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Feel alone and depressed.

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Feel alone and depressed.

Post by FedUp »

For the past 5 months I've been wandering around putting up with comments looks and reactions. I honestly do not know what to do. I cannot keep living like this. I feel as though I cannot join in with peoples conversations I'm always taking a seat back and denying peoples offers of going out to do the simplest of things like chat and enjoy a drink. what a cruel disease this is.

How do you think it feels to hear "whos shit their self" after simply speaking. I can't ****ing take it anymore. Last dentist was an asshole who just lectured me on garlic and coffee causing BB. wouldn't even do any x rays as teeth "appear" fine. My mouth breathing odor garners comments but nasal odor garners horrified reactions. I am close to buying several bottles of whiskey and pulling every ****ing tooth out of my skull with plyers. This is beyond a joke, this ain't living. I have lots of things I want to do in life but I can't. I cannot move forward until I know this has gone away. This is holding me back in life. Why does such a cruel thing exist??? People think i'm ignorant or arrogant when I don't smile or talk to them when all i want to do is be the life of the party. I let people walk all over me and mis-treat me. I can shower and shower and still feel dirty with my breath kicking. I've "walked into" my breath odor a few times and it's just SHIT. I've even had people smelling themselves saying "is that smell me?" This can't be my fate it just can't be. People treat me like a child because I let them walk all over me. How can you defend yourself when their reply could be "at least I wipe my ass" or "at least i brush my teeth" etc.

over 2 years this has consumed me honestly I am tired. my every thought of every minute of every day is this problem. it feels like i'm in prison. There are times when I try to calm down and think it's not as bad as i think but then the harsh reality comes sailing back when someone comments on the odor.

rant over. but the whiskey and pulling teeth seems a good idea. i'd rather have no teeth than smell like this.

Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
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Post by sandspiegel »

Yeah I feel your pain, we all here do. This is the only place where I really have the feeling of being understood. I have a problem with tonsil stones and sometimes it makes my life just a living hell. I also have a problem with my tongue smelling bad but I kind of got that under control with Tongue Brush and Gel.
I was out partying with my friends last weekend and when I spoke into their faces, shortly after the one said to the other, that my breath smells really bad and maybe we should talk to him about it (I overheard them saying that). Well you can imagine that my good mood that night was completely gone after that and I just wanted to disappear or kill myself at that moment. Of course I talked as little as possible that night and always turn my face while talking.
When I came home I immediately took a flashlight and saw that a tonsil stone was hiding at my right tonsil, I took it out and smelled it and yeah it smelled like shit!

I finally scheduled an appointment with an ENT next week Wednesday. I just hope that he really is going to understand my situation and is going to decide to take my tonsils out.
I always have that disgusting feeling in my throat when I'm swallowing and I discovered that I have a hole in my right (and maybe left too) tonsil which probably gets exposed when I'm swallowing which causes the bad taste and smell. However the saliva there in that hole smells like tonsil stones, so that's where the source must be. I also took out several tonsil stones out of there. However I can never be sure if I took them all out and I also don't have the time everyday to spend half an hour in front of the mirror almost puking and trying to get those little suckers out.

I'm just so jealous when I'm seeing other people talk into each other faces and there is no reaction. For the most people it's completely normal but for me it's the thing I wish most in life, to be completely free of bb.
I hope that the ENT can help me or otherwise I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do.
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Post by oneday4800 »

I understand your frustration but I dont think the pulling your teeth out is a good idea. What if you get an infection? Youll have another problem to worry about. Or something worse like, I dont know. But, it just sounds like a bad idea. I dont understand why we cant tell our docs and dentists etc what we want them to do and they can say no. It urks me. Ive had times where i just wanted to scream,"I KNOW I HAVE BB OK!? Im working on it!" Do u think talking to them about how complicated this is will help ?
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Post by FedUp »

It's wayy too complicated as anytime I've been to a dentist i've been told they smelt no halitosis or just gave me bullshit answers about smoking, garlic and onions causing BB. Absolutely clueless idiots. My mouth feels hot all day long. bad taste in mouth i'm sick of this issue.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
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Post by Ihatemybreath »

I have an appointment with the dentist on Monday, but honestly I do not expect anything from this.
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Re: Feel alone and depressed.

Post by Rot »

FedUp wrote: I honestly do not know what to do. I cannot keep living like this....

I have lots of things I want to do in life but I can't. I cannot move forward until I know this has gone away. This is holding me back in life. Why does such a cruel thing exist??? ...

How can you defend yourself when their reply could be "at least I wipe my ass" or "at least i brush my teeth" etc. ...

There are times when I try to calm down and think it's not as bad as i think but then the harsh reality comes sailing back when someone comments on the odor....
I always have the same thoughts...
And no way to get rid of the problem :cry:
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wow. exactly same as me

Post by shibby »

Its unbelievable my experience is exactly the same as yours. The comments I get are exactly the same. I live in UK and I get exactly the same comments from people. Please email me on [email protected] too cannot say anything as I have had that comment "at leasty mouth doesn't smell like shit" said to me by an ex girlfriend. My tears are pwelling up now as I speak. I feel like I am being punished for something BT being cursed with bb. I want to sew my mouth shut and never speak again. I have had enough of this bb crap and have given up. I am a defeated man. I am pathetic and I ambeaten. Iam pathetic and iam beaten
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Re: Feel alone and depressed.

Post by Ruinedlife3 »

FedUp wrote:For the past 5 months I've been wandering around putting up with comments looks and reactions. I honestly do not know what to do. I cannot keep living like this. I feel as though I cannot join in with peoples conversations I'm always taking a seat back and denying peoples offers of going out to do the simplest of things like chat and enjoy a drink. what a cruel disease this is.

How do you think it feels to hear "whos shit their self" after simply speaking. I can't ****ing take it anymore. Last dentist was an asshole who just lectured me on garlic and coffee causing BB. wouldn't even do any x rays as teeth "appear" fine. My mouth breathing odor garners comments but nasal odor garners horrified reactions. I am close to buying several bottles of whiskey and pulling every ****ing tooth out of my skull with plyers. This is beyond a joke, this ain't living. I have lots of things I want to do in life but I can't. I cannot move forward until I know this has gone away. This is holding me back in life. Why does such a cruel thing exist??? People think i'm ignorant or arrogant when I don't smile or talk to them when all i want to do is be the life of the party. I let people walk all over me and mis-treat me. I can shower and shower and still feel dirty with my breath kicking. I've "walked into" my breath odor a few times and it's just SHIT. I've even had people smelling themselves saying "is that smell me?" This can't be my fate it just can't be. People treat me like a child because I let them walk all over me. How can you defend yourself when their reply could be "at least I wipe my ass" or "at least i brush my teeth" etc.

over 2 years this has consumed me honestly I am tired. my every thought of every minute of every day is this problem. it feels like i'm in prison. There are times when I try to calm down and think it's not as bad as i think but then the harsh reality comes sailing back when someone comments on the odor.

rant over. but the whiskey and pulling teeth seems a good idea. i'd rather have no teeth than smell like this.
I'm still going to do my thread to get some thoughts out, but your post sums up a lot of what I have been dealing with for over 20 years now. It seems to have become so much worse in the past year or two. I know ecactly, EXACTLY how you feel.
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Post by dollymary1 »

Hi, I know this post may be a bit late, but please don't give up, I have recently just posted about this viewtopic.php?t=6050
Please read it, you never have to give in!
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Post by clara0 »

I know how you feel, I have been suffering from this curse for the last 6 yrs...the worst years of my life. :roll:
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