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An Amazing Discovery - Sugarfree/Chewable VITAMIN C

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An Amazing Discovery - Sugarfree/Chewable VITAMIN C

Post by oceanside »


Dear Members,

If you are considering trying the Vitamin C to see if it helps to control some of your halitosis symptoms, and hopefully lower your odor, here’s what I am doing.

Please use SUGARFREE, chewable, vitamin C. The 4,000mg is NOT a rule that you have to follow. It’s only a guideline. I purchased mine at GNC for less than $7 a bottle. You can also purchase sugarfree, chewable vitamin C at health food stores, or vitamin shops. I am NOT using any mouthwash as it has been doing more harm than good.

Current, I am using about 2,500mg a day to help saliva flow, reduce overall odor and helping with plague build up and white coated tongue, and most importantly, reduce the overall odor and bad taste in my mouth.

Please avoid using sugar chewable vitamin C, as the sugar will eventually allow bacteria to regenerate.

Here’s my daily routine:

I wake up in the morning at 5:50am. Brush my teeth and brush my tongue. Morning breath hasn’t been a huge problem since using sugarfree, chewable vitamin c (VC).

I eat breakfast than TUNG brush my tongue. Have a large glass of water and suck on 500mg/1 tablet of VC on my way to work.

Around 9am I suck on another tablet and drink some water. At 11am I have lunch. After lunch clean my tongue with a normal toothbrush as my tongue gets dirty with food particles trapped at the back of my tongue and allow anaerobic bacteria to regenerate at an amazing pace. If I don’t keep the back of my tongue clean it’s hard to experience positive breath relief.

I suck on another around 2pm, 5pm, and another one at night. Always keep the back of my tongue clean with a toothbrush.

Before bed floss, and that’s it. I don’t have to spend 30 minutes doing all kinds of things in my mouth anymore. It has really helped me. I hope you will experience some relief as well.

Looking forward to better days.

Members, =D>

I have great news to share. For the last three weeks I haven’t used any mouthwash-since the experimental sample of ’86 Lavoris ran out. It was hard at first but I wanted to test out a theory that the human body is able to regenerate the healing powers of “restoration.” Every part of the human body is able to heal itself, from a broken bone to a cut, ect, ect, ect, but with halitosis… it has been impossible.

The great news; something wonderful is happening in my mouth.

We all agree that our immune system is drastically altered by some unexplained reasons. Impaired salivary glads, dry mouth, white coated tongue, excessive plague build up, devoid of beneficial bacteria to ward off chronic oral/odor infection, sinus problems, tonsils, adenoids, ect. ect. ect. I can go on and on.

For a very long time I’ve wondered if somehow I allowed the natural defense mechanisms of my body to heal itself, to restore damaged natural functions, which somehow were impaired as the result of long-term antibiotic treatment or whatever reasons we all have our own theories, but none can explain the causes, and continued to desperately figure out this problem in vain.

Well, let me get to the point. With the help of Sami Yanikian, I have been using chewable vitamin C, 500 mg, 4 x a day = 2000 mg a day. The first week, nothing spectacular happened. However, this past Tuesday the level of plague build up decreased, saliva flow increased (some), and the degree of odor dramatically decreased at an amazing rate, and white coated tongue lessen. I confirmed this with my niece. She reported great improvement but I had a hard time accepting her report because I am used to assuming the worst is just around the corner.

This past Thursday I increased my dosage to 4000 mg, 1000 mg, 4 times a day. Again, don’t use any harmful mouthwash during your CHEWABLE vitamin C experiment.

Before I can make any claims of the wonders of Chewable vitamin C, and its ability to help my immune system by controlling chronic halitosis (a missing link in my body’s ability to regulate harmful oral bacteria) (?), I need as many of the members to replicate this intervention as possible. I’ve asked a few members, Susie, Snoopsister, Joanna, Waitingforrelief, KL, Laura Hart, and Jimi, to try this before I posted this news.

However, I can’t wait.

The more members willing to try this simple restorative regimen, with the help of Chewable, 4000 mg of vitamin C, the more confirmations we may have. Perhaps massive dosage of Chewable vitamin C is possibly one missing pieces in the puzzle of our (my)ailing, impaired immune system, and thus chronic halitosis (?). I have a few theories but I need members’ confirmations before (we) can begin this debate!

I am asking each and every one of the members to go out and purchase yourself a bottle of CHEWABLE vitamin C, 1000 mg, suck/allow it to dissolve in your mouth, four times a day. You can purchase Chewable vitamin C in every drug stores and supermarket in America for less than $15. You may use it after meals or anytime suitable. Do it for at lease a week, since I did not experience any relief until total absorption into my system, around the fifth day.

HOPEFULLY, You will see amazing results.

I am completely “blown” away by chewable vitamin C. Never in a million years I would suggest to anyone this regimen-it’s too simple, (too ridiculous) to even think about because I’ve been using multi vitamins most of my life without any obvious benefits.

Again, CHEWABLE vitamin C, 1000 mg, four times a day. Do some research on the net.

I would wait longer before asking the members to perform this experiment. My rationale- we’ve been waiting and suffering all our lives, would waiting another week or two make a difference? NO! Please try this experiment/regimen.

I eagerly await news (good or bad) from you in a few days-a week with your results.

Good luck.

Looking forward to better days.


Last edited by oceanside on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:22 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by noptical »

This sounds interesting john, however im unsure where I can find this in Greece. How does the package look like, any more info?

Do you think the effects of it will stay even when you stop using this stuff?

Maybe this shows some of us have some kind of vitamin deficiency which as far as i know are caused by some diseases or parasites.
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Post by oceanside »

noptical wrote:This sounds interesting john, however im unsure where I can find this in Greece. How does the package look like, any more info?

Do you think the effects of it will stay even when you stop using this stuff?

Maybe this shows some of us have some kind of vitamin deficiency which as far as i know are caused by some diseases or parasites.

It's just common chewable vitamin C. They're everywhere, on every shelves in America, just like cough medicines. I guess, Greeks suffers from common cold more than Americans. :lol:

I think if I stopped using the chewable, 4000mg/4grams of vitamin C my breath will definately return with more bacterial friends to kick my a.s. and teach me a lessen to not f..k with them by putting vitamin C in my mouth to kill them. :lol:

Great question, we all know that our bodies suffer from some forms of defiency, but what? Chewable vitamin C, 4000 mg, is high in acidity. As far as the debate on acidity or alcholine, ph balance, I think the acid in vitamin C is preventing/slowing anaoerobic bacteria from invading my mouth, thus decreased in halitosis and suphur/rotten egg odor. We just need a few members to confirm this suggestion.

Also many members had reported that they've experience relief by drinking/sucking on lemons, grapefruits. Chewable vitamin C acts the same way but much more effective. Also, vitamin C is scientifically proven/accepted to increase immune system, increase the body's ability to heal itself, helps lower heart disease. We know that our bobies and saliva is void of benefical bacteria to fight against anaeorobic bacteria. So, this is a great discovery/experiment. Long-term benefits (?). We just have to wait and see. One great thing about vitamin C is that it is low in toxicity level. The body can tolerate massive dosage withut side effects, with moderation of course.
Last edited by oceanside on Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by succ »

Very interesting, I've got to test this myself next week asap. 15$ half of my weekly food budget but what the hell I'll go for it. Thanks for the information oceanside 8)
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Post by snoopsister »

Hey everyone,

I purchased 1,000 mg of vitamin c yesterday and suck on one tab in my mouth until it disolves. I have a really good feeling about this. I went on the web to googlevitamin c and in large doses it said it helps with teeth and reduction of bacteria! John is brilliant! 4 tabs a day. I paid only $7.00 for a bottle of 100
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Post by Busted »

I think this was suggested by another member on healthboards. I think his name was bradgm or somethin. Last year I bought vitamin c tablets of 1000mg and of 500mg. The 500mg were the ones you have to suck like candy. The 1000mg were the ones you have to put in a glass of water and drink. I did feel at the time that my breath was a little better, but then again it could be just a feeling. I mean we tend to think our breath is better when we use something just to comfort ourselves.
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Post by oceanside »

snoopsister wrote:Hey everyone,

I purchased 1,000 mg of vitamin c yesterday and suck on one tab in my mouth until it disolves. I have a really good feeling about this. I went on the web to googlevitamin c and in large doses it said it helps with teeth and reduction of bacteria! John is brilliant! 4 tabs a day. I paid only $7.00 for a bottle of 100
$7 is a great deal. Keep us posted after several days using it 4 times a day, = 4,000 mg. I hope using it in large dosage with consistency is the key, otherwise it wld be pointless.
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Post by hungrygirl »

This is very very exciting, i can confirm this has worked for me, but must run back to work, will post soon.
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Post by mike987 »

can i get flintstones chewables? i just love the vitamin c ones!.. this is good news that i'll definitley try.

at first i thought you were going to say that you stopped trying to clean your mouth well.. which was something i was wondering recently.. what if all the care we do for our mouths never lets the good bacteria return? i mean, people with normal breath don't bleach their mouths several times a day.. what if we stopped cleaning our mouths so diligenty for a couple weeks.. i wonder if a good bacteria would return?

heh, or maybe out mouths would get nasty to the extreme..

ah well, i'll give this vitamin c thing a shot, thanks oceanside
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Post by carlos_bigsby »

ive read good things about high doses of vitamin c and its benefits to the immune system, sinuses, and the mouth. my only concern is that most chewable vitamin c's comtain sugar which those mouth bacteria really love. even so, im going otday to the vitamin store to givee this a shot. good luck to us all.
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chewable Vit. C

Post by Susie »

Hey all,
For the past 4 days I have taken chewable Vit. C suggested by John. I have already noticed some results. I actually have spit in my mouth....haven't had that for years usually it's just nasty thick mucus. I guess it must be opening up my saliva glands. I have taken oral Vit. C in the past for several weeks and never gotten these results that I have gotten with chewable Vit. C. I think it must be b/c the chewable must go directly in your blood stream instead of through the stomach(just a thought). I have also noticed the coating on my tongue is improving, but when I do scrape it I can still smell an odor. It is nice not to have such a massive coating. I'm hoping in time I will have great results also. If anyone has any kind of inflammation in their body going on this has also cut my inflammation in 1/2.

I would suggest everyone try this it's cheap and worth a shot!! Thanks for the idea John.

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Re: chewable Vit. C

Post by oceanside »

Susie wrote:Hey all,
For the past 4 days I have taken chewable Vit. C suggested by John. I have already noticed some results. I actually have spit in my mouth....haven't had that for years usually it's just nasty thick mucus. I guess it must be opening up my saliva glands. I have taken oral Vit. C in the past for several weeks and never gotten these results that I have gotten with chewable Vit. C. I think it must be b/c the chewable must go directly in your blood stream instead of through the stomach(just a thought). I have also noticed the coating on my tongue is improving, but when I do scrape it I can still smell an odor. It is nice not to have such a massive coating. I'm hoping in time I will have great results also. If anyone has any kind of inflammation in their body going on this has also cut my inflammation in 1/2.

I would suggest everyone try this it's cheap and worth a shot!! Thanks for the idea John.


Thanks for posting. I sure hope this helps in some small way. I didn't see any signs/improvement the first week. I guess my system is so toxic that it took over a week for antioxidant to clean out my system. I also noticed with increased dosage to 4,000 total a day, was when I noticed improvement.

Let's keep our fingers crossed. [-o<

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Post by carlos_bigsby »

ocean, can i ask you what brand you are using and where you bought it. i would like to control as many variables as possible.

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Post by oceanside »

carlos_bigsby wrote:ive read good things about high doses of vitamin c and its benefits to the immune system, sinuses, and the mouth. my only concern is that most chewable vitamin c's comtain sugar which those mouth bacteria really love. even so, im going otday to the vitamin store to givee this a shot. good luck to us all.
Sugar, that's a good point. however, our mucus (PND) is a food supply for bacteria. We pretty are at the mercy of our disorder. But the acid is counter-act agent against bacteria. That's why it's important that we administer high dosages, four times a day (in my case). Perhaps after the loading phase of 4,000 mg, we can decrease daily dosage to half or a third (?).

But it's way too early to even speculate until we have confirmation.

Keep us posted.
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Post by oceanside »

carlos_bigsby wrote:ocean, can i ask you what brand you are using and where you bought it. i would like to control as many variables as possible.

I purchased my bottle of chewable 500mg vitamin C at CVS. I got the cheapest brand (generic). They also sell 1000mg. But that was a few dollars more and since I live pay check to pay check, I am cheap. \:D/

But I will get the 1000mg.

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