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Bad Breath Summer Guide (Coming Soon)

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Bad Breath Summer Guide (Coming Soon)

Post by Smilingagain »

Hi, this Smilinagain from Rome.

Just logged-in to check how everyone in the house is doing. I hope most if, not all of us are doing well, irrespective of the change of climate in most countries?

As you may know, that a change in the whether condition may help decrease or increase your bb.
So, in my next thread will be sharing some tip's on how to cope with bb during summer period. Dehydration is a period when most people sweat more as a result of increase in temperature in most geographical area's. As a result you'll need more energy & motivationmot to stay active and free from depression during the summer season.

I'll keep you updated

NOTE to Giimi, pls, i will like to be able to re-edit & edit this thread whenever, i'm ready to publish


☑ FRESHMINT => Xylitol gum keep's my breath fresh during hot summer