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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by austuser »

I just went to the immunologist today to sort out my hayfever (which is oddly all year round) and the source of my terrible congestion and post nasal drip, all of which i believe is the sole purpetrator of my bad breath.

They did the scratch test where they apply a single drop of a dozen different allergens on your arm then prick each spot to see which ones have a reaction.

The nurses gasped and were shocked when EVERY SINGLE spot became red and inflamed. They said they had never seen anyone who was allergic to everything. Not only that, they measure the diameter of each lump (like a mosquito bite) to judge how allergic you are, and the fact that every spot was bigger than they had seen before was also quite amazing.

I am staring desentisization therapy next week which will span about 3 years but should take care of the bigger allergens like dust and various forms of grass.

He looked up my nose (which of course on the one day in my life i go to see an immunologist WASN'T congested) and even though this was the case, he said my nose was very swollen, and that a septoplasty to straighten the deviated septum would do nothing for my hayfever.

Well, i think this is the main reason for my bb, considering i am allergic to so many things, i can never be free of PND until i immune myself to the allergens. Does this point to a further underlying cause, like my immune system as a whole? Because i never had this problem when i was younger...

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Post by kiki »


Can the desensitization therapy be done for the dust allergy, I thought dust, pollution cannot be treated, if it can, this very good news. I think I will make a visit to an immunologist.
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Post by austuser »

yes, they will only treat me for the two dust allergens and maybe later on one of the grass ones. there are two types of grass they havent got cures for. But dust is the major one and they said they can effectively cure it.

The reason they wont do the grass one right away is because grass would only affect me in spring. But if i decide i want my springs to be hay-fever free i can add it as well.

other things not so important are chicken feathers, cats, dogs etc..
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Post by hopeful »

I've long suspected that my bb is due to a weak immune system. How this can be cured is beyond me at the moment. I have over a month left until I can see some specialists. I think you should look into an endocrinologist as well if you think your bb is due to a weak immune. Not sure if you've tried any internal cleanses but I think they could possibly help.

As I've mentioned in other posts, I've started and plan to do the following:
- have started a colon cleanse(lots of information out there on how an unhealthy colon could lead to weaken immunity and overtoxicity)
- starting a parasite cleanse right away(most people have these in their bodies but people with weaker immunity can't fend them off and as a result, we have bb)
- liver and kidney flush(August)
- master cleanse(August)
- seeing a naturopath, traditional Chinese doctor and a western doctor
- hope to get a referral to see an endocrinologists(blood specialist, I think all people with bb have hormonal problems originating from puberty which hopefully can be helped with meds...not sure on this one), ENT and gastroenterologist(I have digestive problems)

Hope this helps!
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Post by Larc400 »

I am more and more convinced the immunce system is involved somehow. It's just such a huge thing to deal with, and hard to measure changes etc.

I have some weird unexplained allergies. One, and yeah this is true, only shows up when I'm with certain people. = I seem to be allergic to certain bodily chemicals, or maybe hair types or whatever it could be. Strange anyway, and doctors can't explain it. I've had girlfriends who have resulted in dark red facial rashes (ears/eyes/neck), which got extreme whenever I was hanging out with them for too long 8)

If someone else have xtreme cases of allergies, please tell ](*,)
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Post by Busted »

I had that scratch test done twice by two diff. ENT's. I only had a few things that I was allergic too and they were seasonal. My ENT told me that the scratch test only contained respiratory allergies and e.g. no food allergies.

If you get a full allergy test done like noptical did. You might find yourself allergic to even more things.
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Post by noptical »

See kids, we're slowly discovering more and more people here have allergies and while its a very well known fact for every doctor (even the dumb ones) that PND, nasal congestion and thick secretions are the most common symptoms of allergies and rhinitis people here don't take me seriously every time I suggest them to go and get tested for allergies and that its a cause of bad breath. Instead they go for the easy solution, testing shitty mouthwashes and toothpastes, herbs and supplements...
Mark my words, at least half of us here have some sort of allergies or rhinitis (which can also be non-allergic) and its a cause of their bad breath or at least a huge contributor.

There are million things someone could be allergic to. A doc can't test for all of them since he has to put a sample of every allergen on your skin, "pin" it and see how it reacts. So what a good allergist does (I consider my allergist to be one of the best here, he's a university proffessor and among aaaall people I've heard having allergy tests be it my friends or people on the internet, he does the most extensive tests) is first he does a scratch test to see to which groups of allergens you are allergic to (so he doesn't have to test all allergens on you) and then on the next visit test you for specific allergens from each group that your result was positive. On both visits he had my whole back full of allergens from top to bottom. I felt like I was doing acupuncture :P
Then I had a blood test done for the 5 allergens I'm most allergic to.

So what I'm trying to say to everyone is...
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Post by hopeful »

The big questions is: Where do we go from here? I mean, there are tons of people who have allergies and yet they don't have bb. I think allergies are a symptom of the true cause behind our bb. Allergies mean a weaken immune system and this is what I believe we should be focusing on. What can we do to strengthen and to fight off all the bacteria or toxins that is contaminating our bodies(through our blood and fluids). I'm pretty sure that even if we avoid the things we're allergic to that we will still have bb. This is not solving the problem permanently. There's got to be a more scientific and physiological explanation.

Definitely agree on the mouthwash...if it's a chronic condition, doubt there's any mouthwash that can make a dent in our state. However, I don't think supplements are a write off as they can help strengthen your immunity.
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Post by Larc400 »

Allergy ain't really a sign of a weak immune system, just an overly sensitive one, which attacks things it shouldn't. A result of a too sanitized environment etc... apparently these days 50% of kids have allergies and it's on the up. I guess the good news is that a lot of research is done on allergies etc. Yeah I'd love to do an EXTENSIVE allergy test, but where do I find one :oops:

Last time I tried, was one in London for £70 which they claimed was the one used by NASA, but it was a total hoax (they used electrodes etc etc.. proper new age hoax). :oops:
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

so what treatment are you doing nop? are you doing a long-term treatment as austuser said? i remember one ent mentioned this tretment one time like a possibility. If you are doing it how it goes so far??

Cause like hopeful says, most of the people are allergic to some or much things and not for that have bb.

What hopeful says sounds very interesting to me, i think we have some invalanced oral flora and enviroment for some reason and this is what it makes bb possible. Pnd is just one of it´s feeds. Probiotics should have helped ourselves with this...but didn´t.

So maybe going more deep on the inmune system like hopefull says could be the solution...
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Post by Larc400 »

Anyway, I'm gonna follow Noptical's advice and find the best Immunologist in town. Will let you know of any exciting findings.
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Post by KC »

I also did a blood test for allergy yesterday. But it can only test 30 food. I used to think i have weak immune system that's why i always got mouth ulcer. But I finally found a good doctor and he told me that I have food allergy and my immune system is too high instead of too low. I really hope this test can help me get rid of bb problem by avoiding some food. In fact I really put everything in my mouth except shit and urine.
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Post by noptical »

The key is the mucous. People with allergies that affect the nose (allergic rhinitis) have post nasal drip and inflammed mucosals. Normal people have thin, almost watery mucous and we have thick and sticky mucous in bigger quantities.
What mucous does is entrap different particles in the air including pathogen organisms, then this mucous flows down your throat and you swallow it without feeling it.
In our case, the mucous is thick and sticky so it doesn't FLOW. It stays in our nasal cavities for much longer than required causing:
1. Congestion (and thus slightly dry mouth because of mouth breathing)
2. Infections due to the concentration of pathogen organisms since it stays there for longer than it should.
3. Coats the tongue and esophagus where other bacteria live and feed off the contents of the mucous.

Then there is non-allergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis) which is triggered by things such as changes in temperature (e.g. when going outdoors from indoors), smoke and other irritants and as I read somewhere even by spicy food.

I'll start the allergy shot treatment soon but my doc told me that my therapy can only be for 3 allergens (or more but in that case each shot will be of smaller volume and thus less effective) and I need to choose which. The treatment lasts 3-5 years and you can see results from ~6th month while after the treatment the results can last even 10-15 years, however the effectiveness and the duration of the effects are different for everyone.
What they basically do is insert big quantities of the allergens you are allergic to, into your body and this way your organism is slowly becoming desensitized to the specific allergens.
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Post by austuser »

thats why im sticking with the dust for now because its the only thing that can affect me all year round. Dust is in everything. And i had the highest readings for this.

The doc told me that a three year treatment will give me 10 years of relief, while four can give up to 15 years. Its up to me. And its cheap.

Its funny, i always thought of myself as allergen free, because i only thought of allergies as food related and nothing i eat upsets me. It wouldnt surprise me if my bb is caused directly by this. Normal breath people always get bad breath when they have a cold. Their immune system is down and they produce a lot of muccous. Its known as "the sick smell".
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Post by Busted »

There are certain things that people are allergic to that they can't avoid. You can try and get immunotherapy (allergy shots) done, but most likely you won't get cured. It's just a way to reduce allergy symptoms.

Yea, I also know a lot of people who get cold and don't have bb. I pay extra attention to it when I see someone who has a cold talk. Those who do get bb when they have a cold, it can't be compared to the bb that chronic halitosis sufferers have.
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