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My story, how I've been "cured" and what I use

Talks about bad breath products, if they work, if they are useless.....etc.
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My story, how I've been "cured" and what I use

Post by begoneBB »

Why oh why didn't I find this site years ago!!? But, really I did find it about 2 years ago and read so many posts about what people were trying and what seemed to work.

FOREVER it seemed like I have suffered from BB. Wasn't until about 3 years ago that the BB was just getting worse. I felt like Pig Pen from Peanuts but instead of a dust cloud surrounding me it was a cloud of BB. Mint gum wasn't helping anymore. My confidence was completely and totally shot. My symptoms were itchy gums all the time, white tongue, constant swallowing like i had phlem that I needed to swallow and of course that hot heavy breath feeling.

So 2 years ago my husband was tested for Hpylori. He had really bad acid reflux that was causing him to get ulcers in his throat. So his Dr suggested he be tested. Sure enough he tested positive (his test was the blood test). I did research and found out this bacteria was highly contagious. So I promptly had all of us tested. The only members of my family that had the "classic" symptoms of hpylori were my husband and my youngest daughter, both having stomach issues. Whatever levels they check for my youngest came out testing the worst, I was next, then my husband then my oldest daughter. Here is the thing I didn't have any symptoms (stomach issues) so I then did more research and googled hypylori and bad breath thinking maybe just maybe that bacteria was the culprit! Found all kinds of people that had the same BB and hpylori issues.

The series of antibiotics I was put on almost immediately got rid of my BB. And I mean no more itchy gums, my tongue was clear, breath felt morning breath!!!! I felt cured!!

So very first thing if you haven't yet even though you may not be exhibiting stomach issues...
****GET TESTED FOR HPYLORI!!!**** - this will get your BB under control

Next thing - hpylori is hard to get rid of. About 6 months later I started getting all those BB symptoms. Not bad but I know what my mouth tastes and feels like when BB wants to take over. So here is what I do to keep my BB under control. I don't know why this works for me but I have to keep this balance. I can't just use on of these things I have to do all otherwise I get the feeling back in my mouth

1. 1 teaspon of Manuka Honey mgo550
2. Therabreath Mouthwash - you can get this at any drugstore like CVS
3. Drink my greens (8 servings of fruits and veggies, 38 superfoods, probiotics and it balances the alkalinity in the body - I truly believe the probiotics and the alkalinity balances and keeps the BB down) you can get some brand at a health food store or you can use what I use. I tell everyone about the greens I use. It works for me so why not spread the word. Right?!

Anyhoo, I totally understand where all of you are coming from!! I have been there and I still battle it everyday but at least I have found a regimen that works.

Good luck!! and feel free to contact me if you want more info :)
Last edited by begoneBB on Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:56 am

Post by tambaking »

congratulation but do you remember what kind of bacteria was the culprit..
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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:36 am

Post by begoneBB »

Hi Tambacking

Yes its:

H. pylori infection occurs when a type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infects your stomach
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Post by somethinstinks »

so you just tell your doctor you want to get tested for h pylori?
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Post by begoneBB »

Hi Somethinstinks

Yes, our test was just performed from our primary care physicians office. And because my husband had some serious symptoms (heartburn, acid reflux and throat ulcers) Since he tested positive I requested the rest of the family be tested. Now, my sister in law always suffers from terrible gas pains and I told her she should request from her dr. to get tested. She did not have it, but, my point is if you go to your dr. and let them know you have some sort of symptom and you request to be tested I am sure they would test you.

There are different tests they use. Ours was a blood sample to search of the antibodies.

Here is a link that briefly tells you about the tests: ... 007501.htm

Good luck!
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