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Some very encouraging updates

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Some very encouraging updates

Post by Source »

Hello all,

I've been reading/posting on this forum for over three years now (under different usernames cuz I keep forgetting my passwords lol)

Anyways, just to give you guys a brief summary/description of my situation.

- 25 years old, BB started when I hit puberty around 11 or 12

- My BB always has a fecal scent to it. I have excellent oral hygiene. No matter how much I floss and brush, I always have that distinctive smell on my tongue, especially near the back. After flossing and brushing, the regular odor of a dirty mouth disappears but that distinctive fecal smell never goes away.

- Went to ENT and she prescribed me several meds last year to eliminate potential causes. She gave me Omeprazole to see if it was ingestion/GERD. Took it for a month - NO change.

- ENT prescribed me Chlorhexidine mouthwash, initially successful but after a week, the mouthwash was no longer effective.

- Lastly, ENT prescribed me a 21-day course of Metronidazole. Those 21 days were the happiest days of my life to memory. Unfortunately, the odor came back 2-3 days after I took my last pill.

- ENT also did two nasal endoscopies throughout a 6 month period and one upper tract endoscopy to look at my throat and stomach.

- At this point, ENT was running out of answers, so she suggested I remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth AND she referred me to Oral Medicine @ UCSF Medical Center.

- Went to Oral Medicine and the doctor wanted to first prescribe me an anti-anxiety pill... I was like listen Doctor, this isn't in my mind. I have taken Metronidazole before and I know that while I was on it, my mouth tasted neutral and my breath didn't have any offensive odor.

- Then the Oral Med. doctor prescribed me more Metronidazole - only this time it was 250MG three times a day for a month as opposed to 500MG once a day for 21 days.

- Just before getting off the dental chair, I asked him what he thought about me possibly having candida. He said he didn't see any signs in my mouth and asked if I have any rashes or what not.

- THIS is where things got interesting. I told him no, I don't have any rashes, but I have read that people can have internal candida infections that cannot be seen externally. He then prescribed me a one week course of FLUCONAZOLE, and told me to try to Fluconazole first before I start on my Metronidazole.

Well, I started my one week course of Fluconazole 3 weeks ago. I took my first pill on a Saturday evening, and by bed time that night, my mouth tasted SO neutral and my BB was non-existent. I was ecstatic, but I knew better than to celebrate early, like I did with Metronidazole. So I finished my Fluconazole two weeks ago, and I was so scared that my BB would come back. Two weeks since I took my last pill, and my BB still hasn't gone back to how bad it used to be.

Now keep in mind that out of a 100, my BB has improved probably 85-90 percent! The 10-15 percent that needs improving, I think, can be attributed to a few other things.

1. My last nasal endoscopy, my ENT said that my adenoids were slightly enlarged/inflamed. If you look up side effects of enlarged/inflamed adenoids, BB is always mentioned.

2. Although I have excellent oral hygiene, two separate dentists told me that I should take out my wisdom teeth because they are hard to keep clean (even though they are coming out perfectly straight, and all 4 have erupted).

3. During my last dental check up, about 6 months ago, my dentist told me that I have a hole in one of my teeth. I'm assuming if there's a hole in one of my teeth, that it's very easily possible for bacteria/food to get in there and cause odor.

Last week, I called my doctor at the Oral Medicine clinic and updated him on my condition. He said to start my Metronidazole course soon and that he thinks that I need to be put on a longer course of Fluconazole to completely eliminate the internal candida/fungal infection.

I haven't started my one-month Metronidazole because my little sister just graduated from college and I want to be able to drink some alcohol tonight!

Please, if you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer. I really think that people brush off candida/fungal infections just because they don't physically see external evidence for it.

I'm not doctor, but if you're as desperate as I was about my BB, I definitely think it's worth a try. Talk to you doctor and ask her/him to give you a one week prescription and see how it changes your condition.

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Post by Stinkynick »

Sounds pretty promising, good luck and keep us updated please.

Do you have nasal bb?
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:00 pm

Post by StayStrong »

Hi guys

Source's post is very interesting!
There are many similarities between us

I 'am also 25 with good dental hygiene and fecal breath odour. My doctors first point of call was in suggesting that my BB could possibly be caused by H. pylori and he requested a stool sample. The test came back positive and i under went a triple therapy treatment plan (omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin) for a week (if i remember correctly).

The first few days on the treatment were amazing! for the first time in my life since i was a kid i could experience what it was like to be normal, amazing! However, once the treatment stopped, my BB returned - even though i had successfully eradicated the H.pylori.

given that the antibiotics had helped with the bb, i convinced my doctor to arrange a test for TMAU - he had never even heard of the condition, but i convinced him because although if i had primary TMAU, the antibiotics would not have made a difference to my breath, the fact that they did suggest that it could be secondary TMAU. The urine test (which had to be carried out at the lab in a hospital as i think the TMA evapourates at room temperature and so the urine has to be specially treated immediately after to give an accurate result ) came back positive. - however, the protocol for dealing with secondary TMAU is a two week course of a low dose antibiotics on rotation every 6 to 8 weeks as well as a diary change.

I have tried the low choline diet (w/ Metronidazole) and i find it extremely difficult if not impossible to maintain, and even with a reduction in choline i still dont seem to get enough relief from this affliction that i can function around people without comments and reactions ect.....

given that secondary TMAU is considered to be cause by dysbiosis of the gut - surely an affective treatment plan would be one involving a very strong course of antibiotics (similar to or stronger than for H pylori) to level the playing field followed by probiotics to re populate the gut flora with beneficial bacteria. (btw my Fmo3 levels were within normal range).

It is extremely interesting that you found Fluconazole to be helpful.... Do keep us posted!!!

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Joined: Wed May 22, 2013 1:16 am

Post by Stinkynick »


It seems you have found your underlying cause, which is more than most of us can say. Have you had any relief when sticking to the choline diet? Also do you have nasal bb?

I'm very interested in tmau as well, I watched a clip where the woman was about 30 and she developed tmau around age 20. She explained that when sticking to her diet some days were good, some were bad.

How much did the tmau test cost you?
Do you have insurance?
I'm considering being tested for it, as it would be nice to know the underlying cause, even if it is tmau or something that's not necessarily curable, it would ease my mind knowing
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Post by anon10 »

Hmm. Internal candida yeast growth. That's interesting. Can u update us about your medication. I might try those meds too. Btw. How's your inflammed adenoids? I also have PND too.

Btw. I suspect that the bad odor is from my g.I tract. I'm taking activated carbon capsules and my breath improved for 80%. Those nasal washes,hydrogen peroxide,baking soda,flossing didn't help at all. I read that these capsules absorbs bad odor. Also I remembered my roomate smoked at our bathroom, so I complained about the odor,what he did he broke the carbon caps and sprinkled all over. After a few hours the pdor was gone

Could this be genetic? Cause my dad have it too. I wonder
Posts: 22
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Post by StayStrong »


The test was free as i am from the uk, although it took a little convincing on my part to get my doc to arrange the test. Here's some useful info on the test procedure

as i understand it, primary tmau is genetic - your body doesn't produce enough of the enzyme needed to oxidise
TMA. Secondary tmau is due to the over-production of TMA by bacteria in the gut that the body isn't able to cope with, in theory, if you can restore the balance of bacteria in the stomach then you could be cured.

The odour for me seems to only be from my breath and it is very difficult to gauge what makes it better or worse - i avoid high choline foods like egg and red meat and i take activated charcoal, probiotics and chlorophyll tablets.

strong antibiotics help alot! but stop working once you stop taking them, it seems - for me at least, the solution lies in somehow restoring balance in the micro-flora of the gut (as well as making the right dietary choices) which is why the positive effects of fluconazole above is of interest to me, maybe it is possible that a candida overgrowth is somehow inhibiting the growth beneficial bacteria allowing the tma producing bacteria to thrive?....just a theory....

anyway, i wish you the best and i hope you find a solution to your problem - feel free pm any questions and i ll try my best to help
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:07 pm

Post by ItsgoingtobeOK »

StayStrong wrote:Hi guys

Source's post is very interesting!
There are many similarities between us

I 'am also 25 with good dental hygiene and fecal breath odour. My doctors first point of call was in suggesting that my BB could possibly be caused by H. pylori and he requested a stool sample. The test came back positive and i under went a triple therapy treatment plan (omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin) for a week (if i remember correctly).

The first few days on the treatment were amazing! for the first time in my life since i was a kid i could experience what it was like to be normal, amazing! However, once the treatment stopped, my BB returned - even though i had successfully eradicated the H.pylori.

given that the antibiotics had helped with the bb, i convinced my doctor to arrange a test for TMAU - he had never even heard of the condition, but i convinced him because although if i had primary TMAU, the antibiotics would not have made a difference to my breath, the fact that they did suggest that it could be secondary TMAU. The urine test (which had to be carried out at the lab in a hospital as i think the TMA evapourates at room temperature and so the urine has to be specially treated immediately after to give an accurate result ) came back positive. - however, the protocol for dealing with secondary TMAU is a two week course of a low dose antibiotics on rotation every 6 to 8 weeks as well as a diary change.

I have tried the low choline diet (w/ Metronidazole) and i find it extremely difficult if not impossible to maintain, and even with a reduction in choline i still dont seem to get enough relief from this affliction that i can function around people without comments and reactions ect.....

given that secondary TMAU is considered to be cause by dysbiosis of the gut - surely an affective treatment plan would be one involving a very strong course of antibiotics (similar to or stronger than for H pylori) to level the playing field followed by probiotics to re populate the gut flora with beneficial bacteria. (btw my Fmo3 levels were within normal range).

It is extremely interesting that you found Fluconazole to be helpful.... Do keep us posted!!!


Did some Google on TMAU and found that someone conquered this situation by taking kelp and zinc pills.
Please read below.

TMAU Cure : zinc and kelp together- 30 year + bad smell

Flagyl did not work, nor metro gel or low ph soaps,, but this worked for me and I also take organic coconut oil.

Started taking kelp tablets and zinc tablets and to my surprise the smell is totally gone, I can eat fish or any food with no side effects. First time in over 30 years. I also take a teaspoon of organic coconut oil a day and so far its been about 3 weeks with awesome results.

I take 2 kelp and 1 zinc tablet daily and this worked for me. No bad breath or funny smells, try it for a week and don't give up.

Kelp refers to several species of large, brown algae that can grow to enormous sizes far out in the depths of the ocean. Kelp is a type of seaweed, but not all seaweed is kelp: "seaweed" loosely describes any type of vegetation growing in the ocean, including many other types of algae and plants. Kelp is a regular part of a normal human diet in many parts of the world, such as Japan, Alaska, and Hawaii. It is also incorporated into some vitamin and mineral supplements because of its nutrient value. Kelp is a good source of folic acid (a B vitamin), as well as many other vitamins and minerals—especially iodine ;

Zinc is so important because it is found in every tissue in the body and is directly involved in cell division. It is a powerful antioxidant, helping to prevent cancer, but zinc also is directly involved in proper endocrine function and the maintenance of ideal hormone levels.

Zinc deficiency makes both men and women infertile and causes low libido. Low zinc also exacerbates the effects of stress on the body and accelerates aging. Additionally, adequate zinc is necessary for optimal physical performance, energy levels, and body composition. Zinc affects protein synthesis and is required for proper function of red and white blood cells. It is highly concentrated in our bones, the pancreas, kidneys, liver, and retina.

Kelp and zinc don't interact. Zinc and copper interact and large amounts of zinc can lead to preferential absorption of zinc at the expense of copper so zinc and copper together is better than zinc alone.

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