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Amazon referrer as search extension for Firefox?

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Posts: 201
Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:44 am

Amazon referrer as search extension for Firefox?

Post by aues »

Could you create an firefox search extension for amazon?

And if possible do create not just one for, but also one for, and so on.

Jimi Stein
Site Admin
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United States of America

Post by Jimi Stein »

how to do that?

Posts: 201
Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:44 am

Post by aues »

Jimi wrote:how to do that?

I don't know how this works exactly but it shouldn't be that hard.
Google it, you'll find sites like this: ... or_Firefox

Maybe you could use the official amazon search plugin and modify it to get the referrer into the search urls.

For example look at the Support mycroft Amazon search plugins: ... ame=amazon
Posts: 201
Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:44 am

Post by aues »

And by the way: How much do you pay for your web server?
The amount of money you ask for sound implausibly high.

EDIT: Furthermore: Please delete the german section of this board. It isn't used by anyone. There is a big thread in a german health board about halitosis. There is no need for a german section in this board. And you should merge the "donation" and the "shopping" sections.

And the ads are annoying. People will think of his board as untrustworthy because of them. Get rid of them.
Posts: 201
Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:44 am

Post by aues »

How does the amazon referrer link work?

Is it just the "tag=badbreathhali-20" in the amazon link? If so would an xml-file with the following content in the firefox "searchplugins"-directory do the trick? (example for

Code: Select all

<SearchPlugin xmlns="" xmlns:os="">
<os:Description> Suche</os:Description>
<os:Image width="16" height="16"></os:Image>
<os:Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="{searchTerms}&mode=blended">
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