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Another success wisdom teeth removal story (Warning a bit long)

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Another success wisdom teeth removal story (Warning a bit long)

Post by solo »

This is a very long piece and I apologise beforehand for it. Also this is not just about my wisdom, it also touch on things I though were my problem.

Firstly a massive thank you to halitosisux, he/she has been influential in my journey to removing my wisdom tooth. I have bad breath since I was 16 and it is the worst thing to have ever happened to me. It pretty much destroyed my life and now I'm almost 30 years and I feel like it is too late to start building my life again. I have very little friends and the few I had, I hardly hang out with them. My bad breath may now have been cured from the removal of my wisdom tooth today but I don't even know where to go from here now.

My story is this, before I developed bad breath I sometimes get annoyed at people whose breath stinks and usually go like to myself, shut your mouth man. If only I know back then I will be infected with this deadly condition myself. Sometimes I feel like it's the universe’s way of punishing me. I lived with bad breath for so long, my parents lied to me many times; they kept saying to me I don't smell anything but every effing time I talk to them upclose they cover their flipping nose. No matter what I do or say they always discourage me from finding the solution, even discouraging me to visit the dentist for the sole purpose of talking about my bad breath. When I became my own person and got my own place, I went to a dentist in London who missed the tooth. I had always had really bad pain on my lower right teeth. During this time, I never know about wisdom tooth and always assumed the pain is from my last tooth. Nothing I do helps with this pain; it always come and go. The pain usually last between 1 and 2 weeks; and then a relief that last a month or two and the pain comes back. I never connected this pain to my bad breath and was clueless as to where my bad breath comes from. I brush like hell to the point of my dad telling me off for brushing my teeth and tongue rigorously. Unfortunately, I gave up and never bothered with finding a cure and wished I could kill myself. Fortunately or unfortunately, (I don't know which to be honest), I didn't kill myself. I went to University and made no friend. I had 2 close friends though and always wondered why they were friends with me. I mean I was always disgusted at myself.

Anyway in 2013 I discovered this website and started coming here regularly reading about other people's story. Believe me this website gave me joy or some sort of happiness. I mean I found hope. I read stories of those who got cured and those who did things that cured others but didn't worked for them. I was a bit more at peace learning I'm not alone and the idea of killing was removed from my head. This site saved me. I tried everything and started diagnosing myself. Firstly I looked into tongue thrush and a test came negative. I delved more into this website and started reading about all sort of things that worked for people. From coconut oil to vinegar to hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Nothing worked, anything that worked was temporary. I even used TCA peel of which I made my own. Dangerous stuff usually used for ACNE. This was because I discovered I have hairy tongue which lead to me believing that was the source of my bad breath. Some people say use antibacterial mouthwash twice daily and forget everything else. Others say actually don’t use antibacterial mouthwashes, they don't work and worsened the condition. Anyway I stopped using mouthwash and only brush my teeth. Toward the end of 2013 I did a small research on my acid reflux and I was brought back to this website. People linking acid reflux with bad breath and as someone who has suffered acid reflux almost as long as I've had my bad breath I became interested in the link between acid reflux and bad breath. I did more research and BAM! Helicobacter Pylori. I diagnosed myself and went to the doctor, he fobbed me off with ranitidine. I went back and this time omeprazole, a month and a half later I went back to the doctor and said to him raising my voice a bit (I was really frustrated). I told him omeprazole will only work for my acid reflux if I continue to use it. And he said that's fine but I mentioned to him I think I have stomach infection from Helicobacter. He wasn't too happy with that and said it's all in my head and I should forget about it. I didn't and keep mentioning it until he referred me for an endoscopy. On that day I asked about the relation between my acid reflex and bad breath and he asked me an annoying question; do you have bad breath? I was like WTF, you been rubbing your nose everytime I opened my mouth to talk. I said to him yes I do and he said lets deal with the acid reflux first and I thought fair enough.

I went for an endoscopy and of course, I had stomach infection due to Helicobacter and I was so happy thinking I found my bad breath source. I went through the course of 2 treatments but my acid reflux was never cured. My bad breath only went away whilst I was on the antibiotics given to me. After the antibiotics course, I was back to square one. The doctor said sorry mate I’ve tried everything and the only thing now is you’ll have to be on omeprazole indefinitely. I used omeprazole for 4 months and I stopped due to the side effects. Sure it stopped my acid reflux whilst I was on it but not after I stopped. It also did nothing to my bad breath. So I forgot about the idea that acid reflux could be the cause of my bad breath but I still thought it may be due to my stomach. This begins my next course of actions.

I thought if I clean my stomach somehow maybe that would work. I also thought about the possibility of worm infection. I had read of people who cured their bad breath by taking worm tablets. I also read of people who used antiparasitic and stomach/intestine cleansing tablet. So what I did first, I bought chlorophyll which didn’t work, although it made me poo more and my poo stank like hell. I mean it STANK and was always watery and green. At first I thought it’s working, it finally killing all the bad bacteria in me but after 2 months no change to my bad breath. Then I started using the antiparasitic and stomach/intestine cleansing tablet, again no effect to my bad breath. Then I gave up on a cure one more time.

In march of 2016 I started thinking about my teeth pain again and I thought found the cause of it. Sugar food, especially chocolate. I use to hate chocolate but found it somehow makes me less depressed when I think of my bad breath. So I did a test, I bought sneaker chocolate bar and ate 2 bars a day. On the forth day the pain came and it was really bad. Then I waited for the pain to stop with took a week and a half. Usually it takes another 1 or 2 months as mentioned earlier for the pain to come back again. But I forced it back within a week. I continue to eat chocolate bar every day and as predicted the pain came. So what I did I stopped eating chocolate and discovered something else on this website. Waterpik. But before that I keep asking myself why I only get the pain at my lower right teeth. Again at this time I still didn’t know it was my wisdom tooth causing the pain. I then remember people talking about wisdom tooth but I never give it any attention. I always thought how can 1 tooth lead to an almighty bad breath like mine? Since I was out of ideas I decided to check my teeth. I stood in front of a mirror, opened my mouth wide and counted my teeth. I noticed I had more teeth below than above which I found strange at the time. Whilst I was trying to figure that out I remember that in mid 2014 I almost found out about my wisdom tooth. I remember during my usual pain on a particular day I hovered my tongue tip to where the pain comes from. I noticed the gum around that area is opened and I felt my erupted wisdom tooth. But on that day I didn’t know it was a wisdom tooth I assumed it was solidified food accumulating into the opened gum. And these foods have been collecting inside the gum and now causing the bad breath. My conclusion was to forget about it since I will never be able to get the solid thing out. Now back to when I discovered my wisdom tooth the first thing I did was to research wisdom tooth. I came to this website and read stories of those who had their wisdom tooth/teeth removed. It was bittersweet, some said removal worked other said it didn’t. Some even said it led to them having bad breath. But I was convinced this wisdom tooth is the cause of my breath. I discovered halitosisux post and started stalking his posts and comments. I read more about it and decided to take a trip to the dentist. I joined a private dentist and instead of saying I may have an impacted wisdom tooth, I lied. I told him when I was in London my dentist there found my wisdom tooth when I complained about pains and he was going to refer me to the hospital but because I left London at the time I could not take up the opportunity. He decided to do his own test and gave me the good news. Yes, you have an impacted wisdom tooth which has erupted and badly infected. He also said because of the level of impaction he won’t be able to remove it and I will need to go to the hospital for that. Typical NHS, I was referred in May but didn’t get an appointment at the hospital till mid-August. Even that was for only an assessment, I had to book another appointment for mid-September which I was so looking forward to. Whilst I was waiting for my appointment I bought a waterpik and this did infact confirmed my bad breath is from my wisdom tooth. Every time I directed the tip of the waterpik to the erupted wisdom tooth, there is always this odour. The water is obviously washing out some of the stucked food with overgrown bacteria. Every time. I remember once on a night out; before leaving the house i brushed my teeth very well and scrubbed the wisdom tooth area as instructed by my dentist. I then rinsed and gargled with warm salt water. After that I used my expensive mouthwash, Ultradex; I then decided to use my waterpik as well and mehn!!!!!.......... I directed the tip to the tooth and the odour was so powerful I almost dropped the waterpik. I could see food particles coming out of it and they stank unbelievably bad. This is just evidence mouthwash ain’t gonna cure nothing, nada.

Back to my hospital appointment mid-September, I got to the hospital on that day and bad news. The surgeon said whoever has asked you to come in today for a local anaesthetic procedure has done you no favour at all. I asked what he meant he said the removal process can’t be done on local anaesthetic, I need to be placed under general anaesthetic which can’t be arranged for that day. Disappointment of the highest order. Anyways I was asked to come in today for the removal but for removal of all 4 because there is a chance the other non-erupted, hidden wisdom teeth may also cause problem in future. I got to the hospital but I was seen by a different surgeon. He said due to the nature of the wisdom teeth there is a high change my teeth area will become permanently numb, for life, if they attempt to remove all wisdom teeth. He then said he will remove the one that causes me pain and then determine whether to remove all three when I said I’m happy to take the risk. I was put to sleep and after the procedure he said only that one was removed. He said it was super difficult to remove it and the other would be even more difficult to remove and he is certain the numbness will be for at least 3 week with a very very high change of permanent numb. He went as far as telling me not to get them removed unless there is no choice, i.e unless I start to have problem and it’s unbearable.

The first thing I did when I was changing after the removal was to do a test. I rubbed my finger onto the area where the teeth has been removed and it did not stink. The night before and other times I have tried it stank like bloody hell. This time nothing, and this was before I used the antibiotics given to me. I tried my usual test to generally check for bad breath in my mouth and nothing. I have been checking and looking for the bad breath but nothing so far. I’ve been here before though, thinking I may have been cure only for the bad breath to come back in full force. I am very confidence though that this may have worked. I shall continue to monitor. My antibiotics is for a week, after that I will continue to monitor my breath as well as people’s reactions when I talk. I know people, work colleague, who usually rub their nose when I talk. I shall be talking to them more now and I will not mumble because I usually do that to reduce the smell, don’t usually works though. I will talk more to these people and note their reaction over a course of 2 weeks.

I may have finally been cured but as I mentioned earlier Bad Breath destroyed my life. The girlfriend I had ended our relationship, not because of the horrendous smell but because I made her. I was always ashamed of myself and never really understand why she stuck around. Same as I never understood why my 2 close friend continued to be best friends with me. Once I confirm I’m cured, I will start to rebuild slowly. Where to start? I don’t know but I will let the universe guide me.

Sorry for the long piece but I feel like I should share my story.
Last edited by solo on Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Another success wisdom teeth removal story (Warning a bit long)

Post by Dead »

Amazing story, thanks for sharing. I'm sure you're cured, congrats! That impacted rotten wisdom tooth was surely causing the bb. How does your mouth feel, any difference in taste? Do you have less tongue coating?
Jimi Stein
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Re: Another success wisdom teeth removal story (Warning a bit long)

Post by Jimi Stein »

dont forget to donate if you can so we can use money for advertising and getting more traffic and spreang the word to other sufferers... [-o<
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Another success wisdom teeth removal story (Warning a bit long)

Post by solo »

Dead wrote:Amazing story, thanks for sharing. I'm sure you're cured, congrats! That impacted rotten wisdom tooth was surely causing the bb. How does your mouth feel, any difference in taste? Do you have less tongue coating?
Thanks man. I really hope i'm cured. I still have coatings on my tongue but i can't open my mouth wide enough to check properly (if it is reduced). The bad metallic-like taste i usually get in my mouth has significantly reduced. I still have pains on my tooth and my right cheek is also swollen. I've been talking to people and not got the usual nose rubbing reaction. I even spoke to a girl really upclose yesterday and she never reacted to any bad breath.
Still on antibiotics so will see how it goes after i stop using it.
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Re: Another success wisdom teeth removal story (Warning a bit long)

Post by solo »

Jimi Stein wrote:dont forget to donate if you can so we can use money for advertising and getting more traffic and spreang the word to other sufferers... [-o<
Hey Jimi how does donation works here? I mean how can i donate. Thanks
Jimi Stein
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Re: Another success wisdom teeth removal story (Warning a bit long)

Post by Jimi Stein »

solo there is a paypal button at the bottom, on every page..I want to do some seo, to get more traffic....we were really high for bad breath keyword for some time, like top 20 in google, then we moved now really low, around 90 position in goole I want to hire somebody to do seo.....or ppc
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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