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This forum makes me sad

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This forum makes me sad

Post by Ihatemybreath »

I come here every time I turn on my computer I believe, and this website became like a obsession just like my halitophobia. Before this site I didn't though about bb all the time, thing that I do now when I'm around people or not! After this website my halitophobia increased from 70% to 99,9% I think. I check my breath more than blink. I can't have a moment of peace, I can't act naturally anymore. It sucks. Before finding this forum I was insecure and depressed sometimes, but now, after reading all this hopeless posts, all this people with 15,20,40 years with BB with no cure, damn........ it makes me upset do badly. I don't think about nothing anymore. Oh my God what I did with my life? Having or not the depression I'm feeling now my BB will not disappear but I can't help. So thankssssss for this forum for F*CK with my life more than it was already fucked.

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Post by Ihatemybreath »

Thanks for all the NO CURE, NO HOPE, NO LIGHT posts, the ventings that makes me wanna take a knife and cut my throat! Thanks you so much! Thanks for making of me a young guy with no hope in life. Thanks for killing my spirit, for take my soul OUT. You're all amazing guys. You know what? I don't laugh anymore, and when I do its fake because I'm too worry about my BB, and all this I thanks to you. I lost my shine in the prime of my life, because of youuuuuu! I have no words to describe how HAPPY I am.

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Post by Ihatemybreath »

I'm going to sue Google for letting me find this site, get rich, and buy a house in the Maldives, where I'll stay for life.
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Post by Ihatemybreath »

I'm so tired. I just want to go under the duvet and stay there forever listening to Edith Piaf in rainy days and dreaming. Dreaming beautiful dreams, where I'm happy and confident, and the world don't have disgust of me. A world a can speak with everybody whenever I want, and closely. I can hug. I can smile, laugh, kiss. So many peoples in this world want silly things. I just wanna be able to laugh.
Last edited by Ihatemybreath on Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ihatemybreath »

I love you so much, people. Love this forum so much. Because just here I don't feel alone. :(
Just HERE. You are great.
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Post by Ihatemybreath »

I just stay here spending my time searching all night and day long about bad breath. I just don't know what to think anymore. Sometimes I love my friend because he accept me the way I am and sometimes I hate him because I bet he think about me sometimes like the inferior friend, because of bb, just like in this teen movies that you have a fat friend just for feel better with yourself. I think I'm losting my mind sometimes, I feart that somebody will talk about BB in public all the time, like a panic attack. Last week in the classroom the teacher was talking about what you should do or not if you wanna get a job, like clothes and hair, my God I was so afraid that she would talk about brushing teeth so a breath talk could start in the classroom, but thanks God she didn't. I eat all the time, cause I want to cover up bad breath, foods make me BB free for some minutes. I feel alone in this huge world, I feel alone all the time. I stay comparing and envying and hating.
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having halitosos and having halatiphobia is different.

Post by shibby »

I have had full blown HALITOSIS for ten years. My breath smells like dog shit. My life and confidence have been molded into something that isnt even worth having. But you say you have halatiphobia which doesnt actualy mean you have bb. But maybe you do have bb. But please dont knock this site. I feel comfort in knowing i am not the only person living my life with this terrible evil curse. I would give my life to spend one week without bb. I feel your pain at the injustice of it all. But my friend let me ask you one thing.....wouldnt you feel better if you could say you stared this monster in the face and fought it tooth and nail than to just give up and let it win. Dont get me wrong....i havnt beaten this curse and i am defeated by it. But my friend we all want to hide under the cover and let it all go by. One day we will be free..........and when that day comes we will be able to appreciate every second of this life or the next(if there is a next life). Email me on [email protected] and i can offer you support. Stay strong my friend.....i am with you always....
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