.

Something that always bothered me is that after ejaculation, the entire following day I feel drained, sleepy, weak during exercise, and if I don't set an alarm, would sleep 9 or 10 hours. To try to counteract this, I drink a lot of water or juice, eat a banana, some vitamins, and iron, directly after the act, in hopes that my body gets what it needs to replenish itself while I'm sleeping.

I feel most on top of my game and energized when I haven't ejaculated in a week or so.... Although at that point, it literally become painful down there.
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Post by Virtuous Viking »

Haha. Yeah. I usually get blue balls after about 11/2- 2 weeks of abstinence. It hurts like hell for about a day or two and then stops. I also peak in functionality after about a week.

I can remember reading once that most bodily secretions (semen, blood, sweat, feces, urine) have negative cosmic energy when released from the body. Before the mid-20th century many doctors believed that most diseases in men were due to the fluctuation of semen in their bodies.

Question: Would you give up sex/masturbation for life if you were told that it would cure your bb/bo completely due to a steady testosterone level?
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Post by mike987 »

Ah! I guess I'd have to know a little more about it..

Like, I'm sure testosterone levels (assuming that were the issue) actually increase just physically being near a woman....

If I had to keep my testosterone levels as balanced as possible, I'd probably have to not just quit intercourse (like I'm getting any of that these days anyway XD) and masturbation, but also stop interacting with women, and quit other things, like working out, and certain diets... I don't think I would do it. I'd have to stay away from women like I pretty much do now anyway. It'd still be a solitary life. No more oogling hot bodies either!

HOWEVER.... If the only important factor is to stop ejaculation... well, I could still have a sex life and get excited about women.. I'd just have to be very strict about training myself sexually to never, ever ejaculate. Some degree of orgasm can actually be reached without ejaculating...

But even if it meant no more orgasms, most of the fun is the part building up to the climax... I'd just never be able to let myself get to that point..... If these were the rules, I'd go for it in a heart beat. I could meet women, satisfy them, get married, have a family, etc etc... As long as I never... EVER came.
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Post by hoping »

After reading the post from Hopefulone , now I undertand why flaxseed cured Prince's nose BB (not mouth BB) because flaxseed lowers certain hormone level.

People with TMAU claim that their odor increase when their estrogen level is high. Some people believe that there may be a relationship between hormone level and FMO3 enzyme.

I start to have BB after taking birth control pills for 4 months. I've stopped the pills for 7 years already.

Can the estrogen/progesterone hormone in the pills accumulate in my body for so many years?
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Post by mindyb »

@ hoping, mine too started after taking birth control pills. I stopped not long on them, and bb started and never left.
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Post by jen »

I am so glad somebody is finally discussing this topic. My bb also started at age 11 and since reading that many people's bb started then, I had a vague suspicion that hormones could have something to do with it..

Now, thinking back, my bb has been manageable until I started using the three month contraceptive injection after the birth of my child. I used it for about 8 years and during that time my bb became room filling. It was so bad that I woke during the night and had to get up to brush my teeth before I could go back to sleep. Not that the brushing helped for the bb, but the smell/taste/feeling in my mouth was so bad that I couldn't take it.

Before that I used the combination pill as contraceptive, but bb was not nearly as bad. I read that the shot is progesterone, so that could be the cause.

Unfortunately (!) I have no other symptoms of hormone imbalance like acne or irregular periods. On the other hand I do suffer from low mood/depression (since childhood) and always had terrible mood swings, thought it could be a serotonin issue, buit 5 HTP doesn't help for me.

Now there's something new to try. But I'm so scared to have my hormones tested and being told that they are normal! Because no matter what I test, the results are always "normal"... So strange for a normal, healthy person to have this horrible bb...
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Post by hoping »

MindyB - Thanks for your reply.

Jen - How did you test your estrogen/progesterone level? I read it somewhere on the internet that saliva test can give accurate result, not blood test.
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Post by jen »


Jen - How did you test your estrogen/progesterone level? I read it somewhere on the internet that saliva test can give accurate result, not blood test.[/quote]

Hoping - I haven't done any testing yet. But there are 3 ways: blood, urine and saliva. Apparently saliva is best, because this method reads active hormones only, while other methods measure both active and non-active hormones in the body.
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