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Here you can pray for yourself, for others, to Jesus, Alah, Jahve, Krishna, Buda etc
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Post by mike987 »

I'll leave the praying to you guys.
If I'm ever inexplicably cured, I'll consider becoming a believer.

If it gives you hope and helps you through your pain, I wish you all the best.

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Post by hopelessone »

Thank you Mike.
Posts: 29
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Post by plumbum »

Wow I didn't know there were so many Christians. Its nice to know I'm not alone in praying to God for deliverance. Everyday on the train to work I listen to gospel music so I can at least start the day off well. No matter what the day brings I can say it started off good. I find once I'm at work I'm okay. Everyone knows me. If they want to converse then they come over and converse. I don't initiate it because I don't want to torture anyone! lol I thank God for all the good things in my life. If I keep those in mind then I can get through the day. I will definitley keep the prayer wheel rolling.
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Post by hopelessone »

praise God!! I'm continuing to pray daily. I'm making a list and wring all your names on it to pray for each of you by name and lifting us all up to our Abba, praise his name. Keep on praying! ((((hug))))
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continuing to pray....

Post by hopelessone »

i had sorta forgotten about this site...well part of the reason is because it depressed me...

I'm going to continue praying.

I really can't tell (maybe it's wishful thinking), but i think my BB problem is not as putrid-ous-ness-y as it was. I quit my job last May (2011) because i could not bear it any longer. Since then i haven't been using those alcohol-ridden mouthwashes, etc, and those horror toothpastes that promise a solution to this horrible condition. I was so desperate i used bleach and so many other things i couldn't list them here.

it's a horribly ultra-wicked racket (these "solutions" for us sufferers). and then the let-down emotionally, and the cost. What a cruel cruel cycle it is. These companies thrive on our sheer desperation.

anyway, i stopped using those sorry excuses, fraudulent "teasers".

Anyway, my routine is ultra simple now and seems to be effective. i just use 3 products, may 4 at the most. but i don't have a "gauge" to tell if my BB is gone or mostly gone, because i don't work now.

I came back to pray for all my comrads, and especially for Jimi.

Father You know the angst and affliction mentally, physically, and spiritually this condition causes. Intervene, minister, and heal as only You can do, in the name of Jesus the Christ, the only begotten Son of You, the living God, the God of the living, and our Healer, amen.
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