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Why do our parents refuse to help us

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Why do our parents refuse to help us

Post by DanielPine »

My parents love me a lot. They pay for me to go to a fancy christian school, buy me videogames, pay for gym membership, buy me a computer and all this awesome stuff. They are very nice people and they truly want me to be happy. But when I bring up bad breath, my mum gets all quiet and sad and my dad goes ape shit. They say I dont have BB. But they still react. They KNOW its bad. They KNOW its causing me trouble (to a certain extent). But they still do nothing for me. Why didnt they try to help me when my problem started like 7-10 years ago when I was 6-9ish. Why do they let me suffer? I blatantly have bad breath I showed my mum my tongue it was literally covered like snow in white and yellow bacteria. And im like "MUM, look the yellow stuff is acid reflux, my tongue should be pink and smooth not white and drenched in white cottage cheese looking crap" Theres a pretty obvious problem! Yet, they give me no help. No nice words of encouragement. No money to buy hydrogen peroxide and stuff. If they love me so much, why dont they help me with my bad breath? dont they know it will make getting girlfriends and friends so much harder? I might even lose a girlfriend to it because the girls avoid me (one time I was hiking and this really hot girl who i kinda like walks up to me and were talking for like a minute, she then distances herself from me by 2 or so metres. Then power walks away from me lol, it sucks having this!!!!!!!!!!). Anyway, how could our parents be so bad like that. Why did it take them years to actually make a doctors appointment for me after I bugged them about my bad breath. Its this kind of thing that does my head in.

They love me lots, and they know I have really bad BB and its causing pain for me. But they lie to me about it and dont help me very much even though ive had the problem for years. WHY! LMAO! I JUST DONT GET IT. GAH.

This is like Inception but 10x more confusing and infused into a situation in my life

My mum is kind of cooperative though. I told her about it and she took me to the doctor the doc said she would check out my sinuses then stomach to see the root of the problem (this doctor was good, shes been my family doctor since i was little, so she couldnt lie). My mum still lies about it, but im glad shes helping a bit.