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Cursed with BB

Tell us your story with bad breath
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:39 am

Cursed with BB

Post by sreid643 »

As of recently, I've discovered that I have really bad breath. It smells like feces and is obviously extremely embarrassing. I'm glad that I have found this site because there are people here that I can relate to and discuss my problems with. I've been looking on this site for awhile and just now got the courage to write something so here goes....

I discovered I had bad breath when I smelled an awful smell and suddenly realized it was coming from the mouth. As time went on I noticed even when my mouth was closed my breath would still stink up the area. I also noticed the comments "It smells like shit", or "Who farted?" or whatever. It's embarrassing because I know that I brush my teeth daily and scrub the tongue until I start gagging and floss and all of that stuff but my breath still smells. I chew gum and mints but that doesn't seem to help at all. People cover their noses or try to move away when I talk and it irritates me because I know exactly what they are thinking. They think I don't brush my teeth or practice good hygiene which is completely not true. I obsess everyday over brushing my teeth. I've even thought about investing in this expensive oral hygiene kit.

One time I was at the bus stop by myself not talking or anything and these two girls commented that i smelled like shit and saying that I should go home and shower and they sprayed perfume on themselves. I had my headphones in and looked down and pretended not to hear what they said but that comment really affected me. People at school also apply lotion or spray themselves when I'm around. And at my school or probably anywhere you go people will talk behind your back and cover their nose or spray but will never say anything to you because that's how people are. I want to talk to people and actually be able to raise my hand in class and speak or talk more in a group but this problem really holds me back. It's especially frustrating when people don't understand what you're going through. I understand that the smell is hard to deal with but I wish people knew that I'm not stinking up the place on purpose and that it's a health issue maybe rather than me just not taking care of myself.

I have actually been struggling with body odor too. I would sweat like crazy and recently because of the cold whether my sweating has decreased but now i have to deal with this new issue and it's frustrating and annoying to feel like you've solved one problem just to jump into another one. I try to cover my mouth at all times which may seem weird to other people but that's the only way I can come up with for now to somewhat decrease the spread of the bad breath. I chew gum constantly and even when my mouth feels fresh when I chew the gum the smell is still there and just minutes later it seems like my bad breath has taken over the gum and it loses its flavor. I even chew four pieces of gum at a time which doesn't help at all. My self confidence has depleted so much. I'm dealing with bad breath and body odor plus school work(i'm in high school), family problems , and feeling down and depressed about my problem doesn't help at all. In school I cant even focus on the lesson or my work because i'm constantly wondering if my breath smells bad and thinking about how others are reacting. I've even faked being sick to go to the nurse and be sent home halfway through the day because I couldn't even think about facing the rest of the day with my terrible breath. I hate meeting new people because the first thing they will notice is probably my breath. Not to sound conceded or anything but I don't think i'm ugly but this problem that I'm having automatically makes me seem unattractive and like someone you wouldn't want to be around. I'm not thinking about killing myself or anything but I feel like if this problem persists I might become deeply depressed or more isolated than I already am. I'm isolated as it is because I really don't want to talk to people with this problem and I absolutely dread those people who like to talk up close because I know I will see a reaction from them which is not what I want to see. I'm also more quiet and standoffish in school or when I'm out mostly because I don't want anyone to try to talk to me anyone so why not give them a reason to not come up to me at all. I hate acting this way but I can't face the criticism from others either. I wish there was a cure for this terrible problem. :(
If anyone has suggestions or even wants to share their story please respond because I would be happy to discuss this issue together.

Posts: 38
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:12 pm

Post by dollymary1 »

Hi, thanks for sharing your story. I am also cursed with chronic bad breath!
If your oral hygiene is excellent, it sounds like you have something which needs medical attention.
I would like to know a few things, sorry if I'm being a bit forward!

Do you still have your tonsils?
Cryptic tonsils can be a perfect place for tonsil stones to develop which stink and cause horrific bad breath. Although, many people included myself have had them removed to no avail. It's worth trying though.

Do you still have your wisdom teeth?
Impacted wisdom teeth can harbour rotted food which causes a horrific smell! They can also become infected which causes a bad smell too. I have an impacted wisdom tooth which stinks, this is not the cause of my bad breath though, as I've had bad breath longer than wisdom teeth.

Do you have heartburn/indegestion?
The classic symptoms of acid reflux is chronic heartburn and an acidic taste in your mouth. Although, silent reflux can strike without heartburn, you may have acid reflux if you have post nasal drip, chronic cough, hoarseness. A doctor can diagnose this.

Do you drink enough water?
Dry mouth is another cause of bad breath, if you are on any medications or don't drill sufficient amount of water, this may be the cause. Drink at least 8 bottles of water per day and see if things improve.

Do you have facial pain or chronic stuffed up nose?
This may be due to a sinus infection, if bad breath is delectable through the nose without opening the mouth, then something nasal may be happening. Visit your doctor to rule out any nasal polys, sinus problems etc.

Have you ever had fungal infections in the past?
A heavily coated white tongue may be a sign of fungal overgrowth. I believe this is what happening with me, I have a thick whitish yellow coating on my tongue which comes back within an hour even if I scrape it off. A doctor can also diagnose this.

You should also consider things like TMAU if nothing else works, although this is rare.

Also, smoking and excessive alcohol use can lead to dry mouth which causes bad breath. Be sure to eat healthy and maintain a good weight. If things don't improve you will need medical assistance.
Hang in there, something is causing your bad breath, and 99% of the time whatever is causing your bad breath can be completely cured, or at the minimu controlled so you don't experience symptoms. One day you will be bad breath free! Just take one day at a time.
One way to control symptoms is to control is to swish oil around your mouth for 20 minutes every morning, this removes bacteria from your mouth.

Good luck I hope my post helped you!
Posts: 174
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Location: Norcal

Re: Cursed with BB

Post by Trunks99 »

sreid643 wrote:As of recently, I've discovered that I have really bad breath. It smells like feces and is obviously extremely embarrassing. I'm glad that I have found this site because there are people here that I can relate to and discuss my problems with. I've been looking on this site for awhile and just now got the courage to write something so here goes....

I discovered I had bad breath when I smelled an awful smell and suddenly realized it was coming from the mouth. As time went on I noticed even when my mouth was closed my breath would still stink up the area. I also noticed the comments "It smells like shit", or "Who farted?" or whatever. It's embarrassing because I know that I brush my teeth daily and scrub the tongue until I start gagging and floss and all of that stuff but my breath still smells. I chew gum and mints but that doesn't seem to help at all. People cover their noses or try to move away when I talk and it irritates me because I know exactly what they are thinking. They think I don't brush my teeth or practice good hygiene which is completely not true. I obsess everyday over brushing my teeth. I've even thought about investing in this expensive oral hygiene kit.

One time I was at the bus stop by myself not talking or anything and these two girls commented that i smelled like shit and saying that I should go home and shower and they sprayed perfume on themselves. I had my headphones in and looked down and pretended not to hear what they said but that comment really affected me. People at school also apply lotion or spray themselves when I'm around. And at my school or probably anywhere you go people will talk behind your back and cover their nose or spray but will never say anything to you because that's how people are. I want to talk to people and actually be able to raise my hand in class and speak or talk more in a group but this problem really holds me back. It's especially frustrating when people don't understand what you're going through. I understand that the smell is hard to deal with but I wish people knew that I'm not stinking up the place on purpose and that it's a health issue maybe rather than me just not taking care of myself.

I have actually been struggling with body odor too. I would sweat like crazy and recently because of the cold whether my sweating has decreased but now i have to deal with this new issue and it's frustrating and annoying to feel like you've solved one problem just to jump into another one. I try to cover my mouth at all times which may seem weird to other people but that's the only way I can come up with for now to somewhat decrease the spread of the bad breath. I chew gum constantly and even when my mouth feels fresh when I chew the gum the smell is still there and just minutes later it seems like my bad breath has taken over the gum and it loses its flavor. I even chew four pieces of gum at a time which doesn't help at all. My self confidence has depleted so much. I'm dealing with bad breath and body odor plus school work(i'm in high school), family problems , and feeling down and depressed about my problem doesn't help at all. In school I cant even focus on the lesson or my work because i'm constantly wondering if my breath smells bad and thinking about how others are reacting. I've even faked being sick to go to the nurse and be sent home halfway through the day because I couldn't even think about facing the rest of the day with my terrible breath. I hate meeting new people because the first thing they will notice is probably my breath. Not to sound conceded or anything but I don't think i'm ugly but this problem that I'm having automatically makes me seem unattractive and like someone you wouldn't want to be around. I'm not thinking about killing myself or anything but I feel like if this problem persists I might become deeply depressed or more isolated than I already am. I'm isolated as it is because I really don't want to talk to people with this problem and I absolutely dread those people who like to talk up close because I know I will see a reaction from them which is not what I want to see. I'm also more quiet and standoffish in school or when I'm out mostly because I don't want anyone to try to talk to me anyone so why not give them a reason to not come up to me at all. I hate acting this way but I can't face the criticism from others either. I wish there was a cure for this terrible problem. :(
If anyone has suggestions or even wants to share their story please respond because I would be happy to discuss this issue together.
Check your diet too. Might be related. Some people will smell after eating certain foods.
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:39 am

Post by sreid643 »

dollymary1 wrote:Hi, thanks for sharing your story. I am also cursed with chronic bad breath!
If your oral hygiene is excellent, it sounds like you have something which needs medical attention.
I would like to know a few things, sorry if I'm being a bit forward!

Do you still have your tonsils?
Cryptic tonsils can be a perfect place for tonsil stones to develop which stink and cause horrific bad breath. Although, many people included myself have had them removed to no avail. It's worth trying though.

Do you still have your wisdom teeth?
Impacted wisdom teeth can harbour rotted food which causes a horrific smell! They can also become infected which causes a bad smell too. I have an impacted wisdom tooth which stinks, this is not the cause of my bad breath though, as I've had bad breath longer than wisdom teeth.

Do you have heartburn/indegestion?
The classic symptoms of acid reflux is chronic heartburn and an acidic taste in your mouth. Although, silent reflux can strike without heartburn, you may have acid reflux if you have post nasal drip, chronic cough, hoarseness. A doctor can diagnose this.

Do you drink enough water?
Dry mouth is another cause of bad breath, if you are on any medications or don't drill sufficient amount of water, this may be the cause. Drink at least 8 bottles of water per day and see if things improve.

Do you have facial pain or chronic stuffed up nose?
This may be due to a sinus infection, if bad breath is delectable through the nose without opening the mouth, then something nasal may be happening. Visit your doctor to rule out any nasal polys, sinus problems etc.

Have you ever had fungal infections in the past?
A heavily coated white tongue may be a sign of fungal overgrowth. I believe this is what happening with me, I have a thick whitish yellow coating on my tongue which comes back within an hour even if I scrape it off. A doctor can also diagnose this.

You should also consider things like TMAU if nothing else works, although this is rare.

Also, smoking and excessive alcohol use can lead to dry mouth which causes bad breath. Be sure to eat healthy and maintain a good weight. If things don't improve you will need medical assistance.
Hang in there, something is causing your bad breath, and 99% of the time whatever is causing your bad breath can be completely cured, or at the minimu controlled so you don't experience symptoms. One day you will be bad breath free! Just take one day at a time.
One way to control symptoms is to control is to swish oil around your mouth for 20 minutes every morning, this removes bacteria from your mouth.

Good luck I hope my post helped you!
I still have my tonsils but have not noticed any tonsil stones. I still have my wisdom teeth but I cant take them out yet because I have braces. I don't have heartburn or stuffy nose and I've been drinking more water since the summer. I do have a white/yellow coating on my tongue which I scrape like crazy every morning and night. I believe the smell is coming from the back of my throat but I have no idea how to really clean back there expect for gargling mouthwash or drinking water. My diet is also not that bad either. I don't eat a lot of junk food and I do eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I thought my problem would be my digestive system but I've been using the bathroom regularly. I also don't smoke or drink. I'm only 16.
Posts: 174
Joined: Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:18 am
Location: Norcal

Post by Trunks99 »

sreid643 wrote: I still have my tonsils but have not noticed any tonsil stones. I still have my wisdom teeth but I cant take them out yet because I have braces. I don't have heartburn or stuffy nose and I've been drinking more water since the summer. I do have a white/yellow coating on my tongue which I scrape like crazy every morning and night. I believe the smell is coming from the back of my throat but I have no idea how to really clean back there expect for gargling mouthwash or drinking water. My diet is also not that bad either. I don't eat a lot of junk food and I do eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I thought my problem would be my digestive system but I've been using the bathroom regularly. I also don't smoke or drink. I'm only 16.
Have you tried eliminating certain foods?

You should try eliminating sugar/wheat for few days and see if your breath improves. You should also check the coating on your tongue daily when you try that diet.
Posts: 38
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:12 pm

Post by dollymary1 »

I still have my tonsils but have not noticed any tonsil stones. I still have my wisdom teeth but I cant take them out yet because I have braces. I don't have heartburn or stuffy nose and I've been drinking more water since the summer. I do have a white/yellow coating on my tongue which I scrape like crazy every morning and night. I believe the smell is coming from the back of my throat but I have no idea how to really clean back there expect for gargling mouthwash or drinking water. My diet is also not that bad either. I don't eat a lot of junk food and I do eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I thought my problem would be my digestive system but I've been using the bathroom regularly. I also don't smoke or drink. I'm only 16.[/quote]

I'm also 16, have you been to the doctors about this?
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:39 am

Post by sreid643 »

I haven't talked to my doctor about this because I'm too embarrassed and because my last appointment was a month ago so my parents won't see any reason for me to go back.
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