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vitamin D and rhinitis/saliva

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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vitamin D and rhinitis/saliva

Post by pagmic2 »

I just found online that there is evidence that vitamin D deficiency (Vitamin D3) may be related to allergic rhinitis, which causes post nasal drip and bad breath. Also, searching on google shows that low salivary flow may be related to vitamin D deficiency as well. I tested 33 percent low in Vitamin D, and my doctor has me on a massive dose to try to get my levels up, because I don't get much sunlight in the winter. Sunlight through glass doesn't count, because the glass filters out the ultraviolet B that causes the vitamin D to form in the skin. In Christ Who is like fresh evergreen, peppermint, and cedar, and Who promises that we will be too someday if we trust Him, Mike

Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:10 pm

Re: vitamin D and rhinitis/saliva

Post by Mangoes123 »

pagmic2 wrote:I just found online that there is evidence that vitamin D deficiency (Vitamin D3) may be related to allergic rhinitis, which causes post nasal drip and bad breath. Also, searching on google shows that low salivary flow may be related to vitamin D deficiency as well. I tested 33 percent low in Vitamin D, and my doctor has me on a massive dose to try to get my levels up, because I don't get much sunlight in the winter. Sunlight through glass doesn't count, because the glass filters out the ultraviolet B that causes the vitamin D to form in the skin. In Christ Who is like fresh evergreen, peppermint, and cedar, and Who promises that we will be too someday if we trust Him, Mike
i am also vit D defiencent and are you?

please le tme know the source u got this info from?

i've got level of 7 of vit d in my blood after having done a blood test when it should be around 50>

i am on medication of 10,000 IU Vit D ...

i don' kno if it will cure it.... i doubt it... :(

i have GERD, IBS and Rhinitis...

i don't kno what to do with my life.. as whenevr i meet my family and freinds backhome i feel left ou and every loooks at me like a loner and anti-social when the truth is i don't wanna stink the ROOM!

i am only 18 r female.

Good luck guys
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:10 pm

Re: vitamin D and rhinitis/saliva

Post by Mangoes123 »

pagmic2 wrote:I just found online that there is evidence that vitamin D deficiency (Vitamin D3) may be related to allergic rhinitis, which causes post nasal drip and bad breath. Also, searching on google shows that low salivary flow may be related to vitamin D deficiency as well. I tested 33 percent low in Vitamin D, and my doctor has me on a massive dose to try to get my levels up, because I don't get much sunlight in the winter. Sunlight through glass doesn't count, because the glass filters out the ultraviolet B that causes the vitamin D to form in the skin. In Christ Who is like fresh evergreen, peppermint, and cedar, and Who promises that we will be too someday if we trust Him, Mike
I live in England wbu?
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