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Don't know what to do, feel like giving up.

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Don't know what to do, feel like giving up.

Post by FedUp »

I am on the verge of giving up on ever having a good life ever.

I really do not what is causing my problem I cannot get a diagnosis nor wrap my head around it.

My mouth is constantly slimy. I have thick PND all day everyday which only relieves slightly if I don't brush my teeth but I can't bare not doing that.

Lately I have been noticing if I press my nostril against my clothes (which i use nice fabric softener). I can smell the shit smell that seems to exit my nose, it smells straight up like feces. At first I thought this was my skin but if I shut my right nostril and sniff up with my left I cannot smell it. If people get near me with strong perfume I can smell shit in my right nostril. My CT scan came up clear. I really just can't deal with it anymore, the paranoia, the wondering. This has consumed 2 years of my life.

I've been through all diagnostics and I am still in limbo. I cannot progress further in my life. I am depressed and sad all the time. I've been doing sinus rinses lately and it's just gotten worse. It seems to funk the place when I speak from the bottom of my throat which is plugged full of PND. And if I shut my mouth and nose breathe well it's "WHO SHIT THEMSELF" "YOU HAD A SHOWER??"

I have been taking sleeping medication just to zoink myself out at night. I cannot sleep thinking and worrying. I want to cry but nothing will solve this problem. This has turned me into a social hermit. People clear their throat or cough sometimes around me or when they walked past me. Yet a dude at work smells of STRONG BO all day and no-one grunts, coughs or clears their throats, they ignore his stench. Can my breath be THAT potent for someone to GRUNT like a CUNT or clear their throat? I don't get it?? I don't need to clear my throat when I smell a fart or smell his BO??? what's the deal??

What can I do?? Seriously I just don't know. I've been on referal list for ENT for about 2-3 months and still nothing. I am cracking up.

I spent over £2000 so far trying to find what is the problem. This can't be ****ing life???? I do the lick test and I get a wierd smell at first but once it's dried up on my hand it hardly smells.

I get a mix of different smells, sometimes I can sense a dirty fart, shit, or rotten eggs. I ordered GSE but it will do ***k all for me I know.

Rant over, back to internet searches. I hardly have any money to do ****ing anything about it. sigh.

Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
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Post by halitosisux »

There's a cream you can get that is really good if you have some weird bacterial thing going on in one of your nostrils. The cream is called Bactroban and it contains an antibiotic. I think you can only get it on prescription. I sometimes get this stink you describe. In my case it's usually a hair follicle that gets infected. It may have nothing to do with your main odour problem, or it may have everything to do with it. In my case it would make it seem as though the air around me stunk. In your case it may well stink if the smell is strong enough.

One thing that I never see mentioned is the possibility that nasal cilia are not working normally in people with nasal odours. I know next to nothing about this, but in the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses these tiny microscopic hairs exist which constantly vibrate in a wave-like motion and constantly sweep mucus along and towards the throat to be swallowed. They can be paralyzed by cigarette smoke and intoxications like alcohol. They can be permanently paralyzed by sinusitis if there's enough tissue damage. If this is happening/happened in your case, an antibacterial designed for application in the nostrils may really help you. If mucus is stagnating it will definitely start to smell eventually, and perhaps you are not even realizing it's stagnating.

Mention it to your ENT on your next visit. There's a simple test to find out if these cilia are working normally or not.
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Post by FedUp »

I can't always smell this smell. But it's always the right nostril it shoots out from. The NHS is a joke I'm waiting months between tests and appointments. If I had another issue then I wouldn't care about waiting but this isn't an issue I can wait patiently for.

Sometimes I can sense the shit smell from bottom of my throat but why would the smell be so dominant from my nose??? I'm racking my brain all the day I am awake. Only logical thing I can think is the PND pooling in throat...

If sinus surgery doesn't work I have fucked it.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
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Post by halitosisux »

If PND pooling in the throat was the cause then you'd have just as bad mouth odour, surely?

You seem quite certain your odour is only coming from your nose (and usually only on one side as you say) so at least it's not likely to be coming from your esophagus or lungs/bloodstream, otherwise it would be just as bad from your mouth and both nostrils.

Your ENT says you don't have any visible signs of anything wrong - you can only trust him/her on this for now. It's only affecting one side of your nose, so there has to be an answer not very far away for anyone willing to try to help you to find out. I have read so many times on here how nasal irrigation helps with nasal odours, but because jetting water in the nose is never an ideal thing to do, it may easily end up causing stagnation and pooling of this irrigated water elsewhere in the nasal cavity and end up making the situation and smell eventually worse. The fact it helps initially is what matters.

Stagnating mucus WILL stink. Just put some in a test tube at the right temperature to see how bad.

The shit smell from the bottom of your throat is understandable because your throat is like the plughole where everything eventually ends up. Wherever any stench is occuring, it's likely to end up making the throat taste like shit because that's where some of the stench will always end up. If your nose is where the odour originates from, then it's going to be where the smell is so dominant.

PND may feel like it's flooding your throat, but reflexes prevent it building up very much. You'll either choke or cough or snort, without even thinking about it.
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Post by StayStrong »

Hi Fedup ,

I know how you feel man, but don't allow yourself to get to the point of complete hopelessness. The way i see it is that we're always going to be competing against people who don't suffer the torment that we have to go through for jobs, a partner or even just the right to live without people making you feel horrible for something that for the moment is beyond our control. The only way i manage to keep my chin up in this nightmare is by being being better than everyone else around me at the things that i choose to do, working harder, and fighting to achieve my goals in life.

life can get hard when you suffer from BB, make sure that you are properly equipped to deal with the difficulties (i recommend neuro linquistic programming techniques - they come in handy when you have no choice but to walk through the fire, like having to get on a rush hour train knowing that everyone around you is going to either take the piss or give you looks of disgust for something you simply cant help ).

not being your best and prepared is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

there's a lot more i could write but it is already longer than i had planned...feel free to pm me for anything mate.
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Post by FedUp »

It's just strange because If I brush my teeth and have a fizzy drink directly I can taste rotten egg in my throat. And sometimes I've sneezed and it's smelt like dirty socks/rotten egg. ENT did note thick mucus coming from the left middle meatus and small mucosal thickening in left sinus. I had a thornwald cyst removed also which are rare apparently. I mean PND tonsil stones etc has all gotta be related somehow. My breath is bad I know that, I sometimes get the odd comment "have you just farted" but if i shut my mouth I always get the horrified reactions from others. On monday I walked into the office to ask for a pen and I distinctly remember having a chunk of drip between my nose and throat as I was talking. I came back to that area and it reaked of a sweaty fart. Now I used to record songs and I do remember singing into a microphone with a pop filter and I remember smelling something bad (i had mucus in my throat) I went downstairs and hacked it out and began to record again and the smell was gone. Maybe sinuses aren't infected as such but full of bacteria which is carried through the drip???? I can go out sometimes and nobody complains of a smell around me. At work I'm a paranoid wreck people I work with I'm convinced they're talking about me but when I'm out with them on social drinking nights I'm so relaxed and drunk that I forget and no-one bats an eye lid or coughs or grunts. Paranoia is dangerous. Through out all my diagnostics and investigations the one thing that has ALWAYS been there is PND. whether its a symptom of another condition I don't know. I'ts driving me mad trying to work out what the source is, no source no shit smell.. I had a barium swallow to test for pouches in throat and it came out clear. the doc did say I had a little reflux but this was normal. Only time I have really bad reflux to the point I can taste and feel it is sometimes when I'm drinking. It splashes in my throat violently. But never in the week, no indigestion either, no burping no belching no farting.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
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Post by halitosisux »

And yet the ENT says there isn't anything much wrong, or anything wrong that could be causing your odours. So frustrating.

Remember though, that PND is something that lots of people have, without having BB. So there isn't always a direct connection between PND and BB, although there may be factors which mean that PND will directly cause BB (bacterial profile for example).

In general, I think PND only exacerbates other underlying issues which a person may have that makes them prone to having BB. By itself I don't think PND causes much odour unless the PND already smells because of infection somewhere like the sinuses.
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Post by liza22 »

FedUp, I used to have the same problem you described but it was caused by nasal surgery. After surgery, my nasal cilia became atrophied and talk about smell...I would cough up mucous plugs that were half dried/half wet. They'd pool in the back of my nose and then somehow dislodge and I'd cough them up. They smelled horrible. It took years for my nose to heal and that is no longer an issue but I relate to the time, energy, money, frustration, depression. And to be ruled out for nasal disease is frustrating. There are over the counter medications that can thin mucus so at least it wouldn't pool in the back of the throat. I used to be very sensitive about people coughing or rubbing their nose and I'm sure 1/2 the time they were and 1/2 not so try, try, try to ignore what you perceive to be reactions. You so wisely state that paranoia is dangerous. I used to have to take sleep meds too. It was the only peace I knew. Bactroban is an excellent suggestion from Hallitosisux. Get the ointment since that's water based. The cream is a bit too sticky for the nose because it's petroleum based.
Last edited by liza22 on Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by liza22 »

Is there a possibility this could be related to your Thornwald cyst removal? I looked up a Thornwald cyst and it's in the nasopharyngeal area. Is it in the same area where you say you feel the post nasal drip. Could that area be infected and maybe pus is dripping and not PND? Is there any correlation with the onset of your odor to when the cyst was removed? If the mucus is yellow or green that's sign of infection. Just a thought. You seem to be very clear about your symptoms and location which should be very helpful to an ENT once you get in. Sounds like you need an MRI or CT to see if any tissue is infected or look for any other abnormalities.
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Post by FedUp »

PND is thick and clear and described as white froth in my throat, although there have been times when i've visibly snorted out yellow mucus which i may add I never felt any pain or pressure in sinuses like a typical "infection". If it wasn't for the odor problem I would never know I ever had an infection.

It's all gotta be linked some how, cyst, PND, tonsillitis and tonsil stones.

CT scan showed small mucosal thickening in left antrum. On nasal endoscopy showed thick mucus coming from left middle meatus. but the odor is dominant in right nostril.

I recall years ago before this became such a huge issue I would sense a horse shit smell from the area behind the nose. and sometimes I would taste shit. (possibly infections in the past that i'd never known about).

Anti-biotics kill all bacteria, well not one antibiotic has ever relieved my symptoms not even for a day. sinus rinses do nothing either. nasal sprays did nothing, mucus thinning meds did nothing.

The cyst was missed on the ct scan upon first viewing, it wasn't until I was operated on it was found. I was told CT scans do not always pick everything up. So if a professional wash out of my sinuses doesn't work at least I can rule that out.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
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Post by liza22 »

I understand the frustration. Sounds like they need to culture the drainage to see what it grows out so if there is infection you can get the right antibiotic and strength to kill the bacteria. I hope you can be seen by a specialist soon.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

why dont you do proper sinus flush if you have stuff in your sinuses? I am sure operation will not solve it, it is just a waste of time.

Take big botle of water, put salt in it and buy a bottle with pop out attachment, and put on your nostril than squueze in your nose, works much beter than neti pod
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by MrChips »

I have bad smell through nose and mouth.
Have you been tested for Tmau? My doctor is sorting out the test for me. It doesn't cost any money and its worth a go?
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Post by FedUp »

MrChips wrote:I have bad smell through nose and mouth.
Have you been tested for Tmau? My doctor is sorting out the test for me. It doesn't cost any money and its worth a go?
Was thinking of paying for the test but I am petrified it will come out positive.

Plus I know odor comes from nose mostly and mouth too though not as bad.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
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Post by mindspace »

@Fed up I know what u've been going through and don't give up man.As you know I don't have bad breath now,but I still have PATM reactions-people coughs very much around me,also rub noses are frequent and that's the reason that I'll be on this forum till I solve my problem-don't think it's impossible.I was in your situation september last year.But I'm very sensitive person and is typically for me-what people say reflects to me.In other posting you said that If someone says to you that you smell like shit you don't care and I like it.I can't like that.So last september I thought about quitting my job because I was desperate very much.My manager said to my colleague that I smell like skunk or dead animal.And I was really dissapointed about this man-it's not intelligent because I liked him and he chose me for that job.What helped me is the fact that when I eat frequently I don't have bad breath.Because many times I asked my mother and she said that i don't have bad breath and that's because when i'm at home I eat frequently and at work it's not like that.Then I read about PATM reactions and I understood that I'm not mad.And i was happy because I knowed that the reason it's not smell.So yeah we are kind of halitophobic.I had a feel of lump in the throat and also feel the smell in the back of the throat.When I've extracted all upper mollars and wisdome teeth i don't feel any smell or lump-my throat is kind of healthy now.So maybe one problem reflects to another.I was social hermit for about a year despite the fact that I have real friends and they care about me but they don't know what is in my head.
So my advice to you is if you have real friends or family -mother,father,brother ask them if you really have bad breath all the time.They will be honest to you.And do not care about people reactions-it's PATM reactions-it's not bad breath reactions.One of my colleagues talks about people who smells and he doesn't like these people.But at the moment he has bad breath and don't care about that.Be positive,we are young and we should live our life.What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.It's true.I'm stronger now.
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