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Reverse psychology

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Reverse psychology

Post by ishbee »

You all understand reverse psychology, right?
Well, I am trying my own form of reverse psychology- except my breath is the one I'm trying to fool.
I eat healthy, i constantly brush and how does my breath repay me? By smelling like shit, that's how.
Sooo i had a little talk with my breath. I said "I like having shit breath! I like it so much, I'm gonna start actually eating shit!". Haha, that'll show my breath.

To my amazement, my breath has never been better. My breath thinks it's being rebelious by not smelling like shit! Can you believe it?! :lol:

I've trained my dogs to shit in bowls i leave out for them. Every morning i pick up a bowl and have my cereal with the shit. I eat my own shit fresh out of the toilet. It's great.

I'm finally married now to the most attractive person i could imagine. Sometimes we smell someone with bad breath and we just point and laugh out loud. Haha.
Oh yes, life couldn't be better. All because i started eating shit.


I hope this doesn't get me banned!

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Post by halitosisux »

It's funny but whenever I used to go to see my doctor about BB related matters, no matter how hard I'd try to make my breath stink, I'd be sitting in the waiting room with the freshest taste in my mouth. It's like the bacteria in there were like little demons trying to torment me.
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