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Post by YuckMouth »

I went to church today for the first time in years. Some good changes have been happening in my life lately but it's still been difficult with the bad breath condition. After worship, a woman came up front and witnessed that God spoke to her about me. She looked right at me and said the gentlemen here with the striped shirt has had something holding him back for a long time and that God was going to shine light on the situation and that I was near deliverance. I had never met this lady before, but I just smiled so big this morning. She prayed the chains would be broken that have been holding me. I believe something big is coming my way, and whether it be deliverance from halitosis or something else, I know God is ready to make something big and amazing happen in my life so that I can be restored and so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be spread. It was an incredible Easter, and for the first time in quite some time I felt like I had an all around good day. Thanks to God and I hope that you all keep praying and continue seeking the Lord for anything and everything, and please keep me in your prayers as well. God bless!!

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Post by DanielPine »

Yeah man, i believe god is mysterious

i personally think god controls our situation, i think he gave some of us this problem for a reason.
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Post by YuckMouth »

Yes Daniel. God controls everything, even the bad stuff, which is good news. There is no one I'd rather have be in control of any bad thing than our good and perfect, Holy and loving God. He makes all things work for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His will and purpose.

I have found that through this process of dealing with halitosis and having to put up with other people's insults, and going into seemingly embarrassing situation after embarrassing situation, God has been refining my spirit. I have become more forgiving, and more loving towards other people. The alternative is anger towards their ignorance, and the built up frustration and fear I feel within my own spirit due to that anger, as I can't seem to find any other solution for this problem. In turn, that mindset only leads to more and more anger and frustration over the course of time, and that proves to be only self destructive, because it doesn't really change anything. Been there, done that...

I used to walk in un-forgiveness, but now I realize that people who say these things and act that way are not aware of what they do. Everyone needs forgiveness, especially our enemies, as it is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance. Walking in love and forgiveness towards others sets me free from the fear of being put down/made fun of/embarrassed/etc, because those people's comments no longer hold any weight over me. I've been learning to face down all these fears because of this, and to go boldly into any situation I must face, having confidence in Christ that He put me here for a purpose, and that He loves me all the time. There are a lot of strongholds and lies I had been believing, but God has been working on me and setting me free. He is indeed a very good and loving God, and I pray that He would bless you all with grace, and set you all free with truth, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
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Re: Testimony

Post by hopelessone »

YuckMouth wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:34 am I went to church today for the first time in years. Some good changes have been happening in my life lately but it's still been difficult with the bad breath condition. After worship, a woman came up front and witnessed that God spoke to her about me. She looked right at me and said the gentlemen here with the striped shirt has had something holding him back for a long time and that God was going to shine light on the situation and that I was near deliverance. I had never met this lady before, but I just smiled so big this morning. She prayed the chains would be broken that have been holding me. I believe something big is coming my way, and whether it be deliverance from halitosis or something else, I know God is ready to make something big and amazing happen in my life so that I can be restored and so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be spread. It was an incredible Easter, and for the first time in quite some time I felt like I had an all around good day. Thanks to God and I hope that you all keep praying and continue seeking the Lord for anything and everything, and please keep me in your prayers as well. God bless!!
Praise God! Thank you for sharing your testimony. Praying for you. Pray for me too, it's a verrry verrry bad day.

God bless you.
“Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me.” ~Zora Neale Hurston
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