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Anyone live in Philippines? Manila.

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by nikon »

I'm actually taking zinc/Vit C/Vit D/Vit E supplement now. Not sure about that probiotics from that particular store, kinda looks and feels like placebo. And yeah I've tried the lozenge and capsule before, didn't work before, I don't think there's a reason for it to work now.

Me and my wife have been together for a long time, but she rarely say that my breathe is horrible (as in 3 times in 10 years?!?). People will say in my face that I stink and she's not saying anything, even accusing me of being paranoid. Now you get my frustration.

I have allergic rhinitis which is triggered by changes in weather, dust, strong odors to name a few. I don't think this will go away, along with the PND and reflux that it brings along. I'm so used to having a clogged nose that I rarely notice it. Also certain foods and spices I think makes my stomach smelly. The reason why I wanted a portable breathe checker is so that I can check myself whenever and wherever. I just want to know if it works or not. That's just a simple yes or no.

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Post by justlivinlife »

@ nikon - dude i know how u feel right now... and damn right i get ur frustration!
Trust me i've been suffering with BB for almost 2 decades now? I've been through all kinds of humiliation you can imagine. u don't have to make it sounded like ur the only who suffered here.. whats with the attitude?!

And ur asking if/whether breath checkers are really working? The answer ISN'T SIMPLE! It's neither yes nor no! As of today there's no such thing or product(breath checker) that can precisely detect BB 100% . some company claims that their products works 100% accurately. well, i beg to differ... my ex-gf from Europe visited me here in PH a couple of years ago(she used to be a BB sufferer also) She confessed to me while we were in NAIA waiting for her flight back to Europe.that she brought with her this breath checker thing that "so-called can detect BB accurately" and she's been using it secretly while we were having our escapade..and everytime she use it says her breath was a little offensive...and trust me i've never smelled any foul odour from her, i even sniff her breath and kissed her while she was sleeping...not even a morning breath! On the other hand i was popping breathrx xylitol mints nonstop on my mouth, brush and gargle alcohol free mouthwashes like every 4 hours,the whole 5 days that we were together. Despite all the crazy efforts i've done in order to mask my BB,she can still smell it.

What am saying or writing here was based on my personal experience its up to you believe it or not!

I ain't gonna waste my time posting or sharing my experiences here if was just goofin a busy guy! The only reason why i came back and share my experiences here because i am gratefull to this site and its members...its my own way of saying thanks. that's all!
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Post by wesslee »

Guys it's been 3 days that I've been taking this kombucha capsule and i feel better no reaction so far from the people that i meet, 2 cap in the morning and 1 cap at night. I stop the kelp and zinc because of i experience a salty saliva which the result of kelp and did not treat my BB. ... -KdjFZMZ4M

I just post this link for picture purpose only but if you can find a cheaper one try it.
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Post by bb dave »

Just dropped by to say Hello. But as usual my breath stinks, or I think it does... :oops:
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The owner of this site told me not to mention ***k or s*i* anymore which is not a problem.
Let me tell all the follower of my bad breath issue and my present critics the reason i posted off topic in this forum lately. It started on February 2012 there is a person in Philippines thread who claim he has a bad breath too and posted a number then i sent him a message. We exchange personal experience about bad breath, methods for treating bad breath and discus what were the causes. I can't tell for sure whether that guy has a bad breath or just a pretender but whatever the facts behind it that guy sold me out. He is the only one i talked to that time about bad breath and i use my first account in Facebook and i told him that i posted recently if forum so he knew my username in the forum. I made my first Facebook account on first quarter of 2009 mainly for playing online games, the name of that account is Maverick Blackbird with a tiger set as profile pic. I deleted that account since i can't access the host email anymore. He is also the only person who knew my username in the forum and i told him which city i live.

This guy spread news about me, it's easy to backtrace my identity because i am the only guy who spark a firestorm of controversy in my former city. The story spread, some of my first critics knew what i posted in the forum. Two of my email that i use in the forum had been compromise, I can no longer access them after the mail server deemed my account suspicious. I told the server why and they gave me a reason that multiple IP log on my account using different devices and location. My mail account had been compromised, my forum post had been compromised, even my Facebook had been compromised due to this guy.

I quit posting in this forum due to that incident then i came up with an idea to fund raise my surgery since i can't finish some contract jobs online due to stomach pain and working while you stand in a job that requires sitting affects your productivity then shift your focus on pain. Can't finance my own messed up since i can't finish contract jobs that require a deadline even though i tried many times over that is why i asked for help and fund raising is the first that comes to mind.

Instead of getting pissed off with that guy for compromising everything, i use it as opportunity to express the facts behind my story. So the world knew what is really going on. The online game i played before has over 100k unique and international player at that time and some of them bought the lies feed by my critics. My fellow gamers and Facebook friends knew what i posted in the forum. Everything i post they knew, that is why i posted off topic mainly to provide facts behind the lies of my critics.

Behind the scenes I am the one who experience being used and lied to and scammed by some people i pay to help me with my campaign. The username of the guy i talked to is my3rdmolars, you can find his post at Philippines thread page 11 in which he posted his cellphone number. I can reveal his identity so everyone knew this back stabber but what good would that be. Whatever compromise caused by his act won't change the result.

Other people choose to believe the story feed by my critics since it is the most talked about so they assume that is the truth and they never heard my side during that time.

For my fund raising, I am not interested in money given the amount i set made an impression to others that I am making a fortune from it. Lol The amount i set is an average cost from other uninsured people that i asked from several support group such as healthboards,, and Facebook support group. I take no pleasure spending others money. If there's a hospital in the country that can provide high quality healthcare, a surgeon that specialize my surgery and up to date equipment for only $1000 i might have done my surgical treatment there. If there's an individual or NGO willing to finance my surgery fully paid and I won't receive a single dollar then that's great. I really don't need money all i want is to fix that stomach issue. All money that i might raised will be repaid within 2 years after the surgery.

I dare my critics to come here in this forum and ask me questions related to bad breath so they knew and everyone around the world also knew. No need for them to guess and listen inside the house before they made another story. Lol My contacts told me why not tell the truth to your critics personally so they knew what is going on. I have already consider that 2 years ago then i came to realize that even if they knew the truth they will hide the truth from others and pursue their propaganda. They don't like the truth in my post recently, truth reveal their false accusation, lies and propaganda.

Think of it as a diary, every event that took place in a monthly basis i write them down in my post earlier but they don't like it so they made another excuse and story. Quit pretending that they don't visit the forum to read my post, some of their propaganda are based on my post since i started posting off topic on December 2013. Without my fund raising campaign i won't come here in the forum to compromise things for nothing. I do not wrong my critics, they don't know anything about it either. These are answers based on info given by the tipster.
I am not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
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Post by Observer002 »

This is Observerto, I forgot my old log in account. This will be my last post regarding off topic in this forum. To the owner/admin of this site, thank you for allowing me to post off topic in this forum and did not decide to delete most of it. For other people in this forum, you may not know what I am talking about but for every Filipino that are aware of my issue with halitosis, they know exactly what I am talking here. This post became possible due to some shameless criminal that monitor my online activity. When i post here or other online activity i had, these shameless criminal boast publicly about my online activity. I can also monitor the online activity of other people if i want to but just like the rest of all criminal activity, anybody can rob the bank, only a real criminal would pursue doing such things. Now I am using it to provide facts to the public. The public, consist of other people that I personally knew and members of my clan.

For the past 5 years of having halitosis there were countless of ridiculous claim made against me to make the situation even worse. The issue of halitosis are between me and my neighbors alone, the only problem that other people have to deal with me in regards to halitosis are during my commuting hours, because I am using public transport.

To keep this thread short, I advise the reader to refer my previous post for reference. The issue of halitosis back in 2011 until today, this is between me and my neighbors alone. They are the only one that have problems with me in regards to halitosis. As a result, I became popular with this issue because my first critics back in 2011 are also my neighbors. They did everything they could to make me one of the most popular in this malodor issue that is why when I moved in the neighborhood in which i reside today, I am already known with halitosis.

This last post will mainly focus on all FALSE claim made against me by my neighbors because nobody knew exactly what they are talking about. For my previous neighbor there is nothing to clarify about them, they did their best to make me popular, the most important thing is they stick with the issue of halitosis because it is the only problem they have with me. On the other hand, my current neighbors today are pissed off because I do not go with their flow, as a result they made countless of ridiculous claim. One of the most popular lies they made is the thief allegation story. I have already mentioned in my recent post the rest of their claim, the only thing i will add is the last claim they made.

This last claim is the "Sleeping" story! Before i close my fundraising campaign, I made a statement regarding the thief allegation story and this is the first time the public became aware of this story. These people spread this story to everybody for more than 2 years, during this time the majority did judge me as a thief based on this claim. After I made a clarification with this claim on September 2015, these people quit using the thief story for their demolition job because they have nothing to back up their claim. Since the thief story are no longer usable which is more serious than the rest of their claim, it is their job to create another one. On October 2015 they made the sleeping story a big deal to made me look stupid and at the same time a crazy one, that i do not stink because I am asleep and I stink when I am awake. This claim is stupid and you cannot based this in reality. The fact with this claim is sleeping with left side. When i sleep with my back, I am more likely to stink due to GERD (acid) and hernia (positional). When you sleep with your back, you stink. When you sleep with your left you won't stink. I quit sleeping lying down with my back on January 2014, they already noticed or knew that during that time. During that time until today I do not sleep with my back anymore because in that position, I am a having a sensation of spasm and lump throat but if i sleep with my left side i do not feel any spasm or lump throat that is why i do not sleep with my back anymore. These people could have made this "sleeping" a big deal back in 2014, you know why they haven't? Well the thief story are more serious than that, it's the big reason they did not made sleeping a big deal before. The thief story is a big loss for their demolition job that is why they hold on to it for as long as they can. They quit because they don't know exactly what they are talking about but they have the balls to spread that to everybody. You might say they are shameless given the fact that millions of other people are aware of my issue, same number of people that find out they made that up.

When i moved in this area back in 3rd quarter of 2012, I gave this people the issue of halitosis a consideration for any undesirable claim or act they might do during that time until today. Also a consideration that their garbage act were provoked by halitosis and consideration that they are my neighbor. It is one of the main reason I did not sue them when they spread that thief allegation story. Another allegation they made is the "Voodoo" story. Based on this claim I am doing some Voodoo stuff with them which result to the illness of their child. The so called illness is "kombulsyon or seizure". This stupid allegation are made to make me look a bad person doing bad things to other people. They are a complete ignorant about what they are talking about, their child had a previous history of that illness before I move in this area.

All of these ridiculous and stupid allegation are made to brainwash other people in the neighborhood to gain the sympathy of other people. If they really think I did something, I am sure it would much serious than kombulsyon! When i moved in this area back in 2012 until today, no matter how fucked up their allegation and ridiculous claim, i did NOTHING! I did not GET EVEN with them in any way based on that consideration i have given to them. Suing them and getting even is an easy job, doing garbage to other people are one of the most easiest thing to do. Doing garbage to other people does not require effort!

All of these ridiculous and stupid claim had nothing to do with halitosis. All of this claim is the result of childishness. They are pissed off because I do not go with their flow, which is a simple and childish reason. They brainwash other people in the neighborhood to gain their sympathy. It is like this, "There's no garbage story to be done with the ex-convict, he bought our story that makes him friendly while the bad breath guy do not go with our ideas he is FUCKED, let's spread the thief allegation story to every city we can". The public knew nothing about any of these because when these people create any claim they come up with, not even other people in the neighborhood knew what they are talking about. What they will do to those people that newly moved in to the area is brainwash them like this, "Not only he stink he is also a thief, he do some voodoo shit and he has a really bad attitude for ignoring you." They can make any ridiculous claim a big deal with the aid of halitosis, in reality halitosis had nothing to do with all these claim.

One of the main reason i do not go with their flow is their back stabbing attitude. All of these claim are results of that back stabbing attitude. Their only problem with me is halitosis and if they ever create such claim it should be halitosis alone. What is the correlation of thief allegation story with halitosis? It's a big NOTHING!!! Whoever can read this right now I am sure you will agree with me that you do not go with the flow with other people that drag you down. It is the same reason I am ignoring these people and do not go with their flow. In story, I have a bad attitude for ignoring them, the reality is I am ignoring them for their back stabbing attitude.

Let me clarify the sleeping claim vividly. The source of this claim are the crazy spy that lurk at the window spying on my asshole hourly. If they did not see me go downstairs for at least 2 hours they would assume I am asleep, right away this idea were transferred to other crazy spy. The days of these people are spent lurking at the window spying on my asshole, monitoring my action and the conversation in my household. Proof? What they have seen and heard today, within a week the public are talking about it. It is not enough to spy on my asshole, they also stalked me online. Nobody force them to spy on me, it is their will to create demolition job with me that motivate them to spy. Lurking at the window for garbage reason, it's tiring and boring at the same time. I am awake 15-17 hours daily. Proof of that, I have some deep eyebags for lack of sleep. Sometimes i sleep in the morning if I did not sleep throughout the night. SLEEPING, big deal? This is a sign these people are running out of ideas for their demolition job HAHAHA...! This is the first time i have heard some people would use the idea of sleeping against other people for their demolition job. Also used the idea of sleeping to think I am afraid of them, that I am avoiding halitosis due to fear. I would rather have them asked me for a one on one in a fair fight than claim I am afraid of them for no reason. They insist that I am afraid of them for a childish reason, they want to impress the children in the neighborhood that they are some kind of tough. LOL If i can manipulate halitosis by shifting my emotion then i have already fixed halitosis, don't you think? I wish i can do that. Halitosis had nothing to do with your emotion.

These people also claim that some of my actions are against my previous post, one of these are the stuff that i bought. Yes i bought meat, bread and alcohol, I won't deny that. I bought all these stuff because i am an errand boy in my household. If my brother decide to drink, he won't go to the store and purchase his alcohol, he will asked me to purchase it on his behalf. In fact if my brother decided to drink daily then they should expect to see me at the store with a bottle of alcohol in my hand. They became obsess with my asshole that they asked other people about the stuff i bought. LOL The last occasion i drank alcohol is back in Christmas and New years eve of December 2015. Another claim is my laughter. I laugh when i see some funny videos and article online or offline viewing. These people are monitoring my action hourly, if they heard me laughing they are crazy enough to think I am laughing at them. I do not laugh at these people, I do not monitor their action and I do not give a ***k about what they do. They are feeling important to think I am laughing at them. I laugh at videos and some funny article, I am not gonna wait for the best day or perfect time to laugh at something. I can watch some prank shows online and laugh anytime,and any given day. There is no ****ing problem, it's only a stupid halitosis. When the crazy spy heard me laughing, this strike a blow with their ego, thinking I am laughing at them.I am laughing at them in my post but that is laughing about the lousy claim they made. I am more comfortable breathing through my mouth than my nose, as a result it shows my teeth all the time, people outside thought i was laughing but that is not true. When you breath through your mouth, your teeth are exposed.

The problem of these people today is their garbage attitude, my previous neighbor had the same problem with me like they have but I do not recall those people would spy on my asshole hourly, stalked me online and create countless of ridiculous claim. Same problem, you can tell the attitude of people based on their garbage act.

That's it, I am popular in the country today based on this type of claim. Before i develop halitosis between 1995 up to December 2010 i have not heard anybody that became popular with halitosis even though there were tens of thousands of other people in the country with halitosis during that time. All of my competitor in the country today should be popular because halitosis are all the same whether you are rich or poor or whatever the heck is your status.

As far as knowing all these claim, my trusted sources are people that I personally knew and some members of my clan. The first time i found out the thief allegation story is back in 2013, my third cousin that work and reside in Cavite area told me about it. Before i find out the thief allegation story, everybody knew that already, I am the last person to find out. The information they gave me are accurate, when i made my fundraising even today my family had no idea about it, i posted i this forum my family had no idea either. To prove the accuracy of their information, back in October 2015 one my brother mentioned that he has no money to pay the unpaid amelyar. This does not mean he really had no money at all, he is the type of person that he fixed his budget for 6 months and any surprised payment added in it, he usually said he has no money for it. The following day he bought something that caught the eye of the crazies and says, "That's the guy with no money, he is a liar". Within 48 hours the public are already aware of this, the crazy made my brother a liar publicly. The crazies did not mention that so there is no reason for them to think that i found out most of their claim because I have heard it from them. NO, most of this information are based on the information from the public, in that case the crazies have no reason to deny their claim. It is the primary reason I am posting it here to provide facts at the claim made by my neighbors. I can pass these information publicly in a vivid detail with less hassle that is why I am posting it here. It is more efficient than explaining it in person to hundreds of other people that i personally knew.

The thief allegation story should serve a lesson for them but what the thief story did with these people is it encourage them to create more stupid claim because i did not sue them before. For as long as I have not fixed the stupid halitosis i will tolerate their garbage act and allegation. Another thing is, when these people create alarming scandal, I do not care a SINGLE WORD they were saying. The only thing I expect from them is to shut the ***k up. Alarming scandal affect everybody because you are disturbing other people. In story they will tell you I am bangag, in reality I don't give a ***k what they do or say. Despite of having halitosis and surrounded by crazies, I am GRATEFUL for a fact that i can go on a diet anytime and eat some food that i liked. I sleep better without worry. There is no ****ing problem! My neighbors are just pissed over childish reason. This post summed up everything, if they did create another ridiculous claim unrelated to halitosis, now you know why. If only these people stick with the issue of halitosis because that is the only problem they have with me, I won't come here in the forum posting off topic about their claim.
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Post by sopo »

Dude u need to chill.....take all this negativity and turn it into something positive
U said u are most popular guy in ur area now, take advantage of it... U need to flip this shit and make the things go on ur favour
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Post by Observer002 »

@Sopo I posted off topic here to provide facts as opposed to the claim made by my critics. I have manage to accomplished that now and turned the tide in my favor.

As for myself, I do not see halitosis as a big problem at all.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

so ***k them, if somebody abuses you, jut get him on camera and publish it on youtube....they will strong......bad breath gets you enemies very very fast
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by Givingup »

Anyone still here? I'm a Filipina.

Gosh I'm so depressed right now! I've recently gotten this bb for 4 mos I think. I don't know what triggered it exactly. But I think the stress of my job as an HR and the junks i keep eating contributed to it. I also did a crash diet and remove all the carbs from my diet. I stopped the no carb diet because I thought it gave me keto breath. I only did the diet for 2 weeks. I'm now eating healthy and just recently filed for resignation. I brush my teeth after every meal with an electric toothbrush. I gargle with chlorine dioxide , floss, use interdental, water pik my tonsils, take acidophilus, chlorophyll, papaya digestive enzyme, brush tounge with baking soda, scrape, gargle with h. Peroxide but nothing works. I tried Nasal irrigation with salt and baking soda but I only get thin clear mucus. Also I feel it worsens my pnd. I'm currently taking esomeprazole, tried rifaximin for 4 days but it didn't work.

I'm at wits end now. It's so embarrassing. I'm good looking and smart, but I got this bb! I may never be able to work again because im so ashamed. I might just try a home based job. My life sux
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Post by nedned »

Filipina here. I also quit my first job since Im fresh graduate. My life was different now because of my BB. I tried to commit s*****e but not lucky to succeed. I always stay at home and avoid talking. I lose my friends because of that. I'm so depressed and hopeless. All I want is to be happy :( but ths BB destroyed my life and happiness.

If you want lets have some chat. here's my email [email protected] or text me 09062543512
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Re: Anyone live in Philippines? Manila.

Post by Jimi Stein »

poor girl....i feel sorry for you, there are many Filipinos with bb, have you tried to contact somebody on this board from Philippines?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Anyone live in Philippines? Manila.

Post by cutmytonguepls »

i have the same problem for almost 3 years now and i really dont know what to do, i just want to rip my tongue out bc this is the f***ing root of my problem like there's this bacteria called effin' biofilm living in my tongue and they said this the bacteria inside the biofilm coating have likely been living in our tongue for years that cause bb and gum disease (i just researched it) and yesterday i just found a website which helps you eliminate your BB and this is what they called tongue rejuvenation that removes the bacteria and debris at their source, restoring the tongue to its natural state and curing your halitosis.. sadly, this center giving this treatment is only at Virginia and have a expensive cost of treatment

im fr phl, q.c., i'm a college student and i'm really having a hard time everytime i'm going to school bc of having a bb like i want to die rn bc i'm so embarassed when talking to my blockmates mygod and i always question myself why do i have to suffer this chronic disease? why me? :( ihatemylife huhu

i want to have some talk with a fellow who has the same situation of me so pls you can pm me right away and this is my number 09758522171 thank you :(

sorry for those wrong and poor grammar looking forward to your replies guys /////slits my tongue/////
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Post by Observer002 »

Jimi Stein wrote:so ***k them, if somebody abuses you, jut get him on camera and publish it on youtube....they will strong......bad breath gets you enemies very very fast

@Jimi: I don't think the word abuse apply to me. Earlier, before I develop halitosis I always have issue with some of my neighbors. For example, back in 2006, the time I moved to the city to start my college days, I am renting an apartment. Out of 10 family in that apartment I have issue or problem with three family. One family act like they are the big boss, two family feel envious and insecure with me. Envious about the stuff I bought and insecure about my lifestyle (hayahay as they claimed). These three family create drama and spread lies about me, the remaining seven family there, I have no problem with them. The main issue that I have with some of my neighbor is envy. During that time I drink alcohol almost daily, while the two family that feel envious with me the most, eat smoked fish several times a week. All the drama that I have with other people are always with some of my neighbors, when I go outside the neighborhood I have no drama with other people.

At the present, halitosis is only an excuse to ***k with me. Some people in the neighborhood today act like they are the big boss in the neighborhood. Their ego says they are superior to other people in the neighborhood, and other people should obey them. They have no control with me and that pissed them off, their excuse is not going with their flow. They have no control with me and other members in my household - as a result, drama and tsismis are on me, no drama or tsismis for other people because they offer no resistance. They can't force me with their flow, we do not share the same interest, I do not do what they do. I go with the flow with other people, but it's up to me to decide which flow. It's funny that they care so much about me while they don't even care with other people. The only thing they have with other people be gossip (gossip to discredit the other guy).

Lately, I have been working on lemon mix with water. This help controls the acid in my stomach, without acid there's no halitosis. When they can't smell my shit that is an opportunity for these people that act like a big boss to create a scene (Idiotic Threat), and claim I am afraid of them. lol This afraid and courageous claim became a habit for them, when I stink, for them I am courageous; whenever the cannot smell my shit, for them I am afraid. You are afraid yesterday simply because you do not stink, courageous today that you stink then afraid again tomorrow that you did not stink. All of this are made up, it has nothing to do with me. This afraid and courageous claim are ongoing for over a year now. Afraid of them? When I am in front with these people they behave like a saint, when you turn your back hell break loose or you can list the most fucked up attitude known to humanity. They claim that I sleep most of the time even though I am not, if they insist, I suggest they install a CCTV in my room then. They can lie serious allegation, I don't think simple claim is a big deal for these people. If they still have some shame left, I suggest they quit lying to everybody and lying to themselves just to discredit me. Quit living behind a mascara, be a real people (not fake people). If they have problem with me, you face me. They don't have to bark in the neighborhood - seeking attention. We are the same homeowners in the neighborhood, and this people think they can create noise to annoy other people whenever they want; ***k with whomever they want. Well, not really, I have never backed down with these type of people, before I develop halitosis until today.

They create drama, spread lies, took pride of their garbage act, and spread to everybody that I am afraid of them. When you fight back, they would act as if they are the victim, and create a story that you are attacking them. lol They are really good in deception (living behind a mask). If these people are as good as most people think they are, do good people spread serious allegation to other people and took pride about their act? I am not sensitive about their drama, I am not broken-hearted about their drama. I have never been broken-hearted, and I am not gonna feel broken-hearted for their drama. I am already a veteran with these type of drama, that's nothing to me. If I have a wish for my neighbors, I wish all my neighbors are rich - so they won't ****ing feel envious with me!

@Jimi: Back to your question, I really don't think any abuse are made. You are abused if you feel abused. All of that are nothing, I just pretend some of these people do not exist, in that case they do not bother me with their drama. I just let them be, they have no power over me.
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Re: Anyone live in Philippines? Manila.

Post by Patience »

Hi Jollibee. Where in Manila are you at?
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