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Can BAD breath means GOOD breath?

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Can BAD breath means GOOD breath?

Post by Ihatemybreath »

See: I have bad breath, yeah, duh. And I have a really closely best friend who I love more than me and well, he's aware of my BB problem and he does not seems to CARE at all. Actually it's like I don't even have it... soooooo...... Is it possible that he got used to my BB and started seeing my BB like a FRIENDLY bb???????? In facts we are really close friends and BB is always present so he associated this bb with ME, his best friend. Then for him my BAD breath turned in GOOD breath, because I'm his best friend and BB is part of me, without BB is not me anymore!!!!!!!! RIIGHTTTTTTTTTTT.


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Post by Tony22 »

Heh, well, that's an interesting way of looking at it. I know that my best friend doesn't mind my bad breath or at least, he's completely used to it and it doesn't bother him. I wonder if he sees it that way; he just associates it with me.
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Post by coconuthead »

I think that many people who suffer from chronic bad breath and realize it, generally have healthier mouths than those who don't. The reason is, because we realize our breath smells, we are a lot more conscious of our oral hygiene and go through crazy regimens to free ourselves of our bad breath (some as crazy as eating a toothpaste tube, swallowing Listerine, or brushing our teeth and gums so hard that it bleeds). I know for a fact, I have much better hygiene than my brother yet his breath doesn't stink. He never flosses, rarely brushes his tongue (his tongue is always white), and never brushes his teeth at night. I do all of these things and on top of that gargle like crazy with hydrogen peroxide and Listerine and chew relentlessly on sugar free gum (which is good for the teeth), yet I have stinky mouth.
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