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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by HigherThoughts »

Seriously people need to stop with the negative responses. Just keep it to yourself and go on being miserable. Don't try to bring the rest of us down. I think there is some merit to what hali_grl has done. It is at least worth looking to test whether a person has h. pylori or not.

If you test positive for h. pylori you should get treated even if it's not the cause of your bb because it still can cause other problems. If you test negative for it then move on to finding another problem.

Thanks for the info hali_grl

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Post by Jimi Stein »

Look, there were dozens of cures already mentioned before on this site, the effect was for like few days, then the bb came back, lets see how the hali girl feels after few days, dont try this before, but I guess 1 day treatment can't do you any harm
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Post by Jimi Stein »

hali_girl next time please give it a test for at least 1 month and dont just come here and anounce a cure all of a sudden, you have been on this board for long time, you know the bb is really tough, it will not be easy to eradicate it, quite impossible if you suffer long time

so please next time test it, you are just confusing the whole community, I mean after 1 day of test you get cured? Come on

probably your bb came back already, this just pisses me off, giving false hope to people, SUCKS!!!
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Post by meowkity1 »

I cant believe how rude u guys are being to someone who has at times been desperate but at other times has come with great information for all. If you read her post she never claimed to be cured, maybe her heading should have been worded differently, but she never once said, this is the ultimate cure for her. Like many of us, she found some good info that fit her situation and is going to try the treatment protocol for it. and who cares how many times she thought she found the cure, atleast she is giving it a fight for a normal life. Some post on here are worthless and sometimes have nothing to do with important matters, and u guys have the nerve to bash someone for trying to be of help. Get it together and be supportive. I thought it was a great post and I read the links, and I am truly hoping my doctor is back in tomorrow so that I can get tested.

One thing I did get from her links though, is that you should not take meds like pepto bismul for long periods, because it will remove acid that you need to keep harmful bugs at bay in your stomach. The only thing I see wrong is her announcing a cure for all because we all know we have different cases and different reasons for our bb. There was no false hope because she found information on a one day treatment protocol and she let us know what it was. I bet this post is of help to someone who doesnt have insurance like herself. I bet no one else came across and posted the one day treatment for H.pylor.
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Post by halitosisux »

This site has been a ray of hope for everyone. But I just can't understand how so many people, even those who have been around for years, still haven't ruled out helicobacter. It's unbelievable. It's a simple $5 test kit from amazon. Tells you whether ur negative or not. IF ur positive then u have to take it further.
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Post by MissPretty »

Why is everyone so mean to her. She was just trying to help us.
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Post by hali_grl »

Hi Everyone

Wow i can't believe the responses thanks to all the supportive ones! It's amazing that because I've been living my life and picking up where i left off after years of bb im accused of so many things. Other than this post i hadn't posted in awhile so obviously this one not a one day trial and post right after, HELLO! Sorry i haven't been obsessing over bb now that im free. Lets see how often you guys post once cured. And yes even if you get a negative continue to get tested becuase ive read on plenty forums where people have gotten false negatives but re-testes for it to be positive. Do not trust cheap ebay test kits get the real deal. Urea breath test are the most accurate in MY opinion bc the bacteria releases urease which is detectable on the breath. Thank gosh ThisSucks has had relief as well from curing hpylori anyone else still in doubt is bitter and jealous and I'm no longer in that place so i refuse to feed into that. ThisSucks is given great advice about hpylori...some other natural cures for it I'm taking now is regular RAW honey mixed with tea tree extract and I'm taking vitamin U supplements. Along with pepto bismal and cranberry juice. And I do believe hpylori is the problem for ALOT which is different from saying EVERYONE. Hpylori can mess with our hormones with makes us think that hormonal avenues work. It also cause inflammation in the digestive tract so when we lay off gluten and other things that may also cause sensitivity we think this is working. It also affects our teeth and so one..... I'm not claiming just pepto bismal works u NEED antibiotics homeopathic measures will not cut it for this bacteria. So I'm off... just decided to drop in and give my two cents and let the haters know YES i'm still bb free.

Much Love and Good breath to ALL!!!
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Post by Jimi Stein »

what haters! ??

people are just fed up with cure posts, that is all, you should be a little more appreciative of this board, probably you would still stink if there would not been for this site.

Just rather say thanks to all the members here than calling us haters..

I guess you will not be returning back now that you are on higher level of society ladder, seems so from your post.

If not give us more details about what you took, you had one day protocol? Also tell us more about your bb symptoms before the cure.

I wish you you stay cured that is all, no haters here
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Post by meowkity1 »

so u are cured from the 1 day treatment?
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Post by deebo »

If there is any negativity , you all should know by now it isn't aimed at you Haligrl .
any of us have been on this site a Long time and posted our own 'cures' more than once . A level of skepticism should not only be allowed But encouraged here .

These aren't meant to be seen as negative haters comments at all. Just people who go through the BS ringer every day in real life when we walk out the door to work or school or what ever life calls for . I've tested urine, blood and stool for H-Pylori , all negative results but I am willing to try whats posted ,like i have in the past . No one should be discouraged from comment that don't jive with their findings . And no one should be swayed from questioning someones cure . =)

Stay positive & supportive
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Post by halitosisux »

Please don't think I'm being negative, but the thing is, just because a person's BB seems to have gone following helicobacter therapy, it doesn't mean they are permanently cured or that helicobacter has anything to do with anything, unless a certain time has passed, after which, appropriate tests are taken to confirm the successful eradication of the HP.

The medications in this therapy will affect microbial flora all around the body. If there's hidden chronic infection somewhere, like in the mouth or in the sinuses, that will have been affected too. Temporary systemic changes such as hormonal, digestive, enzyme activity, even placebo effects could be playing some role here.

But whatever, the important thing is to RULE OUT helicobacter, whichever way you go about it. There's LOTS of cases of lifelong BB being permanently cured following specific treatment to eradicate this bacteria. Nobody knows for certain why this is happening. There have even been studies to try to understand this, but they've all been inconclusive.
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Post by jess »

Glad you found something that works for you and thank you for the links. Hopefully this will be a permanent cure for you. Couple years ago I had an EGD done which was normal and also was tested for h pylori which was negative. I believe this was a reliable test, but I probably will get tested for it again when I have health insurance.

My next step right now is to try the gluten free diet for couple of months and see if that helps at all. I read on many forums how people's chronic bb went away after going gluten free.

Keep us posted on your progress and enjoy your life!
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Post by Ch_Adams »

Hi Guys, I have been on this site for a time now, about a month ago I entered the site and found a topic about antibiotics, I tried a really strong one called Tromix-SD, I tried that one because My wife took those pills for prescription for a phisician after a micro sirgury, I read about it and found it kills bacteria that lives with no oxigen, and is used for troat infection. I had 4 pills at home (this is a expensive pill each one costs about 15 USD in my country. I must be taken at the same time each day. I only took 3 pills 3 weeks ago. This friday I will complete 4 weeks since I did the treatment. Since the first pill I took I feel something in my troat like it was killing the bacteria.

This pill is really strong I thougth it was going to kill me, I felt like dying on the third day, feeling dizzy all day. I thought that it worth the try better live a few days feeling a person that a whole life like that.

Since then I have been bad breath free, 3 weeks almost 4.

One more comment... Jimi you have been awesome for making this site but do not treat people like that. Give and you will receive but not like that.

Sorry for my English.
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Post by deebo »

Keep us posted HG.
Keep your head up regardless . 8)
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Post by MissPretty »

Shit, I bought a test online and it turned out to be positive !! It's so weird because I have already been treated for it once before with antibiotics.
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