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ever overheard people talking about your breath?

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ever overheard people talking about your breath?

Post by shibby »

Bb has made me a recluse. But recently i went to a meeting at my local library about depression. Christmas was very sad and lonely for me so i went along for the company as my doctor advised me it would do me good. There was a 20 minute interval for refreshments and i stepped out of the building to get some fresh air. On my way back to the meeting i overheard 3 people talking about my breath. I listened as they discussed how bad my breath was and that i must be unhygienic. I wanted to die there and then. Upon re entering the group i never opened my mouth again. I never went back to any group after that. I know i only have myself now. I am not angry as their reaction was understandable. Its times like these that i am reminded that society thinks we are dirty and nothing is gonna change that. I am 34 now and i hope in another 30 years i will be dead and finally free of this curse.

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Post by poodude80 »

I'm feeling the same way like life is slipping by. every day becomes more and more lonely. I guess all the comments looks sighs finally have worn me down maybe I was in denial but now I don't have the energy to wake up dreading to go to work. Only getting on the train when it's empty. I've just finished a course of 2 weeks Antibiotics I really had high hopes and didn't help in the slightest. So I'm feeling distraught now, and wondering what to do with my life. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy
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Post by thanatos »

I have.

I've heard a guy say to our coworkers "Damn, we can smell it all the way over here". They didn't realize that I could hear them.

Another time I was talking to coworkers outside and the two of them went inside the office. I followed them about 30 seconds later and heard one saying something like "****ing stinks" and the other guy said "why don't you tell him".

It is tough. I'm not even sure I can be in another relationship just because I'd be so self-conscious. I would never be able totalk to her if we were hugging. I would just keep my mouth shut and hold my breath. Might as well not even try to get involved with anyone anymore.

And to top it all off, I'm a handsome guy so women are showing interest all the time. I have to keep them at bay and even totally avoid the ones that are interested simply because I don't want to be dealt another blow by havingyet another one react violently to my stank ass breath.

So much more life to go. The older I get, the more I see everything slip away. The older I get, the more isolated I become. The older I get, the more aware of my breath I become. Not a second goes by that it doesn't influence my actions and thoughts.
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Post by Trunks99 »

I was told once that I smelled like sewage so I know what you are talking about.. It's hard but you gotta hang on.
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thanatos,s story is exactly like mine

Post by shibby »

I read a post by a guy called thanatos that said he doesnt wanna get into another relationship. This is exactly how i feel. I am a good looking man and women show interest in me but i think they deserve better. Theres nothing worse than that look on a womans face the first time she smells my.poo breath....and then on the second time she offers me a chewing gum...on the third time she realises that its permanent. I have seen it a hundred times and i am now used to it. I really want to be close to someone the way i used to with my ex girlfriends but i now dont want any more embarrassment. For 15 long years i have suffered and now i have decided to give up. I am only human and i can only take so much. Its so sad to see so many people on this site suffering and i wish i could cure all of you....but i cant....and this upsets me terribly. A wise man once said to me "its just your luck" and these words reverberate through my ears on a regular basis. But it does not give me comfort....nothing does.
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Post by compor »


Believe me you are in a better position than most of us because at least you tried. I don't even have the courage to ask a girl out. Haven't been on a date for a very very long time.

On another note, I changed my strategy. For years, I have tried to find a mysterious sickness that caused this bad breath and a magical cure to fix it. Apparently, I have been asking the wrong questions. When I asked the right questions, it became so clear. I got myself a new doctor on December, getting regularly checked by him. It's been 2.5 months since I stopped using antibiotics and I'm still bb free. Maybe if this goes on for another 3 months I can build up the courage to ask a girl out.
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Post by Trunks99 »

compor wrote:shibby:

Believe me you are in a better position than most of us because at least you tried. I don't even have the courage to ask a girl out. Haven't been on a date for a very very long time.

On another note, I changed my strategy. For years, I have tried to find a mysterious sickness that caused this bad breath and a magical cure to fix it. Apparently, I have been asking the wrong questions. When I asked the right questions, it became so clear. I got myself a new doctor on December, getting regularly checked by him. It's been 2.5 months since I stopped using antibiotics and I'm still bb free. Maybe if this goes on for another 3 months I can build up the courage to ask a girl out.
Would you mind sharing your story? What did you do to get rid of your bb
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Post by compor »

I plan to wait 3 more months before giving false hope to people.
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Post by FedUp »

the reactions have been quite bad for me personally these past months. people who usually have never commented about my smell have been doing so. i even overheard a not so subtle "i think he's crapped his pants again"... i don't know why but from the amount of reactions over the years that was the worst. it was just wow, full on ruthless. it's funny how people can be around you smiling joking and laughing but can say such a thing when they think you're not around. just makes me wonder how many times things have been said when i've not been around. if my adenoidectomy works i'm going to cry tears of joy.

there's been times where i thought i've heard someone say something about the smell but then you can't be 100% sure if they would be so open with such a comment when they're pretty much 5ft away from you. such torture. i've just walked away thinking "did she really just say that?" "was she talking about me??".
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Post by compor »

It's been 3 months so I'm reporting back as promised.

Drugs containing bismuth is definitely helping my bb. When I take them regularly, I don't even smell my morning breath (which surprises me every time). Unfortunately, I have to stop using bismuth for 6 weeks so my body can get rid of the toxins. When I'm off bismuth, bb comes back. I contacted the doctor from Australia who patented this treatment, he said I should lower the dose and keep using it all the time.
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Post by angst-ridden »

Can you name the exact drugs that you're taking? Is it pepto bismol or something else? Thanks!
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Post by compor »

De-Nol (colloidal bismuth subcitrate)
another drug similar to pepto-bismol (containing bismuth subsalicylate)
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Post by Sickandtired »

compor wrote:De-Nol (colloidal bismuth subcitrate)
another drug similar to pepto-bismol (containing bismuth subsalicylate)
Could you tell me the difference between these two? They're not available in my country so I'm much curious.
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Post by MissingLateral2 »

yeah overheard two friends ( the ones who won't make you feel the absence of enemies/ill-wishers) having a talk about myself saying something similar too (translated from my vernacular language): "Look at the fool. Stinking and going on smiling in life"
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Re: ever overheard people talking about your breath?

Post by Morena212 »

Wow i sat here and cried with every single one of your posts! Its terrible! I feel so lonely and sad. WHY? Thats all i ask myself everyday! At least here with you guys i feel like i can speak openly. I work with all men. A young woman in a group of men and the ONLY one thats stinks up the whole work area is me! Im so sad i cant even describe! Sometimes when i meet people with bad breath am so relieved at least they can relate i thjnk to my self. Until the next day when their bad breath is gone and my issue still persists.
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