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Still struggling...

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Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:01 pm

Still struggling...

Post by clara0 »

Hi guys
Please forgive me for disappearing all this time, the reason behind this was because I don't want to post a topic and saying I cured my bb and several weeks later I come and say that I was wrong.

My sinus infections got so bad and frequent &(also bb) last summer that my life had became like hell and that forced me to take some antibiotics and afterwards do the surgery to fix the deviated septum and also another surgery that the doctor did on my nose to solve my breathing problems in October.

After the surgery, Everything became like 70% better, less infections and less bad breath for a few months and I really came to the conclusion that my nose structure was the root of my allergic sinusitis and bb.Breathing became very much easier because for the first time in my life I could breath from both nostrils. During this time I was eating almost freely with the exception for dairy and sugar. and also I was taking probiotics and garlic tablet occasionally.

But happiness did not last and finally all the problems came back after awhile ...sinusitis, allergy, itching inside ear and nose, burning red eyes, bad breath, pnd and even the mild asthma. ](*,)

OK, during this struggling for so much time I came to some solid conclusions:
1) In my case bb is linked to the allergic sinusitis. when the sinuses are OK, there is no smell.So curing the first one is the goal which sounds easy but is extremely difficult.

2) Diet definitely plays a role. Sugar, fat (even nuts), Dairy and fried food are the enemies. I would say, I always develop an infection after eating these food. Stress is also very important. I never realized if the infection causes stress or vice versa.

3) Supplements do work. Garlic tablets, anti fungal herbs, probiotics...reduce the chance of being infected. they work like natural antibiotics.
These things sound too simple and obvious but I emphasis on them because I tested them many times during all these suffering years.
At the moment I am struggling with a bad sinus infection again trying to defeat it before Sunday that I am going to a 4 days travel with my new colleagues... 8-[


Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 80
Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:54 pm

Post by loyd99 »

stankie whats your view on a higher protein diet?
Posts: 215
Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:01 pm

Post by clara0 »

Stankie wrote:Fats are not all the same. Omega-3 fats are actually converted into 'medicine' by your body. Most nuts contain no omega-3 and have really high omega-6 levels, just like feed lot beef.

You should maybe consider omega-3 supplements. Foods high in them are grass-fed beef, wild salmon, and hemp and chia seeds.

I've had good luck brewing a strong cup of organic green tea. Then letting it cool and using that as a neti wash. It seems to help whatever is in the sinuses with it's anti-bacterial action, plus is really easy on the mucus membranes.
stankie, unfortunately in my case fats seem to have the same bad effect, especially nuts..whenever I eat walnut,hemp...I end up in trouble. I also develop rashes or skin itching if I eat them everyday. I sometimes think that maybe I have a sensitive liver that cannot process fats properly . I rarely eat meat(never ate a salmon) . In fact I eat mostly like a vegetarian so I cannot judge them.
For the green tea...I will try it! Thanks for the remedy, I hope it works :)
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