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Deviated from the gluten free diet.. (annoying banter)

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Deviated from the gluten free diet.. (annoying banter)

Post by mike987 »

First you should know I haven't had much success on this diet.. I feel like it's helped order my digestive system a little, but not enough for me to feel a significant difference, ..and no breath change from what I know.

I also want to say I'm just using this thread to loosely banter about it.. I don't really have much of a point..

So yesterday at a convenience store, I decided I'd eat whatever looked tasty.. Picked up some sausage cheese potato thing ..

Later I also kind of ate whatever I wanted (though it all appears to be gluten free, I just usually don't eat anything with a lot of sugar or anything with more than a few ingredients).... Hormel's Hot Pork and Beans , Lacto-ice (Icecream) with crushed almonds and dark chocolate, chicken "burrito" made from boiled chicken, rice paper, rice, shredded cheese, and salsa..

My crap the next day was, as expected, (but not much different from usual) very muddy and smelled a bit worse than normal (I blame the hormel chili pork and beans sauce)...

Today I ate the normal rice and egg, rice and fish onigiri, banana, protein drink, etc, before work.. So at work I noticed I could actually smell my own breath without any backdraft... though it wasn't what I usually smell in the backdraft... It was like a belch. I could smell a belch from my own mouth. I don't know what this means... I didn't get any apparent reactions about my breath, though maybe one time one little bastard said 'stinks' but I couldn't be sure.. He might have said 'annoying' which involves the same Japanese word.... Oh, and later someone drew an insulting picture on the board and put my name on it.. funny, but they put the kanji meaning death between my nose and mouth.. I dunno if that meant my breath or what... But no obvious hand holding in front of the face........ BUT, I'm very careful these days not to speak in someone's direction when I'm near them... so.... There's no telling anything really...

Ugh. I don't have a direction with this... Just that I could actually sense my own breath and it smelled kind of like a belch.. The fart breath might have been in there too and I just didn't know it.

I would rather have belch breath all the time than fart breath.

I wish I wasn't as short as I am. Women like tall men... Also, tall men get more respect and are taken more seriously in general. Don't tell me it's not true. I've been paying attention to this for awhile. People don't take short people seriously, or at least not as seriously as taller folks. Short men are okay but not when they also smell like shit.

Off topic, but for some reason I wanted a kazoo... Can't find them in this country. I couldn't choose which one I wanted, so I ordered 3 of them. Cost like 30 or 40 dollars. What the hell was I thinking... Anyway they come and they're just as stupid as I should have expected. The one I just got from the mail box might as well be broken because it doesn't do crap. Well, the final one didn't arrive yet.. It's made from metal, so maybe it will be good. Maybe it will still be damn stupid.

Ugh. I feel so low right now. I didn't have a good last class.. kids were being uncooperative pricks... And then my assistant teacher mentions how she's being put in a different school next money and she was wondering who's coming to replace her... Well I don't ****ing know.. No one told me about it..... So that's just a little depressing too.

I've been stressed.. I have grey hairs popping up.. Not a ton, but they're there.. I'm considering dying my hair, as almost all people do in this country anyway..... I feel like a mess. I need new clothes... My eczema is coming back.. I'm tired... My room mate went out the other night on a date and comes home with stories of an amazing blow job... Meanwhile, I had garlic up my ****ing nose and was browsing porn and wasting my life on the computer...

slkfdjahlkjhskjlfhjsklf Also this apartment is FREEZING, and the gas heaters I bought won't work because the gas valves or something are fucked up............ dkfasjdhflsakjhalka Now I need to get off my butt after finally getting home late from work, ride my bike to a local school and pick up a kerosene heater offered to us by our boss who owns the apartment, because he won't bother to have the gas fixed.

The girl I loved hasn't made contact with me in in a month... I guess it's my turn to call her, but I just don't feel good about it... I don't want an obligatory relationship..... but I miss her a lot.... The serotonin was putting me in a good mood for awhile.... but these days it can't keep up. Ugh.. I just burped a little and felt some acid come up.

I hate my ****ing life.

Anyone else want to complain? I feel like an asshole complaining here by myself. :-&

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Post by Phantasist »


We don't mind your complaining. We can see that you're in a very difficult situation in Japan.

You definitely have digestive issues. They may or may not be responsible for your bad breath, but you should try to improve your condition. As I have advised you about 8 months ago, you might consult a gastroenterologist. Aside from that you should eat lots of steamed vegetables, rice and potatoes. Over-ripe apples (Pectin) and papaya (Papain) are also good for digestion. Also eat small portions of meat, but stay away from anything too spicey and anything that might irritate your colon. You should also take probiotics every day to restore the beneficial bacteria in your intestines.

I'm not claiming that this will automatically eliminate your breath odor, but it will make you feel better physically (and probably mentally). You should really try to help yourself with all this digestive distress you're having and not let this condition go on forever. Sorry if I seem to be harping on this.
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Post by mike987 »

Except for yesterday (and today, I wanted to eat meat sauce on rice noodles (I'm looking for ways to get my weight back on... I've been losing all the weight I had tried so hard to gain...) I never eat spicy food.

I always eat rice. It's the main staple of my diet.. That and potatoes. Along with those, I often have boiled chicken or eggs.
I never eat at restaurants, but if I do have to eat out, it's something plain like rice and fish from a convenience store, or if there's a grocery store near by, I'll get a few shrimp sushi,. because it's the only thing that seems to not have any gluten in it.

I eat fruit all the time. I've been drinking vegetable juice too, recently.

Also, I had been taking two different probiotics every day, but I ran out of the one recently, so it's back to just one. It's got 60billion organisms though....

I also supplement vitamins, iron, zinc, etc.

And I HAVE been to a gastroenterologist. I went to one last year.. Kept going back but he just continued to offer shitty medicine. A sack full of placebos every time I went. Without testing, he first diagnosed me with IBS... I asked for tests and he took some blood and tested for something... I asked for endoscopy of stomach and colon. He did it.. He says it was fine. There was a scar of an ulcer in the stomach (though another doc recently said that's not an ulcer, but a normal change for people [???]), After the colonoscopy, he said I'm healthy but asked if I wanted more medicine..... I kept telling them it doesn't do anything.. And I was strictly talking about my bowel issues. I didn't bring breath into it.......

More recently I went to another doc. I told him how I went to one last year, showed him a pic of the stomach endoscopy, and mentioned how I received a bunch of drugs that didn't do crap.... So what's this guy do.. Well he takes a blood test for the Heliopacter pylori like I requested (not for parasites or anything else though), then prescibes me a bunch of useless meds. I go back for the test results.. Apparently I'm fine, but he prescribes another sack full of meds..... At this point I don't want to even bother....

These docs ... It's so discouraging......

My last hope is to go to the main hospital and requests more tests to be done, though they'll probably want an exam and want to give me more dumb medicines... I went to that hospital once for a sinus check... Wanted to see if there were polyps. I get in there, the guy shoves a tiny endoscope up my nose for literally 1.5 or 2 seconds each nostril, then tells me I have year round allergies. He prescribed medication including a nasal spray, which I had been using for a year or so... I even asked if it was okay to keep taking them and the local doc who did the represcibed the meds said it was perfectly healthy, though I've heard around here that that isn't the case...

Ugh... I don't know what to do.
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Post by Music Lady »

Mike I can so relate to how your feeling. Its just a hopeless neverending nightmare, except you don't wake up.

Anyways, Are you taking the TMAU tests. I emailed this place called Monell this morning. There's a place in LA as well. My guess is you might not have access to one in Japan.

The place is apparently in Pennsylvania and there's a waiting list for the test I believe, but my question to them was whether you could overnight your samples, have the test done, and sent back to you. As soon as I get an answer I'll post back.

But are you considering having this test done?
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Post by mike987 »

I wouldn't hesitate to take a TMAU test.

I do hesitate to take the choline supplement though to see if that makes my BB worse. Supposing it didn't, I wouldn't really feel that to be solid evidence for no TMAU, and at the same time, I don't think I can accurately gauge when my breath gets worse or better... When I get reactions, it's usually because I got too comfortable around someone or I got really nervous or something.. I would never be able to tell if it was worse or not without being able to sense it myself.
... Supposing I could actually notice my breath getting worse after taking the choline supplement, would that necessarily mean TMAU? Then I would be stuck thinking I may or may not have a condition which I can't do anything about anyway. .. I guess that's basically what I do already. Nothing I do has worked thus far and if it did, I didn't notice.

I'd have to take the test to know for sure.... And no, it doesn't seem to be taking place here, at least not without inside information. I bet if I asked a doctor they'd have no clue.

If I'm ever back in Ohio, I'll see about getting to that Pennsylvania testing location.
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Post by clara0 »

Mike I really know how you feel, I have been to 8 different doctors during the last 1,5 months most of them were ENT and all of them gave me nasal sprays , allergy tablets and strong antibiotics...(and allergy drugs & sprays are bad for bones) . I am currently on antibiotics again since when I stopped it I became very sick...I feel like there is nowhere to go.

Recently I did a hormonal blood test because my hair is dropping so bad and one of the items is very very high, I checked it through the internet and I realized that it means I have severe allergy to sth , it was related to white blood cells and abnormal immune system reactions. My next plan is going to an allergy clinic but now I am run of money.

Have you every done a FULL blood test? believe me doctors are STUPID , 95% of them are.Most of the time they prescribe you sth because they do not know what is your disease.
Imagine a doctor gave me zinc supplement to take daily yesterday and today when I received the blood test I saw that my zinc levels are also higher than the limit.If I had taken the supplement I would have ended up poisoning myself.
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Post by lost1234 »

Mike, arent japanese girls short and petite. I think you would have the best shot at girls over there since you feel you arent tall and as built as your ideal weight. Unless your not into asian girls. I love them lol. I feel when im at my most depressed state when I am horny and looking at porn at night instead of getting laid like I used to. Its fustrating I know. Ive only had bb for just about a year and im in my mid 20's. And getting laid is all what guys want to do at my age. But im still able to find things I love to do as least held back I can. I work out and try to get myself in my best shape as possible so if/when I get cured, ladies watch out lol. Keep your head up man.
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Post by Archimonde »

How would you compare Japanese doctors to Western ones ?

I wonder what they think is the cause of bad breath, what did they tell you? Maybe BB is curable there, I don't recall any Japanese posting on this forum, so who knows?

I enjoy your Japan stories even though they are not happy ones. Man, you are living the dream! (the living in Japan part), you are much braver than most of us.
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Post by elliott »

heh yeah. You sound like me.

You are brave though. You eat eggs and bananas, and tried pork and beans? Oh man, that would get me fired the next day, those are things that I simply cannot mess around with. Hell I don't eat anything before work because it'll just mix with the intestinal sludge already leftover from last night, and just be more havoc on the people I work with.

I've found that the best way to get through a day is to damn near starve until I can get a late lunch. For that lunch I eat things that have no odor, like spinach, jasmine rice, maybe gluten free bread, maybe a few pistachios, sunflower or pumpkin seeds. There are gluten free lists on the internet that can help, but it is not a life I wish on anyone. I am not only gluten intolerant, but also can't handle protein, lactose, or fructose. Even too much water seems to make it worse. So that leaves me basically nothing but to live a hungry life, damn near choking on thick nasty saliva while I watch my body shrivel up day by day.

I don't mind the grey hairs, but I hate the hairline receeding, and losing hair in general. I am watching myself die a slow death, it's a lot of fun! I tell ya, whoever chose this fate for me was not playing. They could have chained me and drowned me into a river, set my ass on fire, anything... this would be the worse possible life that I could live. Gotta at least smile at how amazingly perfect it is. And I'm glad it's me because most people would have put steel between their eyes by now... great choice, me.

On top of that, everyday I have to fight to keep from being homeless! What a blessing. Since I can't eat anything, fate has it that I cant afford to eat anyway! I stink indoors, so it has been decided that I should perhaps live outside, how bout that?

Anyway, yeah it feels good to cheat, but you will pay. I only cheat on fridays. Yay 50 cent street hot dog. With Ketchup son! Watch out baby, I am living! Oddly enough it seems that it's not until the next thursday when I pay for what I did on friday, I guess it takes time for the worse residue to expose itself. I have all this stuff down to a science, yeah.
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Post by Archimonde »

Mike, update on your life in Japan please.

How was teaching last week?

Did you make progress with any lady?

Did a student write anything nasty on board again?

Any other story?

We're all dying to know.
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Post by mike987 »

Japan is still nice... I wish so bad I could be free from this curse.

Teaching is always so stressful.. The company I work for also doesn't offer more than a single sick day off a year, and I'm sick again. I could request a day off (without pay), but they would show disappointment, and generally, they don't like it when you are disagreeable. They seem to hold it against you .. They're a bunch of assholes. If I didn't have BB I could put up with it... But because of BB, I value any second I have by myself, and we've been so busy lately, doing all this extra work... If I worked for a public school this wouldn't be a problem, but it's a greedy private company that poses as an educational institution. This is a big kind of business here, I guess.

Anyway, teaching really takes it out of me. I'm torn between my nature to want to have fun and play with kids, and at the same time keep my distance while speaking, or risk emotional destruction... I'm so psychologically hurt from this... I just need rest.. I need to not face these challenges every day....

Friday, a kid said (straight translation) "This teacher? No way! Stinks!"

And all this past week my stomach has been weaker than usual.... Today is feels weak too.... I'm also sick (after one week of not being sick from the last illness), from stress, and cold (the apartment is freezing and this ****ing company that owns the room is bullshitting around and not calling a gas guy to check the gas taps. ***k THOSE ****ing ASSHOLES!!!,asnf lsjf ksdjf alkdsjf

I've also had kids have their hands covering their noses.... I feel so defeated... I feel I'm dying.

Earlier in the week I had to whisper a secret word to my assistant teacher, and she seemed nervous for my head to be so close to her. She even pulled away suddenly before I even said anything. I had just brushed my teeth and gargled like 30 min prior. What the ***k....

There was this girl I was suppose to meet. The one time I was feeling a little confident, she was sick and couldn't meet. Then I was sick. Then I wanted to meet but she didn't get the message in time (a work mate was trying to arrange this).. Now I'm sick again, so I asked to not meet her, but they were going to meet anyway. I ended up going. I made sure to be sipping alcohol every moment, as that apparently interferes with the stink? That's what they say, and it seems to be true.

So anyway I met her, even though I was not feeling great. Was with other people, so I didn't have to speak the whole time.. Just in little bursts.. I don't know if there were any reactions, but I was too scared to open up. The last thing I wanted (and could handle. I really didn't want to face any possibility of embarrassment.. I was just so tired that day) was to see how far I could push it, only to be insulted.... So, I didn't. She seemed nice, but I have no idea if she was interested in me at all. We didn't talk a lot.. I'd like to get to know her, and my friend kept saying stupid obnoxious things about me helping up and helping her walk, or standing next to her or something.. It was embarrassing, and it might have scared the ***k out of her if I was stinking bad.

I told her to call if she wanted to hang out. She asked for my number, and that was it

My friend who orchestrated it, who is usually a loud mouth, hasn't mailed me since then. I know if she said something about liking me, he would have mailed me immediately....

Ugh. dsklfalsdjflsj I physically feel exhausted.. I just woke up from plenty of sleep, but I'm so tired, and dreading every waking moment in the future, with no cure or treatment in sight.

My dad wants me to come home, if just to visit, and keeps saying things like "and we'll have a big birthday party for you so you can see all your relatives" as a way to encourage me to come back..... That's another thing I dread. I'm not comfortable by any means, but I find less comfort in the idea of getting on a cramped airplane (hell no), and going to visit all my family, who are going to want to know about Japan. I can't bear the thought of it.

I went to the dentist again and they seem to think my teeth and gums are fine.. They think I grind them in my sleep, but the truth is I probably grind them all day long. The grinding has nothing to do with BB or gum issues.. It's just something they noticed. I even asked about all kinds of things, concerning the gums. I was wanting them to tell me that there's something wrong with my gums that they want to fix, but apparently there's no issue and they said I don't need to come back for 3 months. It does seem like plaque forms quickly in my mouth, but probably due to dry mouth...

I know this probably wasn't the case, but I almost feel like I was pushed out of there.... Maybe all my dumb questions and hypochondriac-like inquiries was annoying...

I want to email Dr. Yaegaki about it, who thinks that my BB from gastric issues is unlikely, but I don't know what the point would be. I've asked me in the last two emails to recommend a doctor to me, but he didn't seem to want to do that.

Well, I'm pretty certain it's related to digestion... My crap just sloshes out of me.. every day... And I've noticed this last week that just being near other people, like my students, I sense a bit of a poopy smell.. I thought it was those students, but it happens all too often, and with kids of all ages. I don't know if the smell reaches them without me talking, but because it's coming out of my airways, I can sense it so easily with any kind of backdraft from them. Maybe it's just the lightest amount of carbon dioxide mixture with my own smell that changes it enough to let me detect it.

Ugh. I have to get a shower and leave within a half hour. I don't want to work.. I want to sleep... I need to recover.... Everything I try is pointless. I've spent several hundred dollars on potential BB solutions just in the last two months alone.

You know, my fat-ass stupid alcoholic friend (no kidding, he drinks himself into a stupor every night and even wakes up to a beer or two, I've neevr seen anyone drink like this person.. He is beyond alcoholic) who was with us the other night when meeting that girl... His breath smelled GOOD. It had a light alcohol scent to it, but it smelled GOOD. it was PLEASANT. alkjhfskjdhfakshjkf WHYYY!!! It's not fair.... I've never known this guy to have bad breath, but he is overweight, drinks all the time, eats primarily junk food, and is a loud suck up.... His breath smells GOOD, without gum or mints.

It's not fair. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
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Post by Archimonde »

aww man, i don't know what to tell you to cheer you up other than to hang in there, there is some hope with DIM supplements if our problem is hormonal. I've started taking it today, if it works for me you'll be the 1st to know.

Can you still enjoy Japan? Like, do you go sightseeing? And hang out in Tokyo by yourself, fun things like that ?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Mike you made my day, feel likes you manytimes, but at least you have friends, good father....

I lost everything. Don't have anybody.
Hmmmmmm, i suspect these Japanese girls are very picky, did you get laid before in Japan?

And old Japanese men are into smelling undies of school girls, weird country but surely interesting. And you have job, but why you stress out, they are just small kids, how old? Why you get stressed about small kids. I never got any reactions from kids, maybe they scare me or something.
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Post by elliott »

Jimi wrote:Mike you made my day, feel likes you manytimes, but at least you have friends, good father....

I lost everything. Don't have anybody.
Hmmmmmm, i suspect these Japanese girls are very picky, did you get laid before in Japan?

And old Japanese men are into smelling undies of school girls, weird country but surely interesting. And you have job, but why you stress out, they are just small kids, how old? Why you get stressed about small kids. I never got any reactions from kids, maybe they scare me or something.
Whats up Jimi?

If I may, I'd say it's the reality that children speak out and just say what's on their mind, they say the things that adults are just merely thinking. So every day, he's getting confirmations that if the kids smells him, then everyone else does. It's very hard to be reminded daily of this stuff.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Yes that is peculiar, kids never react to my breath. Maybe they are afraid of me or something.

It is better that kids react than children. I get reactions every day from grownups
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