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Specific "symptoms", Am I the only one?

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Specific "symptoms", Am I the only one?

Post by Raybo »

First of all hello to all, I am new to the forum but unfortunately not new in dealing with this problem.

I'll go straight to the point: For the past 7 years I have a weird smell or taste that lasts for a couple of months (1-4) only to disappear randomly, just as it came.This taste/smell is very distinctive, and though it changes in gravity from day to day, hour to hour or even minutes to minutes, it's always more or less in the same "family" of smell/taste.

The way I can smell/taste it is to pronounce a sound similar to the letter "t", but in a prolonged and nasal way, such that my nose is "shaking" or "vibrating".Something like "tttteeeeeeeeeeeee" (pronunced tee).As my nose vibrates in the "eeee" portion of the sound, I can taste or smell this very distinctive foul odor.Sometimes I think it is fruity, sometimes it's more like feces, but it's paradoxally always similar.

I do have allergies and post nasal drip.Yet, when I put ice in my mouth, the symptoms disappear for a few seconds or minutes.Also, just after eating, I keep trying my "teeeee" technic and I smell nothing.This lasts about 10 minutes and then it returns.

When I do this "teeeee" test in the months where I don't have bad breathe no smell/taste is present.

The taste/smell/odor is much worst after eating eggs or red meat (like a steak or something).

Sometimes it is so strong I feel like everyone in the room could sense it, yet I have unreliable comments from others when I asked.A children got disgusted at my breathe once, but I was just waking up so morning breathe was to be suspected on top of all of this.It is almost impossible to me that this smell is hallucinatory or a paranoid/obsessive thing I have going.The symptoms appear abruptly one day, then disappear abruptly another day a couples of months later.

Anybody experienced any of these things or have any insights into this matter?

I have read Murat Aydin's thread and he comments that decreased bb with ice means Type 1.My PND and allergies might indicate Type 2, so maybe I have both.

This is obviously ruining my life to the point I'm considering changing profession in order to work alone most of the time.

Thanks for reading me.

Jimi Stein
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Re: Specific "symptoms", Am I the only one?

Post by Jimi Stein »

it could easily be your sinuses..infection....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Specific "symptoms", Am I the only one?

Post by Raybo »

Dear Jimi,

It indeed could very well be my sinuses.I once went to see my family doctor while in a "bad breath cycle" and she found a rhinitis.She prescribed a Nasal Spray Apo Mometasone, but it didn't solve much.

I'm gonna try to see a ENT.

Thanks for your suggestion.
Jimi Stein
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Re: Specific "symptoms", Am I the only one?

Post by Jimi Stein »

they cant help, with some crap sprays....only maybe if you have a mucosa bulosa, some growth supporation that they can cut out, otherwise just forget about white coats, they are useless...they will put you on antibiotics, it will get better for a while, then after even worse....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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