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Tell us your story with bad breath
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Post by Francisca »


I wrote this few years ago:

I wrote there my BB problem is better because of drinking wather.
But, it still existed.

Now, I`m drinking zeolite (zeolith) for 2-3 months and my breath is almost normal!!!!! (In past, before drinking wather, it was AWFUL).

I don`t speak English very well so I can tell you what zeolite is, but you can google it. ;)

It is also veeeery healthy for the hole organism. It is universal cure for many things (high blood pressure...).

Try it. Kisses! :D :D

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Post by Francisca »

p.s. Zeolite isn`t a product. It is kind of mineral.
So, this isn`t a commercial, because there are a lot different producers of zeolite (producers suit zeolit so humans can use it).

p.s. I`m drinking it 2 times in day.
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Post by StillHoping »

Hey Francisca

Could you please provide more details? e.g. how soon/ how many days did you start to notice a difference? what type of BB do you have? [fecal vs. sour etc]. Did you experience any side effects with taking this? How much did it cost/ where did you buy it from?

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Post by billie »

Minerals could be the answer for our bb. I've been using epsom salt as a mouthwash and it is the best ever. I've ordered magnesium oil yesterday to see if that works and also magnesium capsules. I know you have to be careful, but you can't overdose with magnesium oil. I also tried bakingsoda and potasium wich also seems to work, but I can't find potasium in powdered form. I use in capsule form wich is not pure magnesium ofcoarse. It seems that the problem is acidic mouth and that is why antibiotics do not work.
I'm going to try L Salivarius right now because I haven't used it in a while.
I want to see if the probiotics work better in alkaline mouth. I realy did not want to wright this right now, but I was thinking yesterday that it would be weird if someone would post about magnesium. And look now!!!! Francisca is writing about zeolite.
So i just had to share this with you guys. I really wanted to wait.
I let you guys know. Ted from earth clinic is right. Acidic mouth and body is problem.Now i'm going to do some research on zeolite!!!! I'm interested.
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Post by StillHoping »

hey billie

you wrote in a previous thread that you are "removing the hairyness from your tongue"... could you please provide more details on exactly how you are doing this?

I am curious because I too believe the culprit [for my type of bb anyway: sour/ vinegar smell] lies in the tongue. My theory is that certain tongues [more susceptible to people of non-Caucasian backgrounds] are built in a way that do not function properly in getting rid of bacteria etc.
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Post by billie »

I just stick my tongue out and apply hair remover on my tongue.
When My tongue is covered with it, I still keep my tongue sticking out
Wich is a pretty hard thing to do. I take a washcloth and put that under my tongue or cotton pad so that it can catch my saliva.
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Post by StillHoping »

Is this hair remover some type of product? [sorry just never heard of this before] what is it? and where would I be able to purchase it?

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Post by billie »

I just use hairremoval cream for facial hair. I don't recommemd it though.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by StillHoping »

oh wow never mind, I thought this was specially made for the tongue. Didn't think you meant actual hair remover. I have to agree with Stankie.... this does seem a bit extreme!?

Hope you don't get any side effects from this.....
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Post by halitosisux »

I used that stuff on my face once and it left me with a painful red rash. Can't imagine what would happen if you accidentally swallow some or sneezed and it went up your nose etc.

Are there any other safer ways to to dissolve keratin? Is keratin even the problem? I think tongue coatings are mostly bacterial plaque (biofilm) anyway. The keratin gradually increases as a response to injury from any rough scraping. You can see this happen in the mouth if there's a sharp tooth that scrapes the tongue constantly.

Nothing beats chlorhexidine soaked into the tongue for 1 minute twice a day for a pink tongue in my opinion. Perfectly safe. No risk of staining if you keep it off your teeth. No bacterial resistance. Very broad antimicrobial action. You'll lose some sense of taste for a few days but that wears off too.
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Post by billie »

Yeah you're right halitosux. I'm going away for a few days so I can't leave my tongue like that. But when I come back I'm just gonna give my tongue a rest. In my culture it's learned at a young age to brush your tongue. I wonder if I was doing it to hard when I was younger. I always brushed my teeth really good when I was younger and also my tongue. Maybe That started it. I try to just keeping my mouth alkaline.
I never tried chlorhexidine on my tongue, but you need to know that I have a white hairy tongue and not a white coated tongue.
Anyway, You guys are right, I really need to stop this.
I'm just tired of it all.
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Post by halitosisux »

See what happens if you give your tongue a rest.

If you do try chlorhexidine, try very light tongue scraping first to remove the "slough" that comes away with light scraping. No less than 30 mins but preferably an hour after brushing your teeth with your regular toothpaste, tilt your head back, hold your tongue out and place about 10ml of chlorhexidine mouthwash (try to get the alcohol free version so that there's less drying effect and less burning sensation) into your mouth and allow it to pool onto the back of your tongue. Concentrate on keeping your tongue out as far as you can while keeping it pooled over your tongue without choking. Move your tongue slowly inwards and outwards as you do this so that it gets bathed all over by the chlorhexidine. It takes some practice not to choke so beware. Ensure that your tongue gets bathed like this for at least a minute.

This is more effective than normal gargling. Alternatively you could use a separate toothbrush to dab chlorhexidine over your tongue

Try it and see how you get on.
Isn't white hairy tongue the same thing as white coating tongue? What's the actual difference?
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Post by billie »

halitosisux wrote:See what happens if you give your tongue a rest.

If you do try chlorhexidine, try very light tongue scraping first to remove the "slough" that comes away with light scraping. No less than 30 mins but preferably an hour after brushing your teeth with your regular toothpaste, tilt your head back, hold your tongue out and place about 10ml of chlorhexidine mouthwash (try to get the alcohol free version so that there's less drying effect and less burning sensation) into your mouth and allow it to pool onto the back of your tongue. Concentrate on keeping your tongue out as far as you can while keeping it pooled over your tongue without choking. Move your tongue slowly inwards and outwards as you do this so that it gets bathed all over by the chlorhexidine. It takes some practice not to choke so beware. Ensure that your tongue gets bathed like this for at least a minute.

This is more effective than normal gargling. Alternatively you could use a separate toothbrush to dab chlorhexidine over your tongue

Try it and see how you get on.
Isn't white hairy tongue the same thing as white coating tongue? What's the actual difference?
I bought the chlorhexidine toothpaste gel. I think it can cover the tongue a little bit better.
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Post by halitosisux »

Great idea. I've never seen chlorhexidine toothpaste. Does it say what kind of chlorhexidine it is? In the mouthwash I have it's chlorhexidine digluconate. This most definitely stains teeth. By the way it's not permanent staining, it's a layer that can be cleaned off. I know there are forms of chlorhexidine which don't stain - or don't stain as badly.
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