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It's time for me to let others know about my real situation with
bad breath and other things. Living with bad breath started on
2nd week of December 2010, we had a partially job interview at school and later that after noon we decided to get drunk like we always do after class. Drinking session started at 4pm and ends at 10 pm. All of us skipped diner, the only foodavailable was fish ball, also our "pulutan" which consist of hot sauce. I believe that i have eat a lot of this fish ball and too much hot sauce, maybe 3/4 cup of hot sauce which then trigger a chemical reactionin my stomach. This is how Gastro Esophageal RefluxDisease (GERD)started. At around 9pm that night my breath began to smell awful,too strong that could irritate the nose of anyone around me. Thisgoes on untill we decided to go home. From the place we get drunk
to go home i have been stanking the whole place with a radius of 15 meters or so. During that time the whole passenger of jeepney complained about a foul smell, i am already aware of that because i can smell my own breath. The time i got home i vent about the people around the neighborhood about promoting this fucked up story about me with bad breath but a week before this night bad breath wasn't so bad. These people i was venting about were my
buddy, sort of. I vent because the bad breath is already there but not too much, i would appreciate if they informed me about the
situation so i could take any appropriate measure. What they did
however was talking behind my back and promote this story as if
they were responsible for this.That is the reason i vent about
that night. Later on these people told other people that they were
responsible how i develop bad breath in the first place. Other
people are ignorant about the real cause of my bad breath, same
thing with these people that claim they were responsible. How in
the world that someone else can talk personal attack and all of a
sudden you became ill. What the hell is that some sort of frontal
magic that the person you mentioned became ill by saying such
words lol. I know how magic works and it doesn't work that way.

Next few days i became an instant celebrity, infamous and known
in two city. The most foulest breath in the history of our country.
During the first two weeks my story became trending and remain
infamous until now. Well i don't give a ***k about any single
fucked up story they want to use against me. I want to solve this
problem as much as they do. The first two years i have no ****ing
idea what is the cause of this bad breath. Based on traditional
knowledge in bad breath i thought that maybe there's something
wrong in my mought. It could be my togue or perhaps there's
something wrong with my wisdom tooth, gums, tonsil etc. On August
2013 i finally found out the root cause of the problem, thnaks to
Sodium Bicarbonate in stock at home. After taking Sodium
Bicarbonate my stomach started to feel weird and that is how i
came to the idea that the root cause could be in my stomach.
To finally convinced that it's gastro, i have tried all sorts of
antacid such as Malox, Gaviscon, Sodium Bicarbonate Baking Soda
and Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) and other medications. After
exhaustedly research, Finally came to a conclusion that it's GERD.
I read thousand of pages of article, videos and personal
experience from other other people I am convinced that it is really
GERD. I follow all informationto treat GERD form various of
article and personal experience from peolple with the same
condition and the result is convincing. This is how i figured
that positional are also the cause of this GERD and bad breath.
Whenever i sleep with my left side the GERD symptoms were ruduced
by 90-95% which means that bad breath from it's original radius of
15 meters or so are now only less than 1 meter up to 2 meter maximum
that is why most people around me can barely smell that ****ing shit!
Since it is GERD that is causing this shit, the reason why it smeeled
like shit is because the acid that get's stuck in my throat is the
same acid in my stomach to digest food. There are a lot of actions
or certain task that i can't do because it triggered GERD and when
gerd symptoms are present this is also the time bad breath unleash
it's power.

There are a lot of rumors, personal opinion and speculation claiming
that the reason i have bad breath is someone else was responsible.
They are all gossips, word of mouth, personal opinion and speculation.
Whoever promote those story and false claim had no idea what the ***k
is the real root cause. The people who claim they know something back
then the time i develop bad breath that night knew nothing. Since that
night ive never talk to other people about the cause of bad breath.
However, i talkto my classmates and here in forum to the person that
post his number that it could be my stomach. All of this are part
of trial and error during thef irst two years living with bad breath.
All fucked up story, personal attack and words that could degrade
anyone had no effect on me. I can crystalize public opinion and turn
it into amusement because they are completely unaware of the facts
behind it. The people around me whatever city i am into are pissed
because of the foul smell and they will do all sort of sabotage,
Demolition joband personal attack in response to the present issue.
This is their way of getting even beacuse they can't do anything
about it. They tried using the local government unit but htey failed,
what on earth the government could do about bad breath? Put you in
jail for violating the sanitation code for uncontrolled foul odor!
LMAO.. Serious bad breath like i had due to gerd is a social killer
and lose lose situation on all form of argument. All rumors and story
about me about me in bad breath are lie. Not a single filipino heard
my side when about this issue. Other people claim they knew something
knew nothing at all, all story they made were meant to put additional
pressure on the present issue so other people gain their symphaty and
believe all the propaganda and crap they used to manipulate other
people. The fact is i have bad breath due to GERD, any exception is
a lie and used for their own purpose.

Living with bad breath is a serious matter, for the past 2 years i
had done nothing except staying at home, buy things that i want and
do other task i am required to do even if i don't want to. On January
2013 i began to sell garment products online, sold a few but it's not
enough to cash out a $100 check. Two months later, 1st week of march
my attention was caught by a Filipino buyer in inquring
a buyer proposal of 3 million peices of plain T-shirt for $0.45 a
peice. Since January i been selling garment products globaly but after
i read this buyer inquiry in Philippines i began to selllocally. There
are 3 buyers interested about my price, after i told them that the
factory are form China, Pakistan and Bangladesh they refuse to visit
the factory and decline my proposal. This led me to focus onlocal
market in Philippines. I talked to several local seller and buyer
about the product i am selling, in just a few days i received numerous
calls/text from prospect buyer. Everything that the seller told me
i told the buyer, when the buyer told me that they have money in armored
carrier i told the seller and when the seller told me they have truck
waiting filled with T-shirt i told the buyer. It's all good and ready to
meet up, i arrange the meet up for both sides based on their
geographical location. If the buyer is in Pasay area i told them to meet
up in SM MOA, if the buyer is in QC area i inform them to meet in SM
Fairview. Both sides told me they have the requirements so all good to
go. However, both sides meet up on the said time and location, they
confronted each other and ask for the requirements. Both sides can't show
what they promised.Now, transaction are deemed bogus, both side did not
present what they promised and i beacme the liar because i told the
buyer that the seller has this stuff same thing with the buyer. Nothing
happened inspite of the promised they swore before the meet up. I became
the liar for both sides which in fact i just relay the information they
gave me. This goes on for more than ten meet up that i had arrange, if
both sides fuked up i tried other buyer/seller. When something goes
wrong both sides won't accept their fault instead they all blame it on
me that is why in story i am the liar. The seller told me they have
the stock, same thing with the buyer that they have the capacity to
pay a minimum of 40 million pesos ($1,000,000). Meet up occured both
sides can't show shit and i took the blame, What the ***k!? There
are more than 3 meet up that i arrange and gave up the number of my
contacts, after i gave up the number they directly talked to each other
and proceed withthe meet up. I heared later on that nothing happened
and of of course they blame each other. I was blamed if nothing
happened because i refuse to give up the number and i knew exactly what
is going on out there even though i wasn't there. If i give up the
number i don't know what is going on out there and my role were also
void. There is thisone man that i trusted the most and he trusted me
too for all the transaction i arrange. I am still looking forward to
repay him with a debt of gratitude, probably a mnimum of $10k for his

Now to my life situation with bad breath, since the day i develop
GERD until now i haven't able to work due to a disaster in my stomach.
I can't sit for a full 1 hour onwards, doing so create a stomach
pain that is unbearable, spasms, shortness of breath, reflux and
bloating. I prefer to stand than sit because of this. When all gerd
symptoms were present the foulest breath you could ever imagined are
terrorizing it's full radius. I can stank the whole place anytime i
want, anywhere and i decide how. All stupid story claiming that they
are responsible whenever my bad breath roam are false claim. What
idiot would make his breath stink based on the opinion of others. LOL
The caused of my bad breath is GERD, whenever the acid backflow
and goes up to my throat which then create a foul shit odor. When
that ****ing acid is in my throat it's not a question whether your
mouth is closed or not you are likely to stank the whole place. It's
so easy to let go of negative emotions or whatever the fucked up is
holding you back but as long as you stink the problem are still their
lurking unless you do something to permanently stop thatfucking acid.
After i found out that GERD is the root cause i did not inform my family,
friends and relative about it. I prefer to keep it for myself and
solve this shit my own way. The only treatment available out there
is surgery, but this must be done by a surgeon with expertise and
experience otherwise you will end up a real fucked up if the surgeon
damage your valve. This is a fastidious surgery that needs to be done
by a surgeon with the vast experience. My family can help me
financially, our family income is over $4,000 monthly, i'm sure it's
enough to set aside a funding for my surgery within a year. I prefer
not to tell my familly about this beacuse i knew there
will be resistance. I haven't even ask for over $100 and doing
so followed by resistance, how about ****ing $20,000 for surgery.
Let's say that the surgery made possible but the surgeon fucked up,
i am now left for a redo, valve had been damage which required more
funding and maintenance. Redo cost another ****ing $20,000, now i am
left with too much blame and debt in family. To add ****ing pressure
my brother that i always argue with will always use that against me
in our future argument and that is somehting i can't live with.
The first six month i visit numerous especialist and had up to 3rd
opinion but they failed to diagnosed the real caused of my bad
breath. I found out the real root cause of my bad breath from hundreds
if not thousand of trial and error. I spent over $15,000 during the
first year of this ****ing bad breath from check up, lab test,
medications and natural remedy.

This ****ing idiot (my brother) used to camplain about bad breath too.
Well he has no ****ing bad breath, he has some sort of halitophobia
or whatever you call it that's enough to convince him that he has a
****ing bad breath. Since 2006 the idiot complain about his bad breath
which in fact there's none! He can eat spicy food, sit for a long
period of time, drink coffee, soda and other factor that can worsen your
breath. He can do all this shit without ****ing bad breath yet
he persist that he has bad breath! What the ***k was he thinking! Back
in 2008 i was in the province, he was left alone in Manila my other
brother asked me to go to Manila because this idiot ran out of mineral
water and other food supply.I rushed in and arrived the following day,
other people thought that i have bad breath too as a form of personal
attacked because other's were envious of us.Their stupid idea did not
work, i knew for a fact that there's nothing wrong with me and other
people did not bought their propaganda too. I was challenge by the
same idea back in 2008 because of my brother but in didn't work. In
2011 however, the idea worked for them, there's no ****ing story to
prove the bad breath is real. My brother couldn't even go outside to
bought a ****ing mineral water that is only 20 steps afar what the
***k! When i arrived in Manila i did all grocery and market stuff
while he was playing some ****ing offline PC games at home and later
on when i play Online games (KOC) he called me a ****ing mongoloid for
playing online games. While the ****ing idiot had been playing PC games
and downloading movie for the past 8 years!! I quit playing online
games since January. Even though i already quit the game he still
used the word mongoloid whenever our path had crossed, this is the
worst he could possibly say during the heat of argument. He call me
names whatever the ***k he want and i did the same thing.Whoever heard
the conversation, it's already widespread in the neigborhood and other
part of NCR. Our argument started way back in 1994 i was 5 years at
the time and never follow his command. I want to do things when i
want, not when he tells me. This is how our argument started until
now. The idiot don't have bad breath since 2006. 2006-2008 not a
sinlge story were made about him when it comes to bad breath, the
idiot do not go outside and it's enough to raise questions for people
around the area. In 2008 my oldest brother got too much drunk and
argue with him why he didn't go outside, the neighbor heard the
conversation and that is how other people manage to find out why
he didn't go outside. This is also the time the controversy about
him with bad breath in that area started. Fast forward to the
present, nothing change to him and it's up to this idiot whether
he will finally came to realize there's nothing wrong with him.
In my case, i know exactly the problem and bad breath is real. I can
smell my own breath which also help me to prove if the product
i'm using are not working. All stupid lies that my critics pass on
to other people are based on speculation and personal opinion. Most
people believe them because they always talk to other people and other
people never heard about my side so they don'tknow what the ***k is
going on and prefer to go with the flow. Some people thought that my
bad breath are caused by my mouth, well they are wrong. It's the
****ing acid and it is trggered by the positionof my body. When my
critics thought thatbad breath disappear when i'm asleep they thought
that it's because i am unconsious and can't hear their crap. LMAO...
When i sleep it's still the position of my body, sleeping is the worst
position specially if your lying down with your back.
I know the position where gerd symptoms are minimal when asleep that
is why bad breath is reduce by less than 1 meter. If i knew exactly
how to treat this ****ing gerd naturally, I'd be a ****ing
trillonaire by now and help hundred million
peolple around the world with the same condition.

I am not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
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Post by Asian_skunkgirl »

Wow :shock: Have you posted an entry for a movie script don't you? You've listed everything, including you neighbor's witchcraft curses, family's 1,4000$ income, even your mongoloid brother TROLOLOL. Funny. \:D/

You are absolutely convinced that Gerd is causing your bb? Gerd just like BB could be just both symptoms of the real undetermined illness you got. I know some normal people who have gerd/acid reflux but BB-free. Just be open for other possible cause and explore your reading. I read a lot of the members here suffered from it but i'm pretty sure some of them might have cured their GERD but BB remains still. :mrgreen:
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Asian_skunkgirl wrote:Wow :shock: Have you posted an entry for a movie script don't you? You've listed everything, including you neighbor's witchcraft curses, family's 1,4000$ income, even your mongoloid brother TROLOLOL. Funny. \:D/

You are absolutely convinced that Gerd is causing your bb? Gerd just like BB could be just both symptoms of the real undetermined illness you got. I know some normal people who have gerd/acid reflux but BB-free. Just be open for other possible cause and explore your reading. I read a lot of the members here suffered from it but i'm pretty sure some of them might have cured their GERD but BB remains still. :mrgreen:
The reason why i posted that long story is for people that knew me and don't know the facts behind my story. Most people believe the story of my critics, based on speculation and personal opinion.

Did you just join this group to reply with my post? LOL I don't know anything about you, perhaps you don't have bad breath at all just a follower of Bad Breath individual in Philippines.

GERD is the caused of my halitosis and I'm finally convinced. I might also add Parasite and Sliding Hiatal Hernia. But both do not push my stomach acid upward. I know GERD is the most common stomach disorder and most people do not experience halitosis. The only reason i can tell you is when gerd symptoms are minimal, halitosis decrease by 95%. The maximum radius of my halitosis is more than 10 meters, when gerd symptoms decrease the strength is less than 1 meter. For the past 12 months i know all the things that worsen my gerd symptoms and how to avoid it.

What's your story?
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Post by Asian_skunkgirl »

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHHHA YES, I made another account to reply on your post 'cause it is too damn long and funny to skip. Yes, the doctor told me I have bad breath and I know you're just probably hallucinating or halitophobic. Your real darn problem is your family and neighbors. :P :-k

P.S. No, I don't call my brother "mongoloid" :lol:
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Asian_skunkgirl wrote:HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHHHA YES, I made another account to reply on your post 'cause it is too damn long and funny to skip. Yes, the doctor told me I have bad breath and I know you're just probably hallucinating or halitophobic. Your real darn problem is your family and neighbors. :P :-k

P.S. No, I don't call my brother "mongoloid" :lol:
You have totally misunderstood my post didn't you? Based on your previous post you indicate a family income that is beyond the amount i said in my post. You also mentioned about neighbor that i didn't even mention. Another is the mongoloid part, I am the one that my brother called mongoloid because in his opinion, anyone who play online games whether you are a student or an investor is a mongoloid.

You are misleading all the facts in my post and create a story of your own. I have ****ing bad breath and it's ****ing strong! I don't need opinion of other people to tell me that since i can smell my own breath. GERD is the primary caused of it and its not a question whether you live in a city or an island isolated from other people. I can stank the whole place whenever GERD symptoms are present and i know how. The only trouble right now is to permanently end the back-flow of acid.

Bad breath is the least of my concern, my primary concern is GERD. This ****ing gerd is giving me all stomach discomfort, if you are familiar with gerd then you already knew what discomfort i am talking about.

I didn't became infamous about bad breath for a ****ing hallucination. Which side are you on? LOL
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Post by Asian_skunkgirl »

Which side am I on? Well I'm not following what you're saying. I'm just here to tell you how much entertained I am with your posts :lol: So detailed and long that I might be the only one here who'd read your post. \:D/ You should compliment on how did I manage to read it. :D Oh! so you're the "mongoloid" oh oh ok. =P~
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Post by ShitTalker »

OBSERVERTO, you should think about taking Manuka Honey for your GERD and stomach issues. It is suppose to help with GERD very well and other problems.

Have you been tested for h Pylori also? You might have that and Manuka Honey cures that also...

It's worth a try... Good luck!
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ShitTalker wrote:OBSERVERTO, you should think about taking Manuka Honey for your GERD and stomach issues. It is suppose to help with GERD very well and other problems.

Have you been tested for h Pylori also? You might have that and Manuka Honey cures that also...

It's worth a try... Good luck!

Thank you for your suggestion. I have already tried that and thousand of other natural remedies, however, made no difference not even a temporary relief in my stomach.

To my critics bad breath is stupid and easy to deal with. Well i dare the idiot to step in my shoes with exactly the same life situation and case of bad breath. The challenge is they don't know the cause, it's all brand new. Well see about that. HAHAHA

I manage to diagnosed the cause of my bad breath after thousands of trial and error testing products. If i rely on specialist, until now i still wouldn't know the cause. Talking to specialist about bad breath is a joke. There was one time i go to a Gastroenterologist on June 2011 and told him about my situation. His reply was "I had no idea what are you talking about". Instead of getting pissed off for another waste of time and money, Ive been laughing hysterically outside the office about his remarks.
I am not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
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Asian_skunkgirl wrote:Which side am I on? Well I'm not following what you're saying. I'm just here to tell you how much entertained I am with your posts :lol: So detailed and long that I might be the only one here who'd read your post. \:D/ You should compliment on how did I manage to read it. :D Oh! so you're the "mongoloid" oh oh ok. =P~
Well to follow his opinion, i was but i quit that game 7 months ago. Even though i do not play that game anymore i am still called with that names by my brother because every time we had an argument we call each other names whatever we want. We have our differences and that's it. There are billions of mongoloid out there, as long as you play online games or DOTA. Given my critics were mongoloid, they used to visit the game i play to sell their propaganda and manipulate people in that game. They don't go there to play, they play sympathy act telling stories that made me look a bad person and turn others against me. Stories that is enough to make you a criminal without proof and event that never took place. And i am the bad boy? LOL They need to grow up and learn some manners.
Last edited by OBSERVERTO on Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
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Post by ShitTalker »

Ok. I hope you used a Manuka Honey that had a high enouhg rating to be co sidered medicinal though, and gave it some time, or else it wouldn't work.

I know how frustrating it can be. I wish you good luck...
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Post by justlivinlife »

@ShitTalker- yummy;) honey is one of my fav food deserts (4 me)...thanks for the info

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Post by ShitTalker »

justlivinlife wrote:@ShitTalker- yummy;) honey is one of my fav food deserts (4 me)...thanks for the info

You're welcome... I would recommend Whetherspoons Manuka Honey 16+ grade on Amazon... Look at the reviews too... There is all kinds of healing stories...
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Just want to expose all the lies of my critics and their propaganda since most of it are hilarious. Lets start
with the idiots who monitor my actions, the idiot that can see me when i go upstairs or downstairs. To
these idiots every time i go downstairs that would mean I am avoiding their idiotic propaganda. They don't
give a ***k whatever I do downstairs, they made up their own meaning based on my actions to whatever
the ***k they have in mind. I bet that if there's a hole in the comfort room just enough for these idiots to see
inside, they would make an effort to peak what i have been doing inside the comfort room. Say i am taking
shit, in that moment they would relay that information to another idiot.

Idiot 1: He's in the comfort room, he's taking a shit, I saw his ass and it looked like this ..*@kjnlj
Idiot 234 etc..: Is that so? Well my ass looked better than his.

Hahaha.. That is how committed these idiots to find out what i do and listen to every word they overheard
inside the house and relay the information to other idiot which then relay to other part of the city and other
part of NCR. To these idiots when it took me a long time to get back upstairs while they do their usual
propaganda, they self proclaim that i am avoiding their crap. Lol They didn't realize that it's not a question
whether I'm upstairs or downstairs, I am in the same place, same range where they were. When i cough
or sneeze idiots assume that it was my response to their crap. Lol Since when did i ****ing waste my
time doing idiotic activity like that. As much as i want i really don't like to cough but the phlegm caused by
cold is bullshit.

When i have bad breath, It's the result of gerd symptoms. My gerd symptoms can be triggered by the position
of my body, food and drink. I stand 15 hours daily, sit 10 minutes for breakfast, 10 minutes for lunch 10 minutes
for dinner, 30-40 minutes when i do the laundry and the remaining hours were spent sleeping. Now do i
****ing stand 15 hours a day for nothing? I do not sit for a longer period of time due to stomach discomfort
and shortness of breath. Standing to me is a bit relaxing than sitting, when i sit for 40 minutes onward gerd
symptoms are expected to follow. Lying down when i sleep also trigger gerd symptoms. I have to lie down
with my left side straight body similar when you stand since this position minimize the symptoms. Lying down
with my back, chest or right side trigger my symptoms and it's very hard to sleep when gerd is on fire. I
develop gerd from peptic ulcer then became gastritis then gerd. 3 years before this gerd began i do not eat
breakfast since I am a late riser and evn if i wake up early i do not feel hunger. Most of the time my breakfast
is coffee and cigarettes that is how i got the peptic ulcer. Idiots think that i am lying about gerd since they can't
see it and they presume that I have been drinking alcohol most of the time despite of gerd. It's true that lately i
always bought alcohol sometimes daily. The question is do they know who is drinking that shit? Lol

When they were doing their usual propaganda and i did something that upset gerd, the acid back flow causing
bad breath with a strong odor. Idiots self proclaim that the reason i stink that time is because of their crap
propaganda. Lol If they really think that their crap had something to do with my bad breath then when you talk
shit 24/7 then I'll be stinking the whole place 24/7. How come i don't? Lol

They compare the case of my bad breath to other people with mild bad breath. Well you can already tell the
difference when it comes to range. They talk bad breath in general and don't know which case mine belong and
what cause. In most cases the cause of bad breath is in the mouth and nostril since these cases outnumber
the rare cases like mine. Most people here in forum described it as Type 1 halitosis, range is 1-2 meter. While the
rare case like mine, less than 25% of the whole percentage of people around the world. The strength range from
10-20 meters and can fill a room with shit. I believe most of the cases of rare is in the stomach.

To the idiots which part of their stupid term apply to my case of bad breath? When i sit for a longer period of time,
gerd symptoms follow then bad breath due to the build up of acid in my throat. When i lie down with my left side
during sleep gerd symptoms were mild, mild gerd symptoms result to mild bad breath that the idiots can't smell.
However, lying down with position that trigger gerd result to strong bad breath. To idiots they thought i don't have
bad breath when i sleep because i am unconscious and can't hear their crap. Lol
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Everytime these idiots can't smell my shit, they self proclaim that i was afraid or whatever the ***k
they have in mind. Seriously, why should i be afraid? First 4 months of having this gerd with bad
breath i still go to school and most city in NCR with a very strong shit since i don't know the cause yet.
During these months I got bombarded by a rainful of threat but I had never been afraid. Why should I?
It's a ****ing medical condition that no one wanted to have. When i drink or smoke I have expected liver
failure or lung cancer but the effect could be 30-40 years or so. The ****ing gerd with bad breath came
out of nowhere, totally unexpected. All these reaction personal attack, sabotage and threat are common,
Its a natural response from people that complain with my breath. Do they really think that i was playing
games with them? Did i do this to myself so anyone can ***k with me by just using the issue of bad

The idiots are also self proclaiming that I am a gay. Lol It seems that everything they thought that can
be used to mixed up with the issue were used. They based this idea simply because i have white skin,
a bit thin and sometimes my face looked red. Also based the stupid idea during 2009-2011 in which
i never had a girlfriend. It's true that I don't have a girlfriend during this years, my priority of expenses are
focused on alcohol. I hang out with the same people because they drink and smoke. Whenever i want
to drink after class they agreed, when we have spare time before next class we smoked. We have
common interest that is why i hang out with the same people, I had never hang out with people that do
not drink in college. I have white skin simply because i rarely go outside. If i am exposed to the sun
throughout the day then without a doubt my skin is similar to a negro. I have red face when exposed to
the sun, my face absorb the heat and the blood goes up. Also have a red face like a tomato sauce
every time i drink alcohol but to my critics it's a ****ing make up! Can you believe that shit? Lol I have
intercourse with underage hooker sometimes free since they liked me. So it's not a problem if you don't
have a girlfriend when you can have a one night stand with young and horny high school student. Well
if my critics today volunteer to pay for all my expenditure during 2009-2011 I will have as many girlfriend
and creampied as much as i want. Lol

The scar on my face were also attacked by these idiots. It's hilarious that they made up a story of their
own on how i got the scar. Everything that they thought that can be used will be used to make my issue
more interesting. I did not get rid the scar before for personal reason and it's none of their business.

The reason why i have issue with bad breath is the fact that i live in a Townhouse. There are thousands
of other individual all over the country that stink as much as i do and another tens of thousand with mild
bad breath or type 1 halitosis as most people here in forum describe it. Some of this people that stink
as much as i do but don't have issue were rich, farmer fisherman etc. For the rich, they live in place far
from their neighbor for security reasons and they have their own car and driver whenever they travel. The
farmer and the fisherman has similar situation, they live far from others due to their work and they rarely
go to crowded places. These people stink as much as i do but as long as no one can smell your shit
no one gives a ***k that is why their bad breath were often overlooked. That is a fact that most people
in the country were often overlooked. People that has issue with bad breath are the people in between like
me. We live in an area where anyone within the range of your bad breath can smell, use public transport,
work in crowded places and always go to crowded places.
I am not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
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Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:02 pm


My first critics made me famous than the rest by telling lies. They made a story that the reason
we moved out from the previous city we lived in is they made that bad breath controversy. The fact
about that lie is my brother bought the house in which i live at the present on the summer of 2010.
My ****ing gerd with bad breath began on 2nd week of December 2010. When my brother paid
the down payment during the summer, we were already planning to move out that is 6 months
months before the controversy of bad breath explode. The idiots self proclaim that the reason we
moved out is they made the issue of bad breath, also claim that they were responsible. Lol If you
have bab breath with a range of over 10 meters no matter which country you're in you will have
issue with bad breath from other people. The agent and office employee of the real state company
during the summer of 2010 knew that i don't have bad breath that time. In fact when the agent agreed
with the tripping I was there. The foundation of the house i am living now haven't constructed yet,
the pool in clubhouse are still under construction. All that idiotic lie feed by my first critics to other
people were meant to be made to put pressure on the issue and make it interesting. My critic s today
inherit more than 75% of their propaganda from the lies of my first critics.

These idiots right now had no idea that they have a traitor from their side, from their very own circle of
trust. This reliable source told me all the lies and their propaganda that is why I am exposing some of
it in here. I know all the names involved in their idiotic propaganda and where they worked. I knew the
name of their friends, where they liv and where they worked. By the time they found out who is the
traitor i have already acquired enough information. To me all the info this reliable source told me is a
temporary speculation unless verified by other sources. The intel this source told me were verified by
other people that live in the same city since they heard the story feed by the idiots. All their stupid
lies are blown.

This reliable source tells me their name then i asked a comrade in my cult to run a profile check on each
person, that is how i knew where they worked. The result of profile check shows some interesting facts
about their past. Lol As precautionary measure i have already inform some trusted people that i helped
in the past and some loyal comrades in my cult in case i needed their help to retaliate.

Of all the shitstorm of sabotage and personal attack done by my critics, i remain quite and unaffected
and will remain unaffected. All of that sabotage and personal attack made by my first and present critics
is ****ing stupid, garbage and childish. I understand their garbage given my friends and cousins before
complain about the strong shit. To idiots i am somewhat affected, truth is i really don't give a ***k! If they
do things more serious i'll ****ing show them what affected man can do. Since when did i listen to their
crap. Lol When i have argument inside the house all bullshit said and done was sucked in by imaginary
black hole, sucking all that negative vibration and disappear. I don't listen to crap of my brother and these
idiots expect me to listen to their crap? Lol I do what i do, the idiotic story made by the idiots follow.

Almost 70% of what i do today are the same years before gerd with bad breath began. I only go outside
when i go to school, buy cigarrettes and alcohol to the nearest store and meet a contact to ***k. Nobody
gives a shit if i rarely go outside before but when bad breath began everyone wanted to know what i do. Lol
I am not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
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