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Tonsil Stone

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Tonsil Stone

Post by david »

hy everybody, i need your help.

i have identified that my BB is from my tonsil, i think i have tonsil stones. Sometimes small yellow-white suddenly come from my mouth and when i take it near my nose, its really stink.

Then i go to ENT doctor and he said my tonsil is fine,. (yeah is fine coz my tonsil is not big like tonsilitis). i think he will remove my tonsil if im suffer from tonsilitis.
He also said that my nose make me have BB. yeah i have sometihng white in my nose, but its just allergy, i always sneez every morning. i think my is not from my nose.

this is my picture of my toungue :




sorry for that picture.. :oops:

i wanna make sure that i really have tonsil stones. what kind of valid test for it?

have everybody here using TheraBreath product? ... eluxe-kit/

it claims can cure tonsil stones without surgery.

i also identified that i have candida, but im not sure yet,

this is my picture of split test. :



but, when i test again, there is no string like that. sometimes there is string and sometimes not. i know that this is not the valid test for candida. what is the valid test for it? see the doctor?

sorry for my question, im totally newbie :D
Last edited by david on Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by david »

lately after i take some herbal medicine, i can feel my own bad breath!!,. when i talk to someone first i think he has BB, but actually its my badbreath....

what i do now is drink a lot of water and take herbal medicine......

what should i do then?
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Post by mike987 »

I don't think tonsil stones cause BB. They sure stink, but they aren't what's causing your BB, I don't think, unless your BB is mild.

Forget that spit test. I think it's bullshit.

If you want to see if you have tonsil stones, learn the anatomy of your mouth. Look very closely, inspect your mouth in the mirror. Look at the tonsils. Stick a cotton swab into the folds/holes in your tonsils... See if you can work out any tonsil stones.

You could also press against them with your finger. If it really stinks, there are probably a bunch of tonsil stones in there.

No. A mouth wash can not 'cure' tonsil stones. That's bullshit.
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

Go get an x-ray/CAT scan/ endoscopy of your nose first. There could be an infection there that could be causing bb. Do surgery to remove it.

If the xray comes out negative, then consider removing your tonsils.Cause tonsils are important and you don't want to remove it for no reason.
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Post by snoopsister »

can H PYLORI CAUSE tonsil stones?
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:12 am

Post by david »

thank you guys,. i will check my nose first, then i will check candida and h.pylori to my doctor,.. if the result is negative i will consider removing my tonsil

i think i'm not suffering from TMAU, coz i don't have body odor...
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