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An Amazing Discovery - Sugarfree/Chewable VITAMIN C

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by oceanside »

Jimi wrote:I tried Vitamin C today, I think I ate around 4 grams. And did not get a diarrhea. And Vit C is good for your teeth. Remember scurvy is the disease where the teeth fall out and it is a direct result of the difeciency of vitamin C.

So I think you are very safe with eating vitamin C.

I feel my breath is fresher already today. And I do not have any bad taste in my mouth at all. Probably it will return in few days or not. I think we should exsperiment with other vitamins too.

My mouth feels clean and fresh too. the best part is when I drink water, it actually taste great. Drinking water for me has never tasted good. But now, b/c my mouth is clean, I enjoy the taste of water. Weird!

I think that is a great idea to combine V-C with other vitamins that is known to help with immune system and antioxidant. Perhaps using these in massive dosage will even give us greater results. (?)

I will do some research and see what other vitamins are know to help with bacteria and antioxidant. Maybe Eckanasia, (?) but that's a herb and not a vitamin. Massive dosage of eckanasis might have adverse reactions?

Keep us posted on your progress. it's only a day and you are seeing results, that's great. It took me over a week.

Have clean mouth is a good feeling, and as you say, (maybe BB still there) but it still feels good to have saliva, reduced plague, and clean tongue.

I hope this will work for us.

looking forward to better days.


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Post by snoopsister »

Hey jimi,

I am so happy that you are experiencing something positive for a change. I almost cried when I read your posts, your confidence will increase as the days go by. we also have lavoris to look forward too so this is a great time for us
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Thank you both

Well my tongue bled a little bit, the acids are really strong, so my mouth has to get used to it.
I too feel different when drinking water. Much better.

But the tongue is really white today. Usually it is not so.

Hope it wil work. Praying to god.
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Post by waitingforrelief »

congratulations jimi.

i, too, feel different drinking water. i didn't even notice the taste factor.

my breath still gets a little worse late afternoon and at night tho', as far as i can tell. hey john, sorry i keep bugging you - but have you felt gradual improvement ever since you increased your dosage to 4000 mg, or has it been great since day one when you started the new dosage?

tonight was the first night i had to work in the evening around people since noticing that vit c helped. i was still nervous about my breath. i noticed sour breath at some point for sure, but i don't think it's as bad as usual. but i kept feeling like maybe i did smell the "bad" smell - like the kind of peculiar bb smell that i had that normal people even with transitory bb don't. so i don't know if it's because i was more nervous around people and so it was in my head or if tonight i really smelled a little bad again. hmphh

so it got me down a little. anxious that this is not working anymore or something. hopefully i'm just being paranoid.

by the way, my tongue has become VERY white since taking vit c too. i hope that's not a bad sign.
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Post by unsungzero7 »

ive been taking the tablets for three days now any my tongue is soooo white and rough, when i am sucking them my tongue feels really smooth and stuff but afterwards it gets really try and almost like chapped. I don't know if i should continue trying this but so many of you claim to be experiencing relief and i am so desperate so i probably will too.
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Post by snoopsister »

Don't go by the color of the tongue, go by the taste in mouth and saliva flow!
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Post by succ »

waitingforrelief wrote:
succ wrote:I've eaten today maybe even like 6-7k mg and I'm having a lot of gas. My stomach hurts a little too, but I'm not tired like I used to be.
hey succ,

how's the water intake going? i've already drunk like over 2 pints of water today (i think that's around 1000 ml) and it is now 2 pm. which is A LOT for me. and it feels good to drink, it's amazing.

i just noticed something else with the drinking thing. i am less sensitive to cool and cold water now. i used to feel so chilled even just drinking water that's slightly below room temperature. it'd make me feel very uncomfortable. now i can drink cold water and i feel fine.

do you experience the same thing?
Heya, actually I didn't drink that much water after all. Sure, some more than usually but nothing extraordinary. I have this 0,5l cup which I always have near me so I drink every once in a while anyway and it's hard to tell how much in fact I drink during the day.
I may be more lss sensitive to cold water too, it's too early to say yet though. I haven't really thought about it but I'll test it today better.

Overall my breath has been somewhat better now, but for example yesterday I got a weird taste in my mouth again. This time however it wasn't rotten-like but something else, I don't know what. Might be what you guys call sour.
I also had some trouble sleeping, probably because of the large dose of vit C I took yesterday. I've also felt a little uncomfortable, I don't think I'll take as many pills today as I took yesterday. I'll go for 4,500mg (1500 in the morning, during the day and evening) because yesterday's amount of at least 6-7k mg was too much at least for starters. It may have been even more because there's only like 40tbl left of 100tbl and is this my 3rd or 4th day of taking this?
My saliva flow's been better like you've all told, but yesterday when I was spoking to someone my mouth felt really dry even when I was chewing a gum. It may have been because I felt a little anxious and tense, but when I took a nap my saliva flow had been completely cut off too. My mouth was really, really dry, much drier than usually when I sleep, and it worries me a little, I hope it'll go away in time.
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Post by rmb »

this is my 3rd day of taking chewable vitamin c 4000 mg. a day. i think there is an improvement i was in a grocery last night and i tried to get close with numbers of people and exhale hard but no response.even with cashier where usually closing their nose when i get close and the same thing i exhale hard but still no respond. i think i still have bb may be not afraid to ask friend close to me to confirm this but i will try within a week.

i hope its working..
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Post by rmb »

i flossed this morning and i didnt have that strong fecal odor,still there is but less...
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Post by Busted »

Woah after reading all those posts, I think I might actually start chewin on some vitamin c again. The last time was last year somewhere in december. I took the chewable ones of 500mg first. When I ran out of the 500 mg I went to the pharmacy and asked if they had 1000mg, but they only had those you have to put in a cup of water. I have no idea what it's called in english, but anyways when you put it in a cup of water it becomes orange lemonade. I didn't take the quantity that oceanside recommended, so maybe that's the reason I didn't feel that much difference.

I think I'm goin to get the ones you have to drink, cause the chewable ones like most of u guys desribed here, make your tongue white. Once the vitamin c tablet dissolves in your mouth it spreads all over your tongue. I have the same problem when I take a mint, consume diary products or chew gum. It's almost as if my tongue absorbs everything i put in my mouth. I've seen that other people who dont suffer from halitosis also have this, well at least some of them. So I guess there's nothing to worry about.
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Post by hungrygirl »

Its called effervescent.

It has worked for me, read my post on page 2.
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Post by KC »

My tongue goes pink instead of white. My saliva still stink but not as serious as before. I can't find 1000mg chewable vit c(brand is redoxon), so I put four tablets into my mouth when I gotta talk to people. Honestly, I really dunno its working or not. When I talk to my client yesterday, they still can't stop coughing and rub their noses. (but when I talk to them, all tablets were already dissolved). And I have headache and stomache after taking the vit C. I used to take soluble vit c everyday coz I'm just too lazy to eat orange. I didn't see any difference at that period. I will try it for 2 more weeks to see any miracle happen on me.

btw, if our bb is coz of weak immune system, what should we take and do in order to strengthen our immune systems beside vit c? And how about hormone? I do think hormone also one of the reason to create bad odor.
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Post by elliott »

wfr, I mention to drink more water than normal, because the body cannot absorb the nutrients properly without it...and it aids in flushing the excess out. I'm no doctor, but from what I understand, Vitmain C may affect kidneys and liver, if it has to flush high quantities of itself out normally.

That is not scientific...just one of those things that you pick up from personal trainers or people at the gym... multi-vitamins= drink more water.

I think 4000 mg of C is about %6000 of a normal daily serving. You need to help to these things flow.

Anyway, I am jealous of you all! It doesn't have an effect on me... but honestly if it works for some, I'm happy! One step closer... I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys... just drink water too. It will not hurt.
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Post by Susie »

waitingforrelief and Jimi,
I'm sorry if my post was confusing! I had fecal breath from teenage years. In 1994 I got 5 root canals and the smell got extremely worse. I got those root canals pulled out. They were making me extremely ill. I had no choice. There is actually a book called "The root canal cover-up" Anybody who has root canals I would suggest reading this. It was devastating to me but I have a daughter that I would like to be around to see grown up. I have had 2 bone surgeries and 50 oxygen treatments since then and I am going to have one more surgery at least. The average normal oral surgeon can not read an X-ray the way some of the more experienced pathology/oral surgeons can. Like I said I went to so many dentist/oral surgeons/Ent's I can't even keep count before I finally got confirmation and if I wasn't so sick and hard headed I would have never known.

Listen to your body people and don't let someone just cause they have a PhD tell you nothing is wrong. I had 3 oral surgeons tell me I better go to see someone (shrink)cause nothing was wrong. When I had them pulled the oral surgeon was trying to talk me out of it and told me well, this is just more money that I have to put toward my daughter's brand new car when she turns 16. He said I was going to regret it! I have not regreted it one second! Actually I feel I have prolonged my life getting rid of the poison going through my body. What a superficial jerk he was!!


P.S. Out of all those dentists I saw not one of them mentioned Vit. C. hmmm wonder why? No bad teeth no money no job!!!
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Please explain more about root canals, did you have a bridge done?

What if you are missing 2 tooths in a row.

I know my root canals are making me sick also. Probably I will have them removed soon.

But I am panicking that someday I will have to wear dentures.

I am freaking out. Also implants may not be good.

And how does the surgery look like. Does it hurt?

How do you recover, how many days.
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