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Dry mouth + weird taste

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Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:14 am

Dry mouth + weird taste

Post by lolla123 »

Hi everyone, having become more and more aware of my B.B. I start to really obsess about how my mouth tastes and feelstoday I have noticed my mouth felt dry and had a really persistent weird taste to it which wouldn’t go away... sometimes I get this hot feeling in my mouth and bad/sour/weird taste at the back of my mouth and my mouth gets so dry... I have also looked at the back of my tongue, my tongue is now pink aside the back which tends to be covered in a green/yellow gunk..( I know not disgusting at all...) could this be the cause of my B.B.? Does anyone else have this or similar?

Posts: 163
Joined: Wed May 17, 2017 6:55 pm

Re: Dry mouth + weird taste

Post by jo317 »

The sour taste could be from acid reflux
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